Once upon a time, in a dense and vibrant jungle, there lived a hungry and cunning wolf named Rocky. Rocky was known for his sly tricks and clever ways of getting what he wanted. He was always on the lookout for a delicious meal to satisfy his growling stomach.
One sunny day, as Rocky roamed through the forest, his sharp nose caught a delightful scent that made his mouth water. He followed the tantalizing aroma, and to his joy, he discovered a piece of succulent beef. It was a leftover from a bull’s meal, and it looked absolutely mouthwatering.
Unable to resist the temptation, Rocky quickly grabbed the beef in his sharp teeth and began devouring it. The tender meat satisfied his hunger, and for a moment, he felt content. However, in his greed, Rocky didn’t notice a small bone that had hidden itself within the meat.
As Rocky hungrily gobbled up the beef, the bone slipped into his throat and got stuck. Panic filled his eyes as he struggled to breathe. It felt like something was blocking his windpipe, and he began to choke.
In his desperate moment, Rocky remembered hearing about a crane who lived nearby. He knew that the crane had a long beak and could reach inside his throat to remove the bone. With hope in his heart, the wolf hurriedly made his way through the dense forest, his breathing growing more labored with each step.
Gasping for air, the wolf approached a serene pond where the graceful crane named Clara lived. Clara was known for her gentle and compassionate nature. She spent her days near the water’s edge, catching fish with her long, slender beak.
When Clara saw the struggling and gasping wolf, she felt a twinge of sympathy. “Oh dear,” she said, “What seems to be the matter, Rocky?”
Rocky, still panting heavily, managed to explain his predicament. “Clara, I have a bone stuck in my throat, and I can’t breathe properly. Please, I beg of you, help me remove it. I promise I will reward you generously for saving my life.”
Clara’s heart melted with empathy as she saw the wolf’s desperate state. Without hesitation, she agreed to help him. “Fear not, Rocky,” she reassured him. “I will do my best to relieve your suffering.”
Carefully, Clara positioned herself near the wolf’s open jaws, her long beak ready to extract the bone. She took a deep breath and gently inserted her beak into Rocky’s throat. With a delicate touch, she maneuverer the bone until it slipped free.
Rocky let out a grateful sigh of relief as he felt the bone pop out of his throat. He could breathe freely once again, and his gratitude knew no bounds.
As Clara finished her task, she reminded Rocky of his promise. “Dear Rocky, you promised me a reward for saving your life. Now that you are well, please remember your words.”
Rocky, however, had a cunning smile on his face. He looked at Clara with a glint of mischief in his eyes and replied, “Reward? What reward? I could have easily bitten you with your beak inside my mouth! Be grateful that I spared you instead of harming you.”
Clara’s heart sank as she realized the wolf’s true nature. She felt disappointed and betrayed by his selfishness. She understood that she had been taken advantage of, and she couldn’t help but feel hurt.
But instead of arguing with Rocky, Clara decided to let him go. She knew that greed had blinded the wolf, and no amount of reasoning would change his ways. She gracefully accepted the lesson she had learned.
Without saying a word, Clara watched as Rocky turned his back and ran away, disappearing into
the depths of the forest.
From that day on, Clara carried with her a valuable lesson. She understood that gratitude and greed cannot exist together in one’s heart. It is important to appreciate the help and kindness we receive from others, without expecting anything in return.
And so, the wise and compassionate crane continued to spread her wings and help those in need, sharing her kindness and understanding with all the creatures of the jungle.
The moral and lesson from the story “The Wolf and the Crane” is: Gratitude and greed do not go together.
In the story, the wolf, Rocky, was saved by the kind crane, Clara, who removed the bone stuck in his throat. However, when it was time to fulfill his promise of a reward, Rocky showed his true selfish nature. He claimed that he could have harmed Clara instead of being grateful for her help. This teaches us that being greedy and ungrateful only brings disappointment and hurts the ones who show kindness.
The story reminds us of the importance of gratitude. When someone helps us or shows us kindness, it is important to be thankful and appreciative of their efforts. We should acknowledge their assistance and not take it for granted. Gratitude fosters positive relationships and shows respect for others.
On the other hand, greed and selfishness lead to a lack of appreciation for the help we receive. When we expect rewards or take advantage of others’ kindness, we not only hurt them but also damage our own character. Greed blinds us to the value of the assistance we have received and prevents us from experiencing the joy of genuine gratitude.
Children can learn from this story to always be grateful for the help and kindness they receive from others. It teaches them the importance of saying “thank you” and appreciating the efforts made on their behalf. By cultivating gratitude, children can develop a positive and compassionate attitude towards others, fostering strong and meaningful relationships.
The moral of the story serves as a reminder that gratitude and greed are two opposing forces. By choosing gratitude over greed, we create a world where kindness is valued, and relationships are built on trust and appreciation.
So, let us remember the lesson from “The Wolf and the Crane” and strive to be grateful for the help we receive, showing kindness and appreciation to those who lend us a helping hand.
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Wolf and the Crane FAQ
Why did the wolf ask the crane for help?
The wolf asked the crane for help because he had a bone stuck in his throat, and it was becoming difficult for him to breathe.
What did the crane do to help the wolf?
The crane used her long beak to reach inside the wolf's throat and remove the bone that was stuck.
Did the wolf keep his promise to reward the crane?
No, the wolf did not keep his promise. When the crane reminded him of the promised reward, the wolf selfishly claimed that he could have harmed her instead.
What lesson can we learn from this story?
The lesson we can learn from this story is that gratitude and greed do not go together. It is important to be grateful for the help and kindness we receive from others, without expecting anything in return.
Why did the crane let the wolf go even after he broke his promise?
The crane let the wolf go because she understood that greed had blinded him, and arguing with him would not change his selfish ways. She gracefully accepted the lesson she learned and chose not to dwell on his ungratefulness.