Jesus washes His Disciples’ Feet | Bible Story
Jesus washes His Disciples’ Feet | Bible Story When the meal was over, Jesus poured water into a basin and started to clean his disciples’ feet and dry them with a towel. Peter didn’t want the Master to wash his feet, so he didn’t want to. But Jesus told him he would have nothing more to do with Peter if he didn’t let him. Then Peter said, “Lord, wash me all over!” Jesus said, “Whoever is clean only needs to wash his feet.” “But not all of you are clean!” he said, knowing that one of his disciples was going to betray him. “I’m about to show you all that to do today, and you’ll have to do the same thing later. If someone wants to be successful, they must help other people.” Then he brought them to the Mount of Olives and told them, “Tonight, I will do something