Fake Tiger Story | Hitopadesha Tales

Fake Tiger Story | Hitopadesha Tales Fake Tiger A long time ago, a washerman named Vilasa lived in Hastinapur. Vilasa had a donkey that he used every day to carry…

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The Poor Donkey | Hitopadesha Tales

The Poor Donkey | Hitopadesha Tales Poor Donkey Once upon a time, there was a washerman who lived in the city of Kasi. The washerman had a dog and a…

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Curious Monkey | Hitopadesha Tales

Curious Monkey | Hitopadesha Tales Curious Monkey There was a lot of chaos in the city of Varanasi. A new temple was in the process of being built, and there…

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Hungry Mouse | Hitopadesha Tales

Hungry Mouse | Hitopadesha Tales Hungry Mouse Once upon a time, a holy man lived. People would put food in his alms bowl as he walked around town all day.…

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