Empty Jesus Tomb | Bible Story

On the morning after the Sabbath, Mary Magdalene, the other Mary, and Salome, another follower of Christ, came to the tomb carrying spices to anoint him. It was still dark just before sunrise, and the women wondered who would help them roll away the stone at the mouth of the tomb.
But when they reached there, they saw that the stone had already been rolled away! And Mary Magdalene stepped into the tomb and found it empty. She saw an angel full of light there.
“Do not be afraid!” said the angel. “You seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen as he said! Send and tell the disciples and ask them to go to Galilee. They will see him there.”
Mary Magdalene and the other women ran to tell Peter and the other disciples. They saw Jesus on the way and fell at his feet, worshipping him. When Peter and the others heard the news, they came to see the tomb and quickly made their way to Galilee.
The chief priests had set a watch on the tomb, and the soldiers ran to them to tell them about the empty tomb. No one had entered it, and they told them all about the vision seen by the women. The priests were afraid that if people learned about this, they would have greater faith in Christ.
Therefore, they bribed the soldiers to tell everyone that the disciples had come in the night and stolen the body of Jesus from the tomb. The soldiers spread that rumor, and many people still believe these false rumors!
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