Bible Stories


The Prodigal Son | Bible Story

The Prodigal Son | Bible Story A man had two sons whom he loved equally. But the younger son was dissatisfied. He requested that his father give him his portion of the property. The father was upset, but gave half his flock to the son. The young man sold the flock and took his wealth to another city. While he was there, he spent his time intoxicating until his wealth was lost. He had to work as a servant, looking after pigs for a rich man. Often he barely had enough to eat. He decided to return to his father and seek his forgiveness. “It would be better to work as a servant in my father’s house, for his servants are fed properly at least!” thought the boy. When the man saw his son coming home, he was happy and bought him new clothes and set up a feast. When

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The Good Samaritan | Bible Story

The Good Samaritan | Bible Story Jesus chose seventy evangelists from among his disciples to spread God’s message all over the land. Many followed him, but some were doubtful or wanted to mock him. Once, a lawyer, trying to mock Jesus, asked him, “What shall I do to inherit eternal life, Master?” “”Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbour as yourself,” Jesus responded. But the lawyer was still hoping to trip up Jesus, so he asked, “Who is my neighbor?” And Jesus told him a story: A traveler was caught by thieves who tore off his clothes, took his money, and beat him up, leaving him badly injured on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. A priest passed by and avoided him. A Levite, who followed the laws, also passed him by and ignored him. Then came a Samaritan who was not a follower

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Jesus Walks on Water | Bible Story

Jesus Walks on Water | Bible Story Jesus watched them rowing unsuccessfully and walked steadily across the waves to the boat. The disciples saw him walking on the sea’s surface and were terrified. “It’s a ghost!” they said to each other. But Jesus stopped beside the boat, saying, “Don’t be afraid! It is I!” The wind had stopped, and the boat was not being tossed on the waves anymore. And they looked at him in wonder and amazement, for they had not been able to understand and accept the miracle of the loaves. Peter said, “Master, if it’s you, send me across the water to you!” And Jesus said, “Come!” As Peter stepped out of the boat, he walked across the water toward the Master. But the gusts of wind and the waves suddenly frightened him, and his faith was shaken. “Lord, save me!” he cried as he began to

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Jesus Visits Simon, the Pharisee | Bible Story

Jesus Visits Simon, the Pharisee | Bible Story The Pharisees followed the rituals and traditions of the Israelites without understanding or adhering to God’s commandments. They did not respect Jesus as a prophet. One day in Nain, Jesus was invited to the house of Simon, the Pharisee. If he had thought Jesus was a prophet, he would have hugged him, washed his feet, and given him scented oil to put on his head. But Simon did not do any of this. But as Jesus sat down, a woman entered and, with tears streaming down her face, knelt before him, washed his feet and wiped them with her hair. Then she applied perfumed oil to his feet. Simon was angry because she was a woman with a tarnished reputation and wondered how Jesus could allow her to serve him. He complained to Jesus. “Let me ask you something, Simon,” said Jesus.

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Jesus The Healer | Bible Story

Jesus The Healer | Bible Story Sometimes Jesus’ presence alone heals a person. Sometimes his gentle touch or words cured the sick or brought life to the dead. Crowds followed him for a glimpse, a healing touch, a word, or a glance from him. One day, a woman who had suffered pain for years, unable to get cured, happened to be in the crowd. She stooped and touched the hem of his robe. Her pain vanished instantly, and she knew she was cured. Jesus felt that his robe had been touched and asked his disciples. The crowd was too heavy for anyone to know who it was. But Jesus looked around till the woman finally came up, trembling with fright, feeling she had done wrong in not taking his permission. Kneeling before him, she told him what she had done and how the touch of his robe cured her pain.

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John The Baptist Is Executed | Bible Story

John The Baptist Is Executed | Bible Story John the Baptist was in prison, but even there, he heard of the miracles that Jesus performed and the task he carried out, spreading God’s word among the people. However, his days were numbered. Herod married Herodias, who was married to Philip, his brother. She was an evil woman, and so was her daughter. John the Baptist had said that it was wrong for Herod to marry his brother’s wife, making Herodias very mad. But Herod had always been a bit afraid of John, for he knew that John was a just and holy man. Once, on his birthday, Herod arranged a magnificent feast in his palace. He invited all the generals, chieftains, and nobles of the land. And the daughter of Herodias delighted everyone by dancing for them. Herod was so pleased that he asked her to ask for something and

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Jesus Selects His Apostles | Bible Story

Jesus Selects His Apostles | Bible Story Jesus had already chosen the fishermen, Simon Peter and his brother Andrew, James and John, the sons of Zebedee, to carry on his work. He saw Matthew, who collected taxes from the traders and fishermen at Capernaum. Matthew was counting the money he had collected. Jesus stopped and called to him. “Come, Matthew, follow me!” And Matthew left everything and followed Jesus. Some of the people asked Jesus why he spoke to evil people and those who were hated, like tax collectors. “The healthy do not require a physician,” replied Jesus. “The sick are the ones who need to be fixed.” I don’t have to help people who are already doing well, but I do have to help people who need God to forgive them. Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, James, the son of Alphaeus, Simon the Canaanite, Lebbaeus, whose last name was Thaddeus, and

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The Centurion’s Faith | Bible Story

The Centurion’s Faith | Bible Story One day, travelling through the land, Jesus came to the town of Capernaum. A troop of a hundred soldiers was stationed there under a Roman Centurion. His servant was ill, and the Centurion was a kind master. He had been unable to cure his servant’s illness. But he had heard of Jesus and was glad to learn that Jesus had come to Capernaum. He wished to meet Jesus and urged him to cure his servant’s illness. But he knew that the Romans were not in favour of this strange man who wandered through the land and taught people a different faith. He requested the elders in the city to ask Jesus. They met Jesus and told him the Centurion was a kind man. The older people said, “He has been kind to everyone and built a synagogue for the Jews in this town.” “Help

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Jesus Compassionate God | Bible Story

Jesus Compassionate God | Bible Story People were fascinated by the simplicity of Jesus’ teachings. He spoke of Heaven and God as if they were accessible to all. “You will find it if you seek it,” he said. “Ask for what you want, and you will get it! If you knock on God’s door, he will let you in. God is not a distant and frightening being who only punishes us. He is like a father who gives a child food when he is hungry and shelters him from the wind and rain. “But don’t swear in God’s name or in the names of Heaven, Earth, or any of God’s creations,” said Jesus. “That shows disrespect for Him.” He told them the story of a man who tossed seeds on his land. Some fell on the ground and were eaten by birds; some landed on hard ground and didn’t sprout;

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Jesus Spreads God’s Word | Bible Story

Jesus Spreads God’s Word | Bible Story “Let your light shine before men in the good works you do for the glory of God!” said Jesus. “I have not come to destroy the law or the prophets.” I came to fulfill them. Do not break the commandments! But he warned them that they must not follow the law merely by talking about it or carrying out rituals. Their righteousness must be greater than that of the Pharisees and scribes. They merely followed the rituals they had gotten used to but had not understood the great compassion and love with which Jesus spread the word of God. “Obey God’s laws righteously with your heart. Please don’t take what belongs to another or injure him, or you will be judged by that person someday. Forgive anyone who hurts you instead of trying to return an eye for an eye and a tooth

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The Sermon on The Mount | Bible Story

The Sermon on The Mount | Bible Story Jesus had begun to spread God’s word through parables and stories among his disciples and others. “Let your light shine forth among men!” he told his disciples. Don’t hide God’s light! Hold it high to spread it over many people! Whoever follows me will not walk in the dark. His disciples understood him, and John said that Jesus was the light for men who would dispel the darkness. Jesus led the multitudes that followed him once to a mount, and there he spoke to them. He told them that they were blessed. If they were poor, they would find the Kingdom of Heaven. If they mourned, they would be comforted. They would be fulfilled if they searched for truth. They would receive mercy if they were merciful to others. If they were peacemakers, they would be called the children of God, and

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Jesus Begins His Mission | Bible Story

Jesus Begins His Mission | Bible Story Two things began to happen almost at the same time. Jesus had begun to collect his disciples and spread the word of God among the people, telling them that the Kingdom of Heaven was near. Secondly, as miracles began to be performed by him, people started to come to him to be healed. They stayed to hear him talk about God and the Kingdom of Heaven. Once, Mary was invited to a wedding. Jesus and his disciples also accompanied her. At the wedding, Mary found that the wine would fall short of a large number of guests. She asked Jesus to help. However, his mother protested, “I have not yet begun the work of my heavenly Father.” However, Mary insisted that he help. Jesus turned towards six large stone pitchers in the yard for water for the guests to wash before the feast,

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