Bible Stories


Jesus washes His Disciples’ Feet | Bible Story

Jesus washes His Disciples’ Feet | Bible Story When the meal was over, Jesus poured water into a basin and started to clean his disciples’ feet and dry them with a towel. Peter didn’t want the Master to wash his feet, so he didn’t want to. But Jesus told him he would have nothing more to do with Peter if he didn’t let him. Then Peter said, “Lord, wash me all over!” Jesus said, “Whoever is clean only needs to wash his feet.” “But not all of you are clean!” he said, knowing that one of his disciples was going to betray him. “I’m about to show you all that to do today, and you’ll have to do the same thing later. If someone wants to be successful, they must help other people.” Then he brought them to the Mount of Olives and told them, “Tonight, I will do something

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The Last Supper | Bible Story

The Last Supper | Bible Story Judas was in charge of the small amount of money that Jesus and the disciples could use. People who knew him knew that he was dishonest and sometimes stole money from the bag because he was so greedy. But nothing could make him tell the truth. He went to the chief priests and asked, “What will you give me if I hand over Jesus?(Last Supper) ” They agreed to give him thirty pieces of silver, and he kept an eye out for a chance to arrest Jesus. It was the first day of Passover, so Jesus sent two of his followers into town. Jesus said, “You’ll find a man with a pitcher of water.” “Follow him to his house and ask him if we can hold the Feast of Unleavened Bread there.” The disciples found the man, and he was happy to let them

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The Authority of Jesus | Bible Story

The Authority of Jesus | Bible Story The city’s priests, elders, and Pharisees were angry with Jesus. He asked people to believe in God and realize the power of their faith. “If you have faith and don’t doubt, and you tell this mountain to fall into the sea, it will be moved from here and thrown into the sea!” Jesus told the crowds. If the people started to listen to what he said, the priests and others who had been tricking them in the name of God would lose all their money and power. So, they tried to stop him by asking, “Who gave you permission to do and say these things?” Jesus replied, “I’ll ask you one question, and if you answer it, I’ll answer your question.” How did John the Baptist know what to do when he baptized people? On the authority of heaven or of the people

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Jesus Accepts Hospitality | Bible Story

Jesus Accepts Hospitality | Bible Story At Bethany, six days before Passover, Jesus stopped at the house of his old friend, Lazarus. His sisters, Martha and Mary, were pleased to receive him. Martha cooked and served his meal. She applied a very expensive perfumed ointment to his feet and wiped it with her hair. The house was fragrant with oil. Judas Iscariot, who was present, said, “This ointment should have been given to the poor or sold and the money given to them.” It is wasted now! But Judas did not speak out of any genuine concern for the poor. He looked after the money that sometimes came to the disciples and was greedy. Jesus knew that Judas’ Iscariot would be the one to betray Jesus. He also knew that he would soon be killed by the Pharisees and the Romans, who were going to be encouraged by the scribes

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The Parable of The Talents | Bible Story

The Parable of The Talents | Bible Story A rich man had to go away for some time. He had ten gold coins, or talents, and gave one to each of his servants, telling them to use it wisely till he returned. When he returned, he called his servants and asked how they had spent their time and used the money he had given them for trading. It turned out that one servant had used it wisely and increased it to ten talents. The rich man was pleased with him and gave him ten cities to rule, for he was wise. Another servant increased it to five talents, giving him authority over five cities. Thus, according to wisdom and common sense, the rich man rewarded his servants. The last servant came forward with the coin wrapped in a napkin. “I was afraid of you, sir, for you are a very

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The Vineyard Workers | Bible Story

The Vineyard Workers | Bible Story Jesus travelled to Jerusalem with his disciples, and many people followed him. As they walked along, Peter said the disciples had all left their homes and families to follow him. Jesus told him that those who had left everything would be rewarded a hundredfold in heaven. However, many of the last on earth will be the first in heaven, and many of the first here will be the last there, he added. Then he told them the parable of the vineyard workers. The vineyard owner needed some workers, so he hired some labourers, offering them a silver coin for the day’s work. After three hours, he thought they would need more workers, so he called a few more. Some more workers were called in after six hours. At the end of the day, the owner told his steward to pay each man a silver

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Zacchaeus Is Blessed | Bible Story

Zacchaeus Is Blessed | Bible Story Jesus and his disciples, followed by a large crowd, were about to reach Jericho. A blind man had come up to seek mercy from Jesus. Jesus had restored his sight. He, too, followed the ever-increasing crowd into the town. In Jericho lived a wealthy tax collector named Zacchaeus. He had heard of Jesus and was very curious to see him. When he heard about his arrival in Jericho, he too decided to have a look. But there was a considerable crowd, and Zacchaeus, being a short man, could not see over the heads of the jostling multitude. Desperate to get a glimpse of Jesus, he ran along the path Jesus was to pass through and climbed up a sycamore tree. When Jesus arrived, he looked up and saw Zacchaeus perched on a branch. “Come down, Zacchaeus,” called Jesus, “for today, I have to stay

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The Good Guest | Bible Story

The Good Guest | Bible Story One day, while it was the Sabbath, Jesus stopped in the house of a Pharisee. Many guests gathered outside the house, including a man who suffered from dropsy or sleeping sickness. Everyone wondered if it was right to heal someone on the Sabbath, as it was said that no work must be done on that day. “If your ox or ass falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take him out?” Jesus asked as he proceeded to cure the man of his illness. Then Jesus spoke to them about pride and humility, for the Pharisee and his friends were important people in the community and proud too. “If you are invited to a wedding feast,” he said, “don’t rush to take the best room or seat.” You may have to move to a less critical room or seat for someone more

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Lazarus Sickness | Bible Story

Lazarus Sickness | Bible Story In Bethany lived two sisters, Martha and Mary, with their brother, Lazarus. Once, the sisters sent a message to Jesus that Lazarus was very sick. After a few days, Jesus was able to reach Bethany. By then, Lazarus was dead. Martha ran out to meet Jesus and tell him the news. Mary wept, too, and the sisters said that Lazarus would not have died if Jesus had been there. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection.” Believe in me, and he will come to life again! This is for the glory of God! Jesus traveled with them to where a stone had been laid over Lazarus and removed it. Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and called upon God, “Father, I thank you for having heard me!” You always hear me, but now you wish the people around me believed that you sent me! He turned

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Allow Small Children to Enter | Bible Story

Allow Small Children to Enter | Bible Story A man emerged from the crowd below to kneel before Jesus. “Lord, have mercy on my son!” he pleaded. He is insane and in great distress. In a fit of craziness, he falls into the water and then into the fire! I brought him to your disciples, but no one is able to heal him! “You do not have enough faith!” Jesus lamented to the people around him. “How long will I be with you?” Then, turning to face the man, he requested that he bring his son. When the boy arrived, Jesus healed him and cast out the devil who appeared to possess him. The disciples questioned Jesus about why they couldn’t heal the boy. “Because your faith was insufficient,” Jesus explained. “You can move this mountain if you have the faith of a grain of mustard!” Then nothing will be

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The Transfiguration of Jesus | Bible Story

The Transfiguration of Jesus | Bible Story Jesus traveled to Caesaria Philippi with his disciples. As they walked along, he asked them who they said he was. They said some thought he was John the Baptist, and some Elijah or one of the other prophets. “But what do you think I am?” asked Jesus. And Peter answered, “Thou art the Christ!” Jesus told them not to say so to anyone, for he would suffer greatly and be rejected by the elders, chief priests, and scribes. He would be killed and then rise three days later. This shocked the disciples, and Peter said he must not speak such things. Jesus reprimanded Peter, stating, “You are only concerned about yourself!” Why are you stopping me from carrying out the work of the Lord? He called everyone present to follow him only if they were willing to share the burden he carried. This

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Parables For the People | Bible Story

Parables For the People | Bible Story Many of the parables Jesus told included the lives of the farmers and house wives etc. He spoke one day about the farmer ploughing his field, holding the plough with one hand while guiding the bull with the other. It was hot, difficult work, but the ploughman kept on at it, without a single glance backwards till he completed his word. People were listening to Jesus intently. “I want to follow you, Master,” said a man in the crowd deeply touched by the story. “I would like to visit my family and bid them farewell, before returning to you.” Jesus told him that if he wished to follow the path of God, he must never look back again. For there was no going back. It was a journey full of dedication and hardship. There was no home even for Jesus. God is like

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