Arabian Nights Stories


The Three Apples | Arabian Nights

The Three Apples | Arabian Nights A young man named Jafar and his wife, Hasina, used to live in the city of Baghdad. Hasina was very pretty, and Jafar cared deeply about her. Hasina would think, “I’m lucky to have such a kind and loving husband.” Jafar would never say no to her when she asked for something. He gave her everything she wanted. They were happy and loved each other. One day, Jafar asked Hasina, “Is there anything I can do for you?” “You have already showered so much love on me,” said Hasina, smiling. Jafar said, “Anything you ask me, my dear. May be a hidden wish… just tell me. I want to fulfil all your dreams.” Hasina then said, “I need you to help me with one thing. But first you promise me that you will do as I wish. Only then I will tell you what

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The Ninth Statue | Arabian Nights

The Ninth Statue | Arabian Nights Hundreds of years ago, Sultan Mustafa ruled a kingdom called Nasra in Persia. The people of the empire were proud of their sultan. He was a kind ruler. There was peace and prosperity all around the kingdom. The sultan had a faithful and loving wife. They led quite a happy life, except for one sorrow. And that was that they had no children! “I have all the wealth in the world. But even with my entire wealth, I cannot buy an heir to my throne,” the sultan would murmur. His only desire was to have a little child. With his wife, the sultan offered many prayers and asked for favors from the almighty. Then, at last, one day, the queen gave birth to a baby boy. The whole kingdom rejoiced. The sultan and his queen called their baby boy” Zakir.” Years flew by. Zakir

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The Lost Camel | Arabian Nights

The Lost Camel | Arabian Nights Once upon a time there lived a man. He had a camel. Along with his camel, the man used to travel far and wide. On one such journey, he happened to lose his camel by some bad coincidence. He ran here and there, madly searching for his lost camel. But there was no trace of his camel anywhere. “Where did the camel go?” the man worried. Wandering, he came into a small town. There he asked everyone, “Have you seen my camel? Have you seen my camel?” “No!” ” came the answer from everyone. The man was getting disheartened. He was just about to start back for his home when he saw three men coming that way. They looked like wise men. The man walked up to them and gasped, “Have you seen my camel by any chance? One of the wise men asked,

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Wicked Witch Wife | Arabian Nights

Wicked Witch Wife | Arabian Nights Once, a wealthy merchant had to travel to far-off lands to sell his goods. While he was away, his wife stayed back home. So, the merchant would bring her expensive gifts in return. He did not know that his wife was actually an evil witch. Once, it so happened that the merchant did not return for five months. His wife got angry. She even thought the merchant had died, so she married another man. When the merchant returned, he felt sad to know all this. The wicked sorceress cast a spell on him and turned him into a dog! The merchant, now a stray dog, would wander here and there for the food. One day, a butcher gave him some pieces of meat, and the dog ate only the flesh and left out the bones. When the butcher noticed this, he was pretty amazed.

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Face to Face with Demon | Arabian Nights

Face to Face with Demon | Arabian Nights There once lived a poor trader. One evening, he was returning from the market. It had been a hectic day and the trader was feeling tired. As he crossed by a shady tree, he thought to rest for a while. So, he sat down under the tree. He had a small packet of dates with him. Leaning against the tree, the trader opened the packet and started eating the dates. After eating the flesh of the dates, he collected the seeds in his hand and threw them behind the tree. All of a sudden, the land started shaking and the tree began swaying. There was a loud frightening noise. The trader sprang up with a jerk and looked around. Right there behind him was the most hideous looking demon. As he jeered his sharp teeth out, the trader’s nerves froze with fear.

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The Sheikh’s Son | Arabian Nights

The Sheikh’s Son | Arabian Nights Long ago, there lived a Sheikh and his wife. They had no children. So, the Sheikh married for a second time. With his second wife, he was blessed with a son. The Sheikh loved his son dearly. Some years passed and the boy became a handsome young man. For all these years, the Sheikh’s first wife had been hating the second wife and her son. Now she even began to plot against them. One day, the Sheikh had to go on a journey. “I’ll be back before the Bakrid festival,” he told his son. I shall bring you nice gifts.” Then the Sheikh set out. At home, his first wife was waiting for such an opportunity. Finding the second wife and her son alone, the first wife charmed them with her magic spell and made them goats. The festival of Bakrid was nearing in.

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The Monkey Advisor | Arabian Nights

The Monkey Advisor | Arabian Nights Many years ago, there lived a poet. He was always searching for quiet, cozy corners to compose his poems. Once, he ventured into a forest. “Hmm, this would be the right place to get inspiration,” he thought. But he was unaware that he had entered into the domain of fierce demons. Everything around us seemed still and calm. But it was just the onset of something horrifying. The poet was engrossed in writing his poems. All of a sudden, a demon appeared before him! “Errr! Who’s that?” the poet shrieked. He had never anticipated any such thing. The demon was giant and ugly. He emitted fire through his nostrils. “Who are you, and how dare you enter our land?” roared the demon. The poet was frightened. He stammered, “I… I am a p… poet. I did not come here with any evil intention. I

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Sindbad the Sailor | Arabian Nights

Sindbad the Sailor | Arabian Nights Long ago, there lived a young man named Sindbad. He was a merchant and had to sail all around the world selling his wares. During his frequent voyages, he had many exciting adventures. Once, Sindbad went to the land of China with a cargo of dates from Arabia. While returning, there was a cyclone, overturning his ship by violent waves. Luckily, he managed to hang on to a broken wooden piece of his ship. And then he fainted. When he regained his senses, he found himself in a strange land. All around him were heavy white-colored boulders. But surprisingly, those rocks were extremely smooth and round in shape. “What are these?” Sindbad wondered. He went close to examine the smooth stones. Suddenly, a huge eagle landed next to him. He then realized that the glistening stones were actually the eagles’ eggs. “Ohh… so this

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Khudadad and His Brothers | Arabian Nights

Khudadad and His Brothers | Arabian Nights Once, in a prosperous kingdom, there ruled a sultan. He had three queens but no heir, and this was the cause of his worries. While the Sultan was sleeping one night, a fairy appeared in his dreams. “O Sultan, give the seeds of pomegranate to your queens, and they will surely give birth to your sons.” The Sultan woke up. “Ah, there is some hope,” he said with a sigh of relief. The following day, the Sultan went to his three queens and gave them pomegranate seeds to eat. In time, two of the queens were blessed with sons. But the third queen was not. “You are inauspicious,” the Sultan snapped at the third queen and banished her into the deep forest. After a few days, the third queen gave birth to a son in the woods! She named him Khudadad. Days went

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The Fisherman and the Genie | Arabian Nights

The Fisherman and the Genie | Arabian Nights One hot afternoon, a poor fisherman cast his net into the sea. For quite some time, he waited but could not catch any fish. Hmm! “It seems today I will have to go without food,” he thought. He again tried for an hour. But to no avail, and no fish fell victim to his line. The fisherman was disheartened. But he did not give up. Once again, he casts his net, and this time, the net seems to be heavy. “Ah, there! It looks like a huge fish has been caught, “he smiled hopefully.” He dragged his net out. But lo! All he could find was a big brass jar, whose lid was tightly closed. The fisherman became curious. He hastily opened the jar. Thick smoke blew out of it. There was dust all around. And then… there arose a ferocious-looking creature

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The Magic Horse | Arabian Nights Story

The Magic Horse | Arabian Nights Story It was a long time ago that a young man from India was traveling around the world on his magic horse. While roaming, he reached Persia, where he saw the beautiful palace of the Sultan of Persia. The young man landed his magic horse over the Sultan’s palace. The Sultan of Persia loved adventurers and always liked unique things. The Sultan was astonished to see the handsome young man and his magical flying horse. He asked the young man “O young man, where have you come from?” “I am from India,” replied the young man proudly. “Would you like to sell me this horse?” asked the Sultan again. “Yes, but only on the condition that you will marry the princess to me,” replied the young man. In an instant, the Sultan agreed to the marriage. “But first my son will ride on a

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The Good Neighbor: Arabian Nights

The Good Neighbor: Arabian Nights The Good Neighbor is part of the Arabian Nights story. In this story, we’ll learn how Fahim attempts to kill Kalim because he is jealous of his wealth. However, in the end, Fahim ends up begging on the street and Kalim becomes the Wazir of the wealthiest kingdom. Once upon a time, Kalim and Fahim, two neighbors, lived there together. Kalim was quite wealthy while Fahim had to struggle to earn his bread. This made Fahim jealous of his neighbour. He would often sigh and say to himself, “How nice it is for Kalim to live like this!”. His jealousy gradually turned into hatred and he started plotting against Kalim as his jealousy turned into hatred. All day long, Fahim would think about how he could harm Kalim. Kalim was an intelligent man. Upon realizing Fahim was not at ease with his prosperity, he realized

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