Newborn Grunting while sleeping | Why Is This Happening?
Newborn Grunting while sleeping | Why Is This Happening? Have you ever heard your newborn baby make grunting noises while sleeping? As a parent, this can be alarming and it can be difficult to know what’s causing it. Luckily, it is usually nothing serious and it is normal for babies to make these noises occasionally. In this blog post, we will discuss why newborns grunt while sleeping and what parents should do if they find themselves in this situation. We’ll also provide helpful tips on how to ease your worries and keep your baby safe. What is Newborn Grunting? Newborn grunting is a common occurrence in infants, especially during their first few days of life. It is characterized by the baby making a low, guttural noise while breathing. This is usually not a cause for concern and is believed to be caused by the baby’s immature respiratory system. However, it