The Ascension | Bible Story
The Ascension | Bible Story The disciples found that what Jesus had said was true. Peter had always felt guilty about denying that he knew Jesus when he was put to death. But one night, when he, James, John, and some others were fishing unsuccessfully, a man on the shore asked him to cast his net on the other side. Peter obeyed him and got a large haul of fish. “It is the Lord!” John shouted, and Peter waded into the water. He saw Jesus waiting with bread to share with the fish. When they had eaten, Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love me more than these others?” “You know I do, Lord,” replied Peter humbly. “Feed my lambs,” said Jesus and asked him the same question a second and a third time. And again, Peter gave the same reply. And then Peter knew that Jesus had forgiven him! “Remain