Zacchaeus Is Blessed | Bible Story

Zacchaeus Is Blessed | Bible Story

Zacchaeus Is Blessed

Jesus and his disciples, followed by a large crowd, were about to reach Jericho. A blind man had come up to seek mercy from Jesus. Jesus had restored his sight. He, too, followed the ever-increasing crowd into the town.

In Jericho lived a wealthy tax collector named Zacchaeus. He had heard of Jesus and was very curious to see him. When he heard about his arrival in Jericho, he too decided to have a look. But there was a considerable crowd, and Zacchaeus, being a short man, could not see over the heads of the jostling multitude.

Desperate to get a glimpse of Jesus, he ran along the path Jesus was to pass through and climbed up a sycamore tree. When Jesus arrived, he looked up and saw Zacchaeus perched on a branch.

“Come down, Zacchaeus,” called Jesus, “for today, I have to stay in your house.” Zacchaeus slid down in delight and received Jesus joyfully, leading him to his house.

But the people around them wondered why Jesus had decided to be a guest in the house of the wicked sinner, the tax collector.

But Zacchaeus stood before Jesus and said humbly, “Lord, I give away half my goods to the poor; if I have taken anything wrongfully from anyone, I will return four times as much to them.”

Jesus turned joyfully to the crowd and said that the one who was lost had returned to the right path. As he had said earlier, the shepherd had brought the lost sheep back to the fold. And he told the parable of the talents.

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