Fake Tiger Story | Hitopadesha Tales

Fake Tiger

Once upon a time, in a bustling city, lived a washerman named Vilasa. Vilasa had a trusty donkey who helped him carry clothes all day long. But lately, the donkey seemed tired and weak. The heavy loads were just too much for him!

Vilasa worried. He didn’t have extra money for fancy food, but his poor donkey needed something! So, Vilasa came up with a clever plan.

He found an old tiger skin and carefully draped it over his donkey. Sneaking out at night, Vilasa led the donkey near a field full of yummy corn.

A farmer who owned the field saw a scary tiger approaching from afar! Terrified, he ran away as fast as his legs could carry him. The “tiger,” of course, was just the donkey in disguise. He munched happily on all the juicy corn in the field, feeling much stronger by the next morning.

Night after night, the “tiger” returned to the field, enjoying a delicious feast. The farmer became desperate! He couldn’t keep losing all his crops. Finally, he hired a hunter to scare away the “tiger” for good.

The hunter hid in the field that night, wrapped in a big, gray blanket. He waited patiently, his eyes peeled for the sneaky tiger.

Late at night, something rustled in the cornfield. The hunter squinted. It was the tiger! He aimed his bow and arrow, ready to chase it away.

But wait! What was that strange noise? Instead of a mighty roar, the “tiger” let out a loud “BRAY!” It was a donkey, not a tiger at all!

The donkey, mistaking the gray blanket for another donkey, had brayed loudly and charged right at the hunter! Realizing his mistake, the hunter jumped up and gave the donkey a good scolding, reminding him that wearing a tiger skin wouldn’t make him a real tiger.

The donkey learned his lesson that night. He never tried to cheat for food again, and Vilasa found a better way to care for his hardworking friend.

Remember, kids: It’s always best to be honest and true to yourself. Trying to be someone you’re not can lead to trouble!

The End

What do you think? Did the donkey deserve a scolding? How can we be good friends to our animal companions? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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Moral: Don’t try to be someone you’re not—act based on what’s happening.

Thanks For Reading.. Fake Tiger Story | Hitopadesha Tales

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