stories for kids


The Two Calves and the Piglet: A Tale of Contentment

Once upon a time, in a peaceful village, there was a kind and hardworking farmer named Ram. He lived with his wife and their two precious calves named Chiku and Motu. The family also had a small but cheerful piglet named Pinky. Ram loved all his animals and took good care of them. Every morning, as the sun rose, Ram would head to the fields with Chiku and Motu. The two calves would tirelessly plow the land, helping Ram grow crops and vegetables. They worked from dawn to dusk, their strong hooves digging into the earth. Despite their hard work, Ram would feed them simple grass and hay, for he believed that was enough to keep them healthy. On the other hand, Pinky, the little piglet, had a different life. Ram treated Pinky like a special member of the family. Every day, Pinky would wag their curly tail with delight

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United We Stand Divided We, Fall Story

United We Stand Divided We Fall Story In a dense forest, once upon a time, there were four bulls that lived together. The way he reached that forest was unknown to him, but, ever since he regained consciousness, they had all been living together as one. In addition to being very close friends, the four of them had also lived together, traveled together, and always ate together as a family. In the forest, animals were afraid to attack him. Therefore, when they attempted to harm him, all four of them caused his misfortune by hitting him at the same time. Even the lions of the jungle could not dare to attack him. The four used to roam fearlessly in that forest, and after eating all day, they started looking very strong and healthy. A very intelligent fox served as an advisor to the king of the lion’s court. It was

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King Shahryar and His Bride | Arabian Night Story

King Shahryar and His Bride | Arabian Night Story There was once a monarch named Shahryar who ruled over his people. Because of certain unfortunate circumstances, he and his brother Shahzaman ended up marrying two witches who practiced terrible magic. After a while, the time came. One day, Shahzaman’s wife performed dark magic on him, and he ended up passing away from an unexplained illness! As soon as King Shahryar learned about it, he was filled with both horror and wrath. He reasoned to himself, “Tomorrow, she may do this to me as well.” Therefore, he gave the order for Shahzaman’s wife to be executed. A group of reverends visited the royal residence at around the same time because of a fortunate turn of events. As a result, the king worked himself up into a rage. He said, “I can’t endure these horrors! “after which he issued the order that

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The Dove and the Ant: A Short Moral Story

The Dove and the Ant: A Short Moral Story Once upon a time, a very thirsty ant was drinking water from the river. Suddenly, the ant lost its balance and fell into the river water. Help! Help! Help! Can someone please help me? Is there anyone to save me? So cried the Ant, but no one could hear his cries. Ant was struggling for his life in the river. A dove sitting on a tree nearby saw that the ant was in trouble, so she decided to help him. She quickly plucked off a leaf from the tree and dropped it into the water near the struggling ant. The Ant climbed up the leaf and reached the shore safely. He thanked the dove for saving his life. After a few days, the dove was sitting on a tree when the ant saw the hunter aiming his arrow at the dove.

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Thumbelina story

Thumbelina story for kids Thumbelina is the story of such a tiny flower fairy, who had to suffer a lot in her life, but she never gave up, and by fighting the circumstances, she made true friends and one day became the queen of flowers.             Thumbelina the Story of Tiny Flower Fairy Once upon a time, they lived as a married couple, although they really wanted to have a baby. Well, it just wasn’t possible for them. One day, his wife went to the old fairy and told her she wanted a baby. She said, “don’t be sad, my dear girl. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. “Take this seed and plant it in a pot and wait. You’ll be surprised. ” The lady was very happy. She thanked the fairy with joy in return for her amazing favour. She gave the fairy some money. Later on, she

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Gingerbread Man Story for kids

Gingerbread Man Story For kids Kids’ Gingerbread Man Story is the story of such a cookie, behind which an older woman, a cow, a chicken, a pig, and a fox are involved in eating, so read this story completely to know how it survives. Gingerbread Man Short Story Once upon a time, an old couple lived in a small old shack next to a forest. They were living a happy and peaceful life. Their only regret was not having a child of their own. One day, when the old lady was making cookie dough in the kitchen, her husband came in and said, “Darling, what are you cooking today?” The wife replied, “Oh my darling, I’m baking a Gingerbread Man today.” The old lady kneads the dough and cuts a gingerbread man shape. After putting it in the oven, she sat down and started to wait for the gingerbread man

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एक आदर्श बेटे श्रवण कुमार की कहानी | Ideal Son Shravan-Kumar-Story-In-Hindi

एक आदर्श बेटे श्रवण कुमार की कहानी | Ideal Son Shravan Kumar Story In Hindi

एक आदर्श बेटे श्रवण कुमार की कहानी | Ideal Son Shravan Kumar Story In Hindi आज हम आपको एक ऐसे आदर्श बेटे श्रवण कुमार की कहानी (Shravan Kumar Story In Hindi) सुनाने जा रहे है, श्रवण कुमार (Shravn Kumar) अपना पूरा जीवन माता और पिता की सेवा में लगा दिया, मृत्यु के समय भी उसको अपनी चिंता नहीं थी और वो उस समय भी सिर्फ अपने माता पिता के बारे में ही सोच रहा था, श्रवण कुमार जो (Shravan Kumar Ramayana Story In Hindi) की रामायण काल में पैदा हुए थे और पूरी दुनिया के लिए एक मिशाल बने. तो चलिए हम अपनी आज की श्रवण कुमार (Shravn Kumar) को कहानी शुरू करते है. Shravan Kumar Story In Hindi बहुत समय पहले की बात है, एक गांव में शांतनु और ज्ञानवंती (Shantanu and Gyanvanti) नाम के बूढ़े और जन्मजात अंधे पति पत्नी रहते थे. उनका एक ही पुत्र था जिसका

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Ghost in abondend building real story in india

Ghost in abondend building real story in india. It happened when me and my 3 other friends decided to find something thrill , horror and fun to do one night, so we decided to get some ghostly experience. As we were driving, we haven’t yet found a place for the ghost hunting activity we planned earlier until we show a abondend bulding for quite some time before, but didn’t actually manage to go down to have a look and walk around the area at night. So that night we had decided to go down there and have a walk, we might get what we wanted. It was around 10.00 pm at the time, As we get nearer to the abondend bulding. we parked our car just beside the main road, just as we went out of the car one of our friends actually smelled something like a rotten body but

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Uncle Tiger and Uncle Rabbit short story

Uncle Tiger and Uncle Rabbit short story for kids One hot morning, Uncle Rabbit was gathering carrots for lunch. Suddenly, he heard a terrifying roar: it was Uncle Tiger! “Aha, Uncle Rabbit!” Said the feline.”Aha!” Uncle Rabbit. “Says the feline,”. “There is no way out, and you will soon be a tasty snack.”At that moment, Uncle Rabbit noticed some huge stones at the top of the hill and came up with a plan. “I may be a tasty sandwich, but I’m really skinny,”  he says. “Look up the hill; I have some cows there, and I’ll bring you one,” Uncle Rabbit said. Why limit yourself to a small sandwich when you can indulge in a lavish meal?” Uncle Tiger couldn’t see clearly because he was facing the sun, so he approved the suggestion. As a result, he let Uncle Rabbit go up the hill while he waited down below. Uncle Rabbit screamed as

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The Golden Goose story for kids

The Golden Goose story for kids Once upon a time there was a man who had three children. The youngest of the three was called Clumsy, and he was scorned, mocked, and neglected each time. One day, the eldest son wanted to go to the forest to cut firewood, his mother gave him a delicious egg cake and a bottle of milk so that he would not go hungry or thirsty. When he reached the forest he met a very old gray-haired man who greeted him politely and said: Please give me a piece of cake and a sip of your milk, because I am hungry and thirsty. “If I give you cake and milk, I’ll run out of food,” the eldest son replied. And he left the little man to go on his way. But when he started felling a tree, he struck the wrong blow and hurt his

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Real spooky experience in polytechnic hostel

Real spooky experience in polytechnic hostel story Back in January 2006, I got offered to study at Polytechnic in Banaras, Uttarpradesh. We have to reside in the hostel for the first semester as new students. During my six months in the hostel, I encountered a variety of weird situations. I heard alot of the encounter stories from my seniors about the hostel, but I don’t give a damn at the beginning. My roommate fell asleep on the first night following the first day of orientation, leaving us exhausted. I was ready to fall asleep when I heard footsteps outside my door. I thought must be my next door student, but the sound keeps on non-stop, sometimes it walked like dragging the shoe, sometimes running and jumping! I was really pissed off that time and I decided to get up and tell the person to stop it. So I was waiting

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The Ugly Duckling Short Bedtime Story For Kids

The Ugly Duckling Short Bedtime Story For Kids On a beautiful summer day, a family of ducks was swimming while another was enjoying a walk along the shore. However, one duck is sitting on her eggs among the tall leaves. She was thinking, I wonder when my babies will come out. It takes so long for them to hatch! It is so lonely; no one has time to visit me. Mommy duck didn’t have to wait long, Soon the egg started cracking, and the little duckling took small, unsteady steps out of the shell. Quack, quack, quack, quack. Oooh, my babies are so beautiful! Now, all of you, come here and form a line. One… Two… Three… Four… Five… Hey, there should be one more. Mother Duck looked around and saw one egg that had not yet hatched. I think I will have to sit on this egg again till

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