Who is Happy? The Peacock and The Crow – Short Moral Stories

This story teaches us not to let go of our happiness by comparing ourselves to someone else.
Once, a crow looked at a swan and thought how beautiful the swan was.
She had all white feathers, whereas the crow was black.
The crow expressed his thoughts to them. The swan replied that, according to her, the parrot is the most beautiful bird as it has two colors, and the swan had just one. Next, the crow approached the parrot, who said that the peacock is more beautiful than him as it has multi-colored plumage. When the crow expressed his thoughts to the peacock, he replied, “My dear crow, you are the luckiest bird on this planet, as you are never caged, but because of my beauty, I am trapped in this cage, and you are free.”
On hearing this, the crowd thought how foolish he had been and thanked God for making him the way he was.
Never compare yourself to others. Be happy with who you are and what you have.
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