The Greedy Milkman Story | Bedtimes Story for kids


The Greedy Milkman Story | Bedtimes Story for kids

The Greedy Milkman Story | Bedtimes Story for kids

The Greedy Milkman Story
The Greedy Milkman Story

Ramu and his wife, Gauri, lived in a small village called Virar.

Ramu was a milkman; together, the couple owned a few cows.

The couple used to look after all of their cows, feeding them wonderful hay and providing excellent care. As a result, all cows would provide high-quality milk.

Ramu was the only milkman in the village, and everybody loved to buy milk from Ramu.

Ramu and Gauri were well-off and lived a pleasant life, but Ramu was dissatisfied; he dreamt of having a large house and nice clothes.

“I noticed a big home on the outskirts of our village,” Ramu would regularly tell his wife. We should purchase it. We can afford a luxurious car and many servants to serve us. All these poor villagers will be jealous of us since we will be dressed in the most expensive attire.

“This greed will send you nowhere,” Gauri usually responds. We have plenty, and we should be satisfied with it. “

Ramu’s response was, “How can you be happy in this tiny house with the cowshed?” Oh! The smell of these animals is unbearable.” “But,” Gauri countered, “this is our livelihood.” Wait for the appropriate moment, and believe me when I promise that I will be the wealthiest man in the village one day. Ramu always concludes a conversation and Gauri has no response.

The people would praise Ramu every day when he went to sell milk, saying, “Ramu, this milk is so good and nutritious.” You must look after your cows very well.”

“Oh! Yes, I do, but only for a short time. I’ll sell all those cows once I’m wealthy. That smell bothers me in my home.

“But these cows are your livelihood,” one man responded. You should not be unhappy with your job; it helps you survive.”

“I sell eggs for a living,” says another villager, “which is a nasty job as well, but I don’t mind because it’s my job.”

“Perhaps you’re supposed to sell eggs,” Ramu replied, “but I’m destined to do bigger things, like buy expensive products and fancy clothes.” Said one of Ramu’s customers, “My friend, your greed will lead you nowhere. The earlier you realize this, the better. “

Ramu had a sour smile on his face after hearing him and replied, “I’ve already wasted enough time here.” Best of luck with your nasty business, goodbye.”

Ramu was always looking for a method to make more money, and he would often try to figure out how to do it.

“That’s it,” he’d always think. This is a very small amount. How can I increase my milk sales? There’s got to be a way. My cows are all in good health, and I’m milking them to their full potential, so I won’t be able to persuade them to give us more milk. Also, this is a small village; who will I sell the milk too if I obtain more? Wait, I can go to the village next door. I’ll have to buy another cow because there are so many families, and I don’t have enough money right now to do it.

No, I need to get something done. I’m going to get a bigger house. Let’s see, I don’t have the funds to purchase a new cow. Still, I’ll have to improve the milk supply. How can I make that work?

He came across a river the next day as he walked ahead, eventually overtaken by greed. Ramu had a brilliant idea. Why don’t I dilute the milk with a little water? I won’t have to buy another cow this way. At the same time, I’ll be able to sell milk to the nearby village.

Oh! This is a fantastic idea, and if I just add a little water, no one will know.

The next morning, Ramu did exactly that. Ramu started filling his containers with milk, but he only filled them halfway and left this time. He then halted at the river and poured some water into it.

The villagers happily bought milk from Ramu as usual, as they had done in the past, and paid him the same amount. More milk was left with Ramu due to the increased water, which he sold in the next village.

Ramu was happy that night. This was fantastic. If I keep going like this, I’ll be wealthy, and he was correct. Days passed, and Ramu had grown wealthier than he had been previously. He bought himself a car and renovated his home.

He was so used to diluting the milk with water that he didn’t consider purchasing another cow.

As demand for milk grew, so did the amount of water in it, and this cycle

continued for several weeks. He turned into a greedy milkman.

Villagers began to hear rumours about the new watery milk in the village and wanted to know the truth.

“What’s the matter, Ramu?” shouted a few villagers outside Ramu’s house. We’ve had some issues with the milk you sell, which tastes like water. You have no right to say that. Ramu replied. “See Ramu, we don’t pay for water; we pay for milk.” You can’t fool us any longer.” Ramu was screamed at by one of the villagers.

There has been no change. You’re all incapable of appreciating the good. I put in a lot of effort. Purchase it from a different vendor. I don’t need you if you don’t like it. I have a lot of different villages where I can sell the milk. Ramu was the one who reacted.

Ramu dashed inside and slammed the door shut. The villagers were shocked by Ramu’s rudeness.

One villager observed: “Something isn’t right.” “I agree; we have to find out,” remarked the other peasant. They’re all determined to learn the truth.

The next morning, Ramu walked towards the river, as he always did. He filled his half-full containers with water, unaware that he was being watched.

How dare he fill his container with water. This is how he accumulates wealth. Despite having the same number of cows, he sells milk to many families.

The villagers were well aware of the situation and decided to teach the greedy milkman a lesson.

Gauri went to the market the next day to buy pulses, and when Ramu returned from work, they sat down for dinner.

“Huh… what is this?” he exclaimed to his wife. Did you forget to add the pulses? There is nothing but stone. I suppose the dealer sold you all of the stones and pulses simultaneously. How dare he? I will go see him tomorrow.

Ramu and Gauri went to bed on an empty stomach that night.

Ramu went to the vendor the next morning. What exactly did you try to sell us? We didn’t have to pay for stones; instead, we had to pay for pulses. “If you don’t like it, go buy it somewhere else.” “I don’t need you,” the vendor replied.

Ramu angrily went back home. After a while, he went out to get a dozen eggs. When he returned home and attempted to crack them, he discovered 10 of the twelve eggs were rocks. He was furious, and he confronted the merchant, asking, “What did you sell me?” I paid for eggs, not for rocks, “the same way that we paid for milk and not for water. If you don’t like it, go buy it somewhere else. I don’t need you. This vendor also replied the same way.

Ramu walked out the next day. He bought a silk shirt on his way home, and the water took away all of his shirt’s colour when it started to rain. When he got home, he discovered the garment was made of jute rather than silk.

This carried on for a few days, with Ramu returning home with something different every time he went out to buy something.

I’m fed up with this; why can’t they sell us the right product? They’re fooling us, and it’s not right.

Ramu was so obsessed with himself and his selfishness that he failed to notice that he had done the same thing to others.

Even the surrounding villages began to protest over time, and everyone stopped buying milk from Ramu.

With no money left to spend, Ramu began to sell off items he had bought instead of selling low-quality milk. Now, Ramu became a poor milkman; he had only a handful of cows left and only a few houses to sell milk now.

The wife of the greedy milkman questioned, “Are you aware of what you’ve done? Your selfishness is the reason we are back in poverty; if you had continued to sell good milk the way you did before, we could have bought a bigger house and more costly clothes eventually; all you had to do was be patient and work hard.”

“I agree Gauri, I should have listened to you; not only did I lose my money, but I also lost the people’s respect and trust,” the greedy milkman said.

Ramu continued to sell milk and tend to his cows; he knew now how dangerous greed can be. He’d learnt his lesson that day, and he’d never added water to the milk again, satisfied with what he’d earned.

He became an honest milkman instead of the greedy milkman, slowly and gradually earning his past respect.

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