Parables For the People | Bible Story


Parables For the People | Bible Story

Parables For the People | Bible Story

Parables For the People

Many of the parables Jesus told included the lives of the farmers and house wives etc.

He spoke one day about the farmer ploughing his field, holding the plough with one hand while guiding the bull with the other. It was hot, difficult work, but the ploughman kept on at it, without a single glance backwards till he completed his word.

People were listening to Jesus intently. “I want to follow you, Master,” said a man in the crowd deeply touched by the story.

“I would like to visit my family and bid them farewell, before returning to you.”

Jesus told him that if he wished to follow the path of God, he must never look back again. For there was no going back. It was a journey full of dedication and hardship. There was no home even for Jesus.

God is like the shepherd who had a flock of hundred sheep. He grazed them on a meadow during the day and at night he put them safely into their fold. One day he found there were only ninety-nine sheep. One was missing!

The shepherd spent hours searching for the lost sheep till he found it and carried it back to the fold. “God is the Good Shepherd who is searching for the lost sheep, so that He may bring them back to the fold!” explained Jesus.

It was customary for women to sew coins on their head dresses to keep the coins safe and to show their prosperity. One woman had ten silver coins sewn on. But one day she saw that a coin was missing. She decided to sweep her house, hoping to find the coin. And suddenly, as she swept the place, she came upon it. She sewed it back joyfully. “God is always happy when a person who has got lost or gone astray, comes and seeks pardon for his wrong doings and returns to God’s faith.

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