Aesop Fables


The Wise Fox and the Leopard

The Wise Fox and the Leopard One day, a fox and a leopard were sitting together in a jungle, and they began to talk about their appearances. They wanted to determine who looked better. The leopard showed off his beautiful spots and lovely fur, boasting about his beauty. The fox was unsure of what to say and remained silent. The leopard grew impatient and waited for a response. The fox, afraid of angering the leopard, decided to leave and said, “You may have beautiful spots and a lovely fur coat, but I have a smarter brain inside, and that is the real beauty.” The fox then walked away, leaving the leopard without a response. The moral of the story is that beauty is not just about one’s physical appearance. It’s also about what’s inside, like one’s intelligence and character. While external beauty may be admired, it’s the internal qualities that

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The wild boar and the lazy fox

The wild boar and the lazy fox Boar and the lazy fox | Podcast Once upon a time, there was a fox who had a hardworking neighbor, a wild boar. The boar would wake up early in the morning, clean his house, and then go out to gather food. The fox, however, was very lazy and would sleep in late, never bothering to clean his house. When the fox got hungry, he would beg the boar for something to eat. One day, the fox saw the boar standing under a tree, sharpening his tusks by rubbing them against the trunk. The fox was confused and asked the boar why he was sharpening his tusks when he was not in any danger. The boar replied that he was sharpening his tusks because, even though he was not in danger at the moment, he may need to use them in the future.

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The Widow and the Sheep | Aesop’s Fables

The Widow and the Sheep | Aesop’s Fables Widow and the Sheep | Podcast Once upon a time, there lived a poor widow in a village. She had a single sheep and sold its fleece at the market to make ends meet. To save money, she would shear the sheep herself. One day, while she was shearing the sheep, she accidentally cut its flesh along with the fleece. The sheep cried out in pain and questioned the widow, asking why she was hurting them. The sheep suggested that if she wanted its flesh, she should take it to the butcher to be killed instantly. However, if she wanted its fleece, there was a skilled shearer who could shear it without causing any pain. The widow felt ashamed of herself and apologized to the sheep for her mistake. She then applied ointment to the sheep’s wound and promised never to harm

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The Goat and the Vengeful Vine | Aesop’s Fables

The Goat and the Vengeful Vine | Aesop’s Fables The Goat and the Vengeful Vine | Podcast Once upon a time, there was a beautiful farm that the farmer took great pride in. The farm was home to a variety of plants and animals, and the farmer was especially proud of the vine that grew there. This vine produced the most delicious and juicy grapes. Living on the farm alongside the vine was a curious goat who spent her days watching the vine from her pen. The goat longed to taste the sweet grapes, but unfortunately, her pen was always locked. One day, the farmer forgot to lock the pen, and the goat saw her chance to taste the forbidden fruit. She quickly ran out of ink and made her way to the vine, where she began to nibble on the leaves and grapes. The goat’s actions saddened the vine,

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The Proud Peacock | Aesop’s Fables

The Proud Peacock | Aesop’s Fables The Proud Peacock | Podcast Once upon a time, there was a forest teeming with wildlife and birds. One day, the weather was exceptionally pleasant, with a gentle breeze blowing and the promise of rain. A peacock was dancing in the rain with joy because of the weather. While he was dancing, he caught sight of a crane flying overhead. Unable to resist poking fun at the crane’s plain appearance, the peacock said, “Look at me, with all my colourful feathers, and then look at you, so plain and dry.” The crane responded, “It’s true that I may lack your flamboyance, but I can soar so high that I can speak with the stars. Meanwhile, you can only strut around on the ground like an ordinary bird. The peacock came to realise that he had made a mistake by ridiculing the crane. The moral

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The Ungrateful Wolf | Aesop’s Fables

The Ungrateful Wolf | Aesop’s Fables The Ungrateful Wolf | Podcast Once, a wolf was eating his dinner when he accidentally swallowed a small bone that got stuck in his throat. The bone caused him a great deal of pain and discomfort, and he began to plead with anyone who passed by to help remove it. He promised to give anything to the one who could help him. Finally, a crane came along and offered to help the wolf. The crane put its long beak down the wolf’s throat and managed to loosen the bone, eventually removing it. The wolf was relieved and grateful to the crane for its help. However, when the crane asked for its reward, the wolf turned out to be a deceitful and ungrateful animal. He laughed and said that he had already spared the crane’s life by not eating it when it put its beak

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The Ungrateful Travellers | Aesop’s Fables

The Ungrateful Travellers | Aesop’s Fables Ungrateful Travellers | Podcast Once upon a time, two men were travelling together and had covered a long distance. They were tired and decided to rest for a while before continuing their journey. They searched for a place to rest and came across a tree with big branches that provided plenty of shade. Both the travellers lay down under the tree to rest. One of the travellers noticed that the tree didn’t have any fruit or flowers while they were resting. He told the other traveller that the tree was boring and useless because it didn’t do anything. The other traveller agreed with him. They were unaware that the tree could hear their conversation and was extremely upset by their lack of gratitude. The tree spoke up and retorted, “You both are so ungrateful! “Here I am, providing shade to people like you, and

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Transformation of the Fox | Aesop’s Fables

Transformation of the Fox | Aesop’s Fables Once upon a time, there was a fox who lived in a jungle. Despite hearing a lot about the king of the jungle, the lion, the fox had never actually seen him. One day, while the fox was wandering around, he spotted a massive creature. After inquiring with a friend, the fox discovered that it was the lion, the king of the jungle. The fox was so frightened by the mere sight of the lion that he nearly died of fear. However, a few days later, the fox came across the lion again. This time, although he was still afraid, his fear was not as intense as it had been before. Then, another day, the fox saw the lion once again. This time, the fox was not afraid of the lion at all. He had gradually overcome his fear to the point that

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Singing Swan Story | Aesop’s Fables

Singing Swan Story | Aesop’s Fables Singing Swan Story | Podcast Once upon a time, there was a very wealthy man who lived in a massive mansion. One day, he went to the market, where he came across a man selling a goose. The rich man purchased the goose, thinking that he would have it for dinner that evening. As he continued walking, he stumbled upon another man selling a swan that had the remarkable ability to sing. Intrigued, the wealthy man bought the swan for his own entertainment. Upon returning home, the cook prepared to make dinner, and when the time came to retrieve the goose, he accidentally picked up the swan instead. In the darkness, the cook was unable to distinguish between the two birds, and the swan, realizing that it was in danger, began to sing loudly. The cook soon realized his mistake and set the swan

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The Naughty Dog | Aesop’s Fables

The Naughty Dog | Aesop’s Fables Naughty Dog | Podcast Once upon a time, a man brought a dog home as a pet. However, the man was unaware that the dog had a naughty nature, and it would often bite the heels of anyone who visited the house. Eventually, people stopped coming to the man’s house due to the dog’s misbehavior, causing the man to become very upset. To solve this problem, the man decided to tie a bell around the dog’s neck. The idea was that the ringing of the bell would alert people to the dog’s presence, and they could avoid him accordingly. However, the dog interpreted the bell in a different way, feeling very proud of the sound it made and believing it to be a mark of distinction. He would strut around proudly, showing off his new accessory. One day, an old hound noticed the dog’s

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The Playful Monkey and the Net | Aesop’s Fables

The Playful Monkey and the Net | Aesop’s Fables Once upon a time, there was a playful monkey who lived in a forest. One day, while he was sitting on a tree, he saw some fishermen walking towards the river. Curious, the monkey decided to follow them. When they arrived at the river, the fishermen cast their nets into the water to catch fish. The monkey watched intently, fascinated by the process. After a while, the fishermen went away to have lunch, leaving their nets on the bank. The monkey, who had a habit of copying others, decided to try his hand at throwing a net into the river. He took one of the nets and threw it into the water, but unfortunately, he became entangled in the net himself. Soon after, the fishermen returned and saw the monkey caught in the net. They found the situation amusing and began

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The Foolish Goat | Aesop’s Fables

The Foolish Goat | Aesop’s Fables The Foolish Goat | Podcast Once, a bull was grazing in the forest when, unbeknownst to the bull, a lion started watching him from behind the bushes. Suddenly, the lion pounced on the bull and tried to attack him. The bull managed to escape and sought refuge in a nearby cave, which was used by shepherds to protect themselves and their flocks during stormy weather. However, the bull soon realized that he was not alone in the cave as he came across a goat that had been left behind by the shepherds. Upon seeing the bull, the goat started attacking him with his horns. Knowing that the lion was still lurking outside the entrance of the cave, the bull did not retaliate against the goat. Instead, he calmly told the goat that he was not afraid of him and that he would teach him

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