Cunning Fox Story

Cunning Fox Story

Once upon a time, in a cozy burrow lived a little rabbit named Pinchi. One bright day, Pinchi spotted a bunch of enormous elephants stomping towards her home! Her tiny babies were snuggled fast asleep inside. Panicked, Pinchi hurried out to find some food for them.

When she scurried back, her heart thumped like a drum. The entrance to her burrow, a small mound of dirt, was completely closed! How could she open it so quickly for her babies? Pinchi looked around frantically. All she saw was Chamki the fox. Now, Chamki was known for being clever, but also for being a bit selfish. She never helped anyone in trouble.

“Chamki, please!” squeaked Pinchi. “Your claws are sharp! Dig open my burrow door, or my babies will be trapped!”

Chamki flicked her tail and pretended to be busy. “Oh dear, Pinchi,” she said with a sly smile. “I can’t help! I’m on my way to a party, and I just cleaned my fur. I can’t get mud on it again!”

Tears welled up in Pinchi’s eyes. Just then, a tiny sparrow chirped from a nearby tree. “Why are you crying, Pinchi?” she asked.


Pinchi explained the whole situation to the sparrow. The sparrow chirped cheerfully, “Don’t worry, Pinchi! I saw Sinni nearby. She’s strong and can dig open your burrow in a jiffy!” The sparrow then flew off and quickly returned with Sinni, the badger.

With a few powerful swipes of her claws, Sinni opened the burrow door. Pinchi peeked inside and saw her babies safe and sound. Overjoyed, she thanked Sinni and offered her a delicious berry treat.

Pinchi was really upset with Chamki. Chamki always made excuses and never offered to help anyone. However, all the other animals in the neighborhood were always there for each other. Sometimes Chamki would leave her babies with others or ask for help with errands.

Because of this, the other animals decided they wouldn’t help Chamki anymore. When Chamki found out, she puffed up her chest and huffed, “That’s fine! I don’t need anyone’s help anyway!”

A few days later, Chamki’s parents came to visit. They brought a special present – a shiny new car for her children! The little foxes were thrilled. Now, they could zoom around the neighborhood in style. All the other kids were amazed and couldn’t help but follow the car around, making Chamki even prouder.

One sunny afternoon, Chamki’s children decided to take the car for a spin further than usual. They were so busy giggling and waving at their friends chasing them that they didn’t notice a big dip in the ground ahead. Suddenly, the car slipped and tumbled down the slope, landing upside down in a deep hole!

Chamki’s children were stuck, hanging precariously from the car. The other kids started to giggle, but then they saw the fear in the little foxes’ eyes. Pinchi and Himni the squirrel rushed over to help.

At first, some animals thought, “Maybe we should just leave them there since Chamki never helps us.” But then, Kanchan the wise elephant spoke up. “If we act the same way Chamki does, how are we any better?”

Everyone felt ashamed. “What can we do?” they all cried.


Kanchan smiled gently. “Don’t worry, little ones! I’ll get them down.” Carefully, Kanchan used his long trunk to lift Chamki’s children to safety. Then, with one mighty push, he pulled the car out of the hole.

By the time Chamki arrived, out of breath, her children were safe on the ground. Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at all the worried faces surrounding her.

“I’m so sorry for how I’ve behaved,” she stammered, tears rolling down her cheeks. “I should have helped others instead of always thinking about myself.”

From that day on, Chamki changed her ways. The other kids would pile into Chamki’s car for rides, laughing and playing together. Chamki finally learned that being kind and helpful is much more fun than being selfish and alone.

Thanks For Reading… Cunning Fox Story | Moral Story

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