Hitopadesha Tales


The Thief Crow | Hitopadesha Tales

The Thief Crow | Hitopadesha Tales It happened during a festival for Lord Garuda, who is known as the King of all birds. As a sign of respect for their Lord, the birds all said they would embark on a pilgrimage to the seashore. When the quail heard this, he turned to his friend the crow and asked, “Don’t you think we should also embark on this pilgrimage?” The crow answered right away, “Of course! It will be a lot of fun! We’ll all go with our friends and pay our respects to the Lord.” Also read Elephant and friends Story So, as the two friends had decided, the quail and the Thief crow took off for the seashore. On the road, they saw a group of cows walking by with bowls of curd on their backs. The crow turned to the quail and asked, “Why don’t we go eat

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Ungrateful Lion Story | Hitopadesha Tales

Ungrateful Lion Story | Hitopadesha Tales A mighty lion used to live in a big cave in the forest. The lion was the king of the jungle, and everyone who lived there loved and respected him. But a mouse living in a small hole outside the lion’s cave caused him a lot of trouble. When the lion lay down to sleep, the mouse would come out of its hole and quietly nibble at its mane. This is what he ate. When the lion got up and saw what had happened to its luxurious, soft mane, he was furious. Since then, the poor lion has tried many times to catch the mouse, but each time he has failed. The lion finally got tired of the mouse’s constant tricks, so he did something about it. He went to the village and bought himself a cat. He gave the cat a lot of

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Fake Tiger Story | Hitopadesha Tales

Fake Tiger Story | Hitopadesha Tales A long time ago, a washerman named Vilasa lived in Hastinapur. Vilasa had a donkey that he used every day to carry his clothes. The poor donkey got weaker and weaker as the days passed by. It was no longer strong enough to carry the heavy load Vilasa had put on it. Soon, Vilasa realized that the poor animal would die if he didn’t do something to feed his donkey. Vilasa didn’t have enough money to feed his poor, hungry donkey well. So, he devised a way to feed his donkey without spending a single penny of his own money. He put a tiger skin around the donkey and let him go that night near a cornfield. The farmer who owned the corn field saw a tiger coming from a distance toward his field. So, naturally, he got terrified and ran away. The donkey

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The Poor Donkey | Hitopadesha Tales

The Poor Donkey | Hitopadesha Tales Once upon a time, there was a washerman who lived in the city of Kasi. The washerman had a dog and a donkey as a pet, which he used to ride to the Ganga riverbank to wash his clothes. The washerman was fast asleep one night when a thief broke into his house. The thief began to steal everything he could get his hands on. The thief was inside the house, but the donkey, which was still awake and standing right outside, saw him. He immediately woke the dog sleeping next to him and said, “Wake up, my friend! A thief is in the house!” The dog moved around in his spot and said, “Then what? Just go to sleep again!” The dog’s words shocked the donkey, so he scolded the dog, “What the heck is wrong with you? In this case, isn’t it

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Curious Monkey | Hitopadesha Tales

Curious Monkey | Hitopadesha Tales There was a lot of chaos in the city of Varanasi. A new temple was in the process of being built, and there were a lot of carpenters working on it. One of the carpenters’ jobs was to cut the logs in half with a saw. As he started to work on a new log, his friend came and said, “It’s getting late.” Why don’t we eat lunch first? Then we can go back to our work and finish it. The log cutter agreed immediately, and he put a wedge between the parts of the log he had already cut. This wedge would help ensure that the two pieces would stay apart while he ate his lunch. Right after he left, a group of monkeys came and started playing with the carpenter’s tools. One proceeded to the log that still needed to be cut and

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Hungry Mouse | Hitopadesha Tales

Hungry Mouse | Hitopadesha Tales Once upon a time, a holy man lived. People would put food in his alms bowl as he walked around town all day. In the evening, when he was done eating, the holy man would hang his alms bowl high on a nail in the wall. It was full of the food he didn’t eat. Now, a smart little Hungry Mouse noticed this and started stealing the holy man’s food every day from the bowl. The holy man tried to hit the mouse with his stick many times, but it didn’t work. Then, one day, a friend of the holy man came to see him. But the holy man couldn’t pay attention to his friend’s stories. Instead, he kept an eye out for the mouse and hit the ground with the bamboo stick to scare it away. “What’s wrong?” the holy man’s friend asked. “You

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The Hunter and the Doves | Hitopadesha Tales

The Hunter and the Doves | Hitopadesha Tales The Hunter and the Doves | Podcast Once upon a time, there was a vast silk-cotton tree on the banks of the Godavari River. It was where a big group of doves lived. Every night, all of the doves would return to the silk cotton tree and sleep there all night. The following day, they would fly away again to look for food. The whole group of doves left the silk-cotton tree one morning to find food. After a while of flying, one of them suddenly yelled, “Did you see that? Rice grains are scattered all over the ground. How lucky we are! Food, lots and lots of food.” But the king of the doves was still not happy. “That is very strange indeed,” he said. “Grains of rice in a place where no one lives! This could be a trap set

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