How to Draw a Baby Lion – Step By Step

Anyone can draw a lion, but not everyone can do it well. If you want to know how to draw a baby lion steps-by-steps, then you need to start with the basics.
1.Start by drawing a big circle in the middle of the paper. This will be the lion’s head.
- Next, draw two smaller circles inside the first one for the eyes.
- Draw a third, even smaller circle inside each eye for the pupils.
- Now draw a curved line under each eye for the eyelashes.
- Draw a nose by first making a small triangle in the middle of the head. Then add two small lines on either side for nostrils.
- Next, draw a mouth under the nose. Start with a small curve and then make it bigger until it’s about half the size of the head.
- To finish the face, add some whiskers coming out from each side of the mouth.
- Now let’s move on to the body. First, draw a neck coming down from the head. Make it about as wide as the head and then taper it down until it’s about half as wide at the bottom.
- Now draw two front legs coming down from the body.”Make them nice and thick so they look like they could support a lion’s weight.”About halfway down the legs, add some paws.”
- On the back end of the body, draw two more legs that are bent at the knees.”These don’t need to be as thick as the front legs since they’ll be hidden behind them most of the time.”Again, add some paws halfway down.”
- For the tail, start at the back end of the body and make a long, curved line that comes to a point at the tip.”
- Finally, add some tufts of fur along your lion’s back and tail.”When you’re finished,”erase any pencil lines that are showing through your lion’s fur.” And that’s how you draw a baby lion!
Let’s Start Drawing = How to Draw a Baby Lion – Step By Step
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8

Step 9

Step 10

Step 11

Step 12

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