Qazi’s Justice | Short Story
Qazi’s Justice | Short Story A long time ago. In the city, there was a well-known Qazi. Only Qazi used to serve as a judge back then. Qazi used to go for a walk in the city streets every day after Namaz. Qazi was walking through the market one day. Suddenly, he noticed a young infant screaming on the side of the road. He was holding a can of oil. A servant called the child after the Qazi’s command was received. “What’s the matter?” Qazi inquired about the child. “Why are you sobbing?” “While weeping,” the youngster said. Sir, I’m Teli’s son. I received nine pennies for selling a box of oil. The house was devoid of flour. I intended to buy something with that money and take it home, but I fell asleep under a tree due to exhaustion. I had placed this box atop a stone. When I