Three little Pig moral story for kids
In a small town not too far away, a mother pig lived with her three little piglets. Everyone was very happy until one day the mother pig told them:
“Little children, the time has come for you to go out and get acquainted with the outside world.”
Before letting them go, She said:
-Nothing comes easy in this world; therefore, you must learn to work hard and achieve your dreams.
Mommy pig said goodbye to her kids with a kiss on their cheek, and the three little pigs went to live in the world.
The youngest pig among the three, who was very lazy, did not pay attention to the mother pig’s words and decided to build a straw house because it was easy to make and he could go to bed and rest early.
Straw house of Youngest Pig, The second little pig, who was lazy as well, but paid half attention to Mother Pig’s words and built a little house out of sticks. The little house was crooked because he did not want to read the instructions to build it as he was lazy.
Wood House of second pig The older pig, who was the most diligent of all, paid close attention to the words of mother pig and wanted to build a little brick house. The construction of his little house would take much longer. But this did not matter to him; his new home would shelter him from the cold and also from the fearsome big bad wolf.
Brick house of the eldest pig, and speaking of the fearsome big bad wolf, he stalked the forest when he saw the youngest pig sleeping peacefully through his window. The wolf got a huge appetite and thought that the pig would make a very delicious snack, so he knocked on the door and said:
“Little pig, little pig, let me in.”
The little pig woke up scared and replied:
“No, no, and no! I’ll never let you in.”
The big bad wolf was enraged and said:
“I’ll scream and shout until your house falls down.”
The wolf blew and puffed with all its might, and the straw house fell to the ground. Fortunately, the pig had escaped to the house of the second pig while the wolf was still blowing.
The big bad wolf, feeling cheated, went to the house of the second pig and when he knocked on the door he said:
“Little pig, little pig, let me in.”
The second pig replied:
- “No, no, and no! I’ll never let you in.”
The hungry wolf was enraged and said:
“I’ll scream and shout until your house falls down.”
The wolf huffed and puffed with all his might, and the wooden house collapsed. Luckily, the two little pigs had run towards the older pig’s house while the big bad wolf was still blowing and snorting. The two brothers, almost breathless, told him the whole story.
“Little brothers, it’s freezing outside, and you’ve had a horrible time, so let’s enjoy the night under the heat of the fire,” said the eldest pig and lit the fireplace. Right at that moment, the three little pigs heard a knock on the door.
The big bad wolf said, “Little pig, little pig, let me in.”
The pig replied:
- “No, no, and no! I’ll never let you in.”
The hungry wolf was enraged and said:
“I’ll scream and shout until your house falls down.”
The wolf huffed and puffed with all his might, but the brick house resisted his puffs and puffs. More enraged and hungry than ever, he decided to climb the roof to get into the chimney. When lowering the chimney, the wolf burned his tail with the bonfire.
-OH! Cried the wolf.
And then he disappeared into the jungle, never to be seen again.
Mother pig went to see her piglets a few days later and found that all three of them had built little brick houses. The three little pigs had figured out what they needed to know:
Moral of the story : “Nothing comes easily in this world; therefore, to achieve our goals, we must work hard.”
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