The Fox and The Crane Short Mortal kids Story
Once upon a time, there lived a selfish and untrustworthy fox in the jungle.
Because he always after something shifty, no other animal trusted this fox.
Nobody made friends with him.
After a while, having no friends, the fox moved to a cave in the mountain next to the forest.
One day a crane came flying from the cold part of the world.
The fox was very happy that he finally found a friend.
He immediately went next to the crane.
Once upon a time, there lived a selfish and untrustworthy fox in the jungle.
Because he always after something shifty, no other animal trusted this fox.
Nobody made friends with him.
After a while, having no friends, the fox moved to a cave in the mountain next to the forest.
One day a crane came flying from the cold part of the world.
The fox was very happy that he finally found a friend.
He immediately went next to the crane.
Welcome, my dear crane. Do you want to be my friend?
Sure, but you’re the shifty fox, so how can I trust you.
Of course, you can. I have no friends here, but I think that we can be best friends.
After a short while, fox got bored eating alone.
The fox thought, why not invite my new friend crane for dinner.
Crane happily accepts the invitation of the fox.
Crane reached the cave of the fox very joyfully.
The smell of the soup was very delicious, which was prepaid by a fox.
The prepaid soup was poured into a large bowl.
The stalk sat down on the table, and a fox sat right across her.
Bon appetite I hope you like my soup
The fox sipped his soup from the bowl with pleasure.
But the crane could not figure out how to eat soup from the bowl.
Although she could put her beak into a bowl, she could only get one or two pieces of rice at the time the crane had only a couple of rice pieces.
The fox had finished his meal. Thinking that the fox was very unthoughtful, the crane was very upset with him.
But because she was the guest, she stayed quiet. I should be going, my friend, thank you for dinner.
But you haven’t even finished, didn’t you like it, never mind it.
I will eat yours too. As the stalk was leaving, the fox had already begun to eat the crane soup.
The crane sadly went home. She couldn’t sleep the whole night since she was hungry and enraged with her friend.
We are two different animals. The fox needs to understand and accept this how after putting some thought into it.
The crane had an idea she was going to teach the fox good lessons.
The next morning she approached the fox with great excitement and invited him to dinner.
The fox was very happy about his invitation. Thank you so much, crane. I am so glad we are a friend.
Crane started preparing food. And the crane selected a long and narrow bottle for herself and her friend fox.
The crane prepaid rice and served in a long and narrow bottle and set up a table.
After some time, the fox arrived. “I am very starving “let’s sit and start eating.
At the table, the two friends sat down.
Bon appetit
the fox tried to eat from the narrow bottle in front of him, but he couldn’t eat nor drink water.
The crane, on the other hand, could quickly enjoy her food with her long beak.
While the fox was trying to use the fork to get some rice.
The crane finished all her food.
And seeing how the fox was having a problem eating food.
“Didn’t you like it, my dear friend?” she asked.
if I could eat it.
maybe I would this bottle is not enough is not for me; with your long beak, you can quickly get your food, but with my mouth, I cant.
The crane was expecting this answer.
Oh my dear friend, do you remember that I felt hungry after your dinner the other night.
Because you had use bowl on the table which wasn’t suitable for me.
After this, fox felt very sad that he put those large bowls on that night.
I am sorry, friend. I could not think that you would be able to eat from those bowls.
It’s OK, my dear fox, at least you understand me.
We must learn to accept and respect each other’s differences.
After this, the crane brought a large bowl from which the fox could eat quickly and put his foot on it, the fox enjoying his food.
The moral of The Fox and The Crane one should not try to make fun of the other limitation.
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