Bal Hanuman Short Moral Kids Story
Hanuman was the son of anjana and the kesari. He was born by the blessing of Vayu dev (the god of wind); he is also known as Vayu Putra.
When Hanuman was a child, Kesari was called away on duty by vanara king sugreeeva. Anjana used to take care of but in the absence of both the parents, Vayu dev is used to take care of him.
When Anjana went out in the forest in search of fruits, vayu used to play with Hanuman. With his magical power, he pushes colourful flowers towards the child. When Hanuman tried to catch, vayu used to blow away from him. The little Hanuman used to run after the blooming flowers across the river and the mountains.
Meanwhile, Anjana came home and started to finding missing little Hanuman; she used to shout, “hanuhanu” and no matter how far Hanuman is, as soon as he hears his mother’s voice, Hanuman returns home.
One morning, Hanuman woke up early, and he was hungry. He wanted to eat something, but his mother had gone out. Hanuman looked around for fruits, but he didn’t find anything. Then Hanuman saw the rising sun. “that fruit is so yummy,” thought Hanuman. The little Hanuman was air born; he started flying towards the sun.
The sun spotted that one child is flying towards me at an enormous speed.
Surya, the son of god, started shaking and started shouting, “help.”
Indra, the king of gods and rains he appeared on his airavat( airavat is white in colour and has four trunks elephant )
While chasingthe sun in between, Indra came with his elephant; the little human forgets about his hungry and went after the elephant of Indra.
Indra shouted, “go away, go away “, but Hanuman didn’t listen. He grabbed the trunk of an elephant. As soon as he grabbed Indra hit the Hanuman with his powerful weapon bajrea
Hanuman became unconscious and started floating down.
Vayu gets to know all the incident, and quickly he reached him, and carrying him to a cave and locked himself.
vayu dev locked himself in the cave. The wind gets stopped blowing. All man and animals started gasping for breath.
Indra rushed to the cave. Surya ran after Indra. All gods gathered near the caves and started appealed to Vayu dev to come out.
God Surya gave him knowledge and wisdom.
“not even death can touch. He will be immortal,” said by yamraj.
“he can grow large or small. ” said by one of the gods.
Vayu dev was happy to hear gods showered the boons to little Hanuman. Meanwhile, little Hanuman came into consciousness. Vayu dev hugged the little Hanuman and came into the cave.
The wind began started to move. The man and animal started breathing with ease. All the god was very happy.
As soon as Hanuman came into consciousness, Hanuman could hear his mother Anjana calling him “hanu, where you have been. hanu”
Hanuman immediately headed home; when Hanuman reached home, he hugged his mother while watching this Vayu dev smiled.
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