Bible Stories


The Ascension | Bible Story

The Ascension | Bible Story The disciples found that what Jesus had said was true. Peter had always felt guilty about denying that he knew Jesus when he was put to death. But one night, when he, James, John, and some others were fishing unsuccessfully, a man on the shore asked him to cast his net on the other side. Peter obeyed him and got a large haul of fish. “It is the Lord!” John shouted, and Peter waded into the water. He saw Jesus waiting with bread to share with the fish. When they had eaten, Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love me more than these others?” “You know I do, Lord,” replied Peter humbly. “Feed my lambs,” said Jesus and asked him the same question a second and a third time. And again, Peter gave the same reply. And then Peter knew that Jesus had forgiven him! “Remain

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Jesus Has Arisen | Bible Story

Jesus Has Arisen | Bible Story Peter and another disciple were walking that day to Emmaus, near Jerusalem, when Jesus walked beside them. They talked about the terrible happenings of the last few days concerning Jesus of Nazareth, but they could not recognize Jesus beside them! They spoke about the tomb and the vision seen by Mary Magdalene. Then Jesus explained all the scriptures to them from Moses to the present day. They invited him to come with them and share their meal. And as they ate, they realized with wonder that it was Jesus who sat with them! They returned with him to Jerusalem the following day and met all the other disciples. They said the Lord had arisen, but the others were frightened at first. Jesus told them gently that they shouldn’t have doubted him after he told them he would be alive again on the third day.

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Empty Jesus Tomb | Bible Story

Empty Jesus Tomb | Bible Story On the morning after the Sabbath, Mary Magdalene, the other Mary, and Salome, another follower of Christ, came to the tomb carrying spices to anoint him. It was still dark just before sunrise, and the women wondered who would help them roll away the stone at the mouth of the tomb. But when they reached there, they saw that the stone had already been rolled away! And Mary Magdalene stepped into the tomb and found it empty. She saw an angel full of light there. “Do not be afraid!” said the angel. “You seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen as he said! Send and tell the disciples and ask them to go to Galilee. They will see him there.” Mary Magdalene and the other women ran to tell Peter and the other disciples. They saw Jesus on

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The suffering of Christ | Bible Story

The suffering of Christ | Bible Story Pilate had tried and failed to save Jesus. The crowd told him that they only believed Caesar was their king, not Jesus. In response, Pilate called for water and washed his hands, saying, “I am innocent of the death of this just man.” Do what you think is right. He released Barabbas and handed him over to the crowd of soldiers and the elders. They tore off Jesus’ robe and put a richly colored purple cloak on him. They made a crown of thorns and pushed it down on his head. They gave him a rod in his hand as though he was carrying a king’s sceptre. Look! “Here is the King of the Jews!” they mocked. “He wears a robe and a crown and carries a sceptre!” They beat him with their hands and sticks and spat on him, mocking him all

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Herod And Pilate Judgement | Bible Story

Herod And Pilate Judgement | Bible Story Herod was delighted to see Jesus. He had heard so much about this man and his miraculous powers. He had wanted to see him do a miracle in front of him, and he still hoped to witness something. He questioned Jesus repeatedly, but Jesus stood silent and did not say a word in reply to Herod. This made him feel frustrated and angry. The scribes and elders continued to accuse Jesus before Herod. So he finally mocked him by putting a gorgeous robe on him and sending him back to Pilate. Herod and Pilate had been enemies for some time, but this incident made them come together as friends. Pilate, however, still found no fault. “I sent him to Herod,” he said, “And he said he found no evidence that this man had done anything to deserve death.” Let us punish him and

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Jesus And Pilate | Bible Story

Jesus And Pilate | Bible Story Jesus stood in the hall of judgement in front of the governor. Since it was the week of Passover, the elderly and other people stayed outside. Pilate asked them, “What are you accusing this man of?” They said he was terrible, so they took him to Pilate so he could judge him. Pilate asked them why they didn’t judge him by their own rules. They told him it was against their rules for Jews to kill anyone. They said that Jesus stirred up the people against Caesar and kept them from paying tribute to him because he was Christ, a King. Pilate walked into the room where the judges were and sat down. He questioned Jesus, “Are you the Jewish king?” Jesus questioned, “Are you saying this on your own, or has someone else told you this?” Pilate declared, “I am not Jewish.” “Your

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The Jesus Burial | Bible Story

The Jesus Burial | Bible Story Joseph of Arimathaea was a wise and honorable counselor who loved Jesus and was waiting for the Kingdom of Heaven with deep faith. He was afraid that the envious scribes and elders would dishonor the body of Christ and wished to bury him with love and honor. So, the next day, the day before the Sabbath, he returned to Pontius Pilate and requested that the body of Jesus be given to him for burial. Pilate called for the centurion who commanded the troops that had crucified Jesus to confirm if he was dead. The centurion confirmed it. Pilate then ordered him to hand over the body to Joseph of Arimathaea. Joseph called Nicodemus, who had been a devoted follower of Jesus, to help him. Nicodemus brought a lot of a mixture of myrrh and aloe to anoint and preserve Jesus’ body before he was

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The Crucifixion of Christ | Bible Story

The Crucifixion of Christ | Bible Story The crowd jostled and pushed Jesus towards Golgotha, the place of the skulls on the outskirts of Jerusalem. It had also been decided to crucify two robbers alongside Jesus. The soldiers gave Jesus some wine to drink, but he refused it. On his cross was written, “Jesus of Nazareth, The King of the Jews.” They nailed Jesus and the prisoners to the crosses. Then they were set upright. The soldiers took off their robes and played with dice to decide which one of them would win the robe. They mocked him, saying, “If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross!” Jesus prayed to God, saying, “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do!” People had gathered near the cross. Among them were Mary, his mother, Mary Magdalene, and Mary, the mother of James the younger and Joses.

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The Regret of Judas | Bibal Story

The Regret of Judas | Bibal Story Jesus was found guilty by the priests, elders, and scribes, but they did not have the power to have him killed. So, they decided to take him to Pontius Pilate, who was in charge of the province. This was because the whole area was part of the Roman Empire. Judas saw the men taking Jesus away and felt ashamed of what he had done. He wanted to make up for his wrongdoing because he felt guilty about betraying his Master, Jesus. He returned to the chief priests and gave them back the thirty pieces of silver they had given him to betray Christ. “I don’t want to keep this,” he said. “It’s payment for the innocent blood I betrayed!” But the top priests refused to take the silver pieces. “You can think of what you want,” the chief priests told Judas as they

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Peter denies Christ | Bible Story

Peter denies Christ | Bible Story First, they took Jesus to Caiaphas’ house. Caiaphas was the one who started the plan to kill Jesus. The Sanhedrin, a group of scribes and elders, met there. Peter watched from afar and sat outside with the servants to figure out what was happening. The Sanhedrin tried to find people who could testify against Jesus, but no one could prove that Jesus had done anything wrong. Lastly, two liars said, “This man said he could destroy and rebuild the Temple of God in three days!” Jesus was asked about it by the Sanhedrin, but he didn’t say anything. The chief priest asked Jesus, “Tell us, are you the Christ, the Son of God?” “You have said so,” replied Jesus. “However, from now on, you will be able to see the Son of Man seated next to the heavenly authority!” And the priests were so

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Judas betrays Jesus | Bible Story

Judas betrays Jesus | Bible Story In the garden, a large group of people carried lanterns and soldiers with swords and lances. Judas Iscariot was in charge of the scribes and elders who were there. Nobody knew which of the four men was Jesus. He told them in a whisper, “I’ll walk up to one of the men and kiss him because he is Jesus.” Put him quickly in jail! And Judas, who was a traitor, came up and said, “Master, Master,” and then kissed Jesus. “A kiss? I didn’t imagine that would betray me!” Jesus said in a sad voice.” People ran toward him, and soldiers grabbed him. Jesus questioned the crowd, “Why do you come to arrest me with swords and lances like I’m a thief?” “I was always there with you in the temple.” Why then didn’t you take me? Peter was so mad that he took

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The Garden of Gethsemane | Bible story

The Garden of Gethsemane | Bible story Peter, James, and John traveled with Jesus to a grove of olive trees in the Garden of Gethsemane. He wanted to be left alone that night so he could pray. So he told them to wait outside and keep watch while he prayed. Jesus looked up to heaven and asked God to give him the strength to go through the pain he was about to go through: “Father now is the time. You sent me to tell people that You are the only true God and sent me, Jesus Christ, to praise You. I told everyone about the words that You gave me. “Father, I’m coming back to you.” When Jesus returned, he found that three of his disciples had fallen asleep while waiting for him. Jesus asked sadly, “Could you not stay awake for an hour and wait for me?” Returning to

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