The Little Red Hen Story


The Little Red Hen Story


The Little Red Hen Story for kids

Overview- Children, in this story, we will read about the story of a hard-working little red hen and how he alone fed his hungry and lazy friends and taught them a lesson to work hard.

Once upon a time, the animals on a farm were left with no food; the little red hen decided to wander around the field to look for something to eat.

The little red hen first went next to the cow and asked, “Will you come with me around the field to find something to eat”? The cow replied, “no, I won’t. It’s too hot, and I can’t be bothered to walk. “

She then went next to the pig and asked, “Will you help me find food?” The pig replied, “no, I can’t come, it’s too hard, and I can’t be bothered to move.”

Later, she went next to the dog and asked, “Will you help me find food?” He replied, “no, I can’t. It’s too hot, and I can’t walk when it’s hot”.

And in the end, the little red hen went next to the duck and again asked the same question. She again replied, “no, I can’t; it’s too hot. I can’t get out of the water.”

When nobody bothered to come with her, the little red hen decided to leave the farm independently. As she walked, she found some wheat grains on the ground.

She was pleased when she returned to the farm.

She decided to plant the wheat grains; she thought her friends would help her.

She went to the cow and said, “Look, I found wheat grains. Would you like to plant them with me?” The cow replied, “No, I already told you it’s too hot.”

The little red hen went over to the pig. “Pig, look, I found wheat grains. Would you like to plant them with me?” The pig replied, “no, I can’t. The weather is way too hot for this.”

She then went next to the dog and said, “Dog look, I found wheat grains.” Would you like to plant them with me?” The dog replied, “no, it’s way too hot.”

And finally, she went next to the duck, saying, “Duck, I found some grains. Would you like to plant them with me?” and even duck gave the same reply, “no, can’t leave the water in this heat.”

She planted them herself when she saw that no one wanted to help her.

Weeks had gone by, and the rainy days had begun. The seeds had sprouted, but all the wild grass in the garden needed some cleaning.

She again asked who was going to help me clean the grass.

“It’s too muddy now, and I can’t help you. “Cow replied.”

The dog replied, “I’m not up to it. I won’t leave my spot.”

And the duck replied, “I’ll get dirty. I don’t feel good today, and I can’t help.”

In that case, I’ll do it on my own.

The little red hen began to clean the wild grass amongst the sprouts.

Not long after the wheat began to grow, it was now time to harvest the ripe grain.

The little red hen went next to her friends and asked if they would help her harvest the crop.

Hey cow buddy! Wheat has grown. Will you help me harvest the crop?” The cow replied, “no, I can’t.”

“Hey, pig, guess what the wheat has grown? Will you help me harvest the crop?” The pig replied, “no, I can’t.”

Hey, my buddy dog, the wheat has grown. Will you come and help me harvest the crop?” The dog said, “Who me? Of course not.’

“Hey, ducky, the wheat is grown. Will you help me harvest the crop?” Duck replied, “of course, I can’t.”

Okay, I’ll do it on my own; the little red hen worked till night time, she harvested the wheat kernels one by one all by herself.

It was now time to turn the wheat into flour.

So she went to ask for help from her friends; “Hey guys, we must grind the wheat to make flour. Who would like to help me?”

“I can’t help; it’s time for me to give milk.”

“I can’t move from my sport.”

“I can’t help Little Red Hen; it’s snap time for me; I can’t help at all.”

“I can’t help. I have to get into the water and cool down.”

The little red hen ground the wheat in the mill and turned it into flour.

Now it’s time to make some delicious bread.

The little red hen went next to her friends and wanted to give them one last chance.

Now, I’m going to make bread. Would you like to help me? “Nope, I can’t. I’m in no situation to work.”

What about you, pig? Not today; I’m too tired.

The dog said, “no, I can’t,” and his companion duck replied, “I don’t know how to make bread.”

The little red hen became very angry this time and went to the kitchen. First, she made bread with the flour she had grounded, then she gave it a form and, finally, put it in the oven and waited for it to bake.

After the fantastic smell of the bread had spread, she took it out of the oven, went out to the garden, and sat on the table, later calling out to her friends, “Hey guys, the bread is ready. Who would like to eat it with me?”

Seeing the fantastic bread in front of the hen, they all went next to her in a flash.

Oh, my dear little red hen, I want some. “Cow said”

Oh, me too; the pig said the same.

I’m so hungry. Great work, little red hen, the dog replied.

Hey, me too. Hey, I love bread. Come on, let’s eat; this was duck voice.

No, I can’t, I can’t. I did everything on my own, and I deserve to eat it all on my own.

With a great appetite, the little red hen began to eat her bread but couldn’t handle the fact that her friends were so hungry from now on; if you promise to help, I will share my bread with you.

All the farmyard animals were ashamed and sorry they knew she was right.

“We promised,” everyone said in the same voice.

The little red hen knew her friends had learned a good lesson, so she shared her bread with them. They were now so happy with her full tummy and great appetite.

The Little Red Hen story moral is that there are no benefits if there is no suffering.

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