Newborns Roll to Side for Sleep: What You Need to Know

Side for Sleep

When it comes to newborns and sleep, many parents are surprised to find that their little ones tend to roll onto their sides while sleeping. This behavior can seem alarming at first, especially for parents who have been told that back sleeping is the safest position for newborns. However, rolling to the side is a natural and normal part of a baby’s sleep patterns.

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at why newborns roll to their side for sleep, as well as the safety considerations and best practices for encouraging safe side sleeping.

What is the newborn rolling to the side for sleep behavior?

Newborn rolling to the side for sleep behavior refers to the tendency of some babies to roll onto their side while sleeping. This behavior typically starts to appear around 2-3 months of age and can be observed both during naptime and nighttime sleep. Some babies will sleep exclusively on their side, while others may alternate between their side and back or stomach.

This behavior is natural and normal and is believed to be related to a combination of neurological and physiological factors. However, it’s important to be aware of the safety considerations associated with side sleeping, especially in light of the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

What are the benefits of this behavior?

There are a few potential benefits of newborns rolling to their side for sleep.

First, side sleeping can help with digestion. This is because lying on their side allows babies to more easily pass gas and have bowel movements, which can be important for their comfort and health.

Additionally, side sleeping can help to reduce the risk of choking. When babies sleep on their backs, the tongue can fall back and block the airway, which can be dangerous. Sleeping on their side can help to keep the airway more open, which may reduce the risk of choking.

Finally, some babies simply find side sleeping to be more comfortable than other positions, which can help them to sleep better and longer.

 However, it’s important to balance these potential benefits against the risks associated with side sleeping, particularly when it comes to SIDS.

Why do newborns roll to their sides for sleep?

Newborns roll to their side for sleep for a variety of physiological and neurological reasons. One of the primary factors that contribute to this behavior is a natural inclination towards a position that feels more comfortable. Side sleeping can help to relieve pressure on the baby’s stomach, making it easier for them to digest their food and pass gas. Additionally, side sleeping can help to keep the airway more open, which can reduce the risk of choking.

From a neurological perspective, rolling to the side for sleep is believed to be related to a phenomenon called the “fetal position.” This is a position that newborns are used to from their time in the womb, and it can help to provide a sense of security and comfort. This position may also be related to the baby’s need for body contact, warmth, and stimulation.

In terms of the mechanics of side sleeping, the baby’s neck muscles are not yet strong enough to hold the head in place, which means that when sleeping on their back, the baby’s head can fall to the side. Side sleeping can help to alleviate this problem by providing more support for the head and neck.

Overall, while there are benefits to newborns rolling to their side for sleep, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks associated with this position, particularly when it comes to SIDS. Parents should consult with their pediatrician to determine the best sleep position for their newborn based on individual factors and risk factors.

Safety considerations

While side sleeping can have some potential benefits for newborns, it’s important to be aware of the risks associated with this position, particularly when it comes to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). SIDS is a condition in which an otherwise healthy baby dies during sleep, and it is believed to be related to a combination of environmental and biological factors.

Research has suggested that sleeping on the back is the safest sleep position for newborns, and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents place their babies on their back to sleep for the first year of life. However, in cases where a baby has a strong preference for side sleeping, some steps can be taken to minimize the risks associated with this position.

One of the most important steps parents can take is to create a safe sleep environment. This includes placing the baby on a firm, flat surface that is free of any soft bedding or other items that could increase the risk of suffocation. Additionally, the baby’s sleeping area should be free of any smoke or other environmental hazards, and the room should be kept at a comfortable temperature.

Other steps that can be taken to minimize the risks of side sleeping include using a sleep sack or other form of swaddling to help keep the baby in a stable position and using a side-sleeping device that is specifically designed for newborns and has been approved for safety by a regulatory agency.

How to encourage safe side sleeping

If a parent wishes to encourage their newborn to sleep on their side, several strategies can be employed to do so safely. However, it’s important to remember that side sleeping should only be encouraged if it is safe for the individual baby and has been discussed with their pediatrician.

  • One strategy for encouraging side sleeping is to use a sleep positioner that is designed to keep the baby in a safe position while they sleep. This can help to prevent the baby from rolling onto their stomach or back during the night, which can be dangerous.
  • Another strategy is to use a swaddle or sleep sack that helps to keep the baby in a stable, comfortable position while they sleep. This can be particularly helpful for newborns who are still adjusting to life outside the womb and may benefit from the feeling of being held or cuddled.
  • If a parent decides to encourage side sleeping, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and to take steps to minimize them. This includes ensuring that the baby’s sleeping area is free of any soft bedding or other items that could increase the risk of suffocation and that the baby is always placed on a firm, flat surface.
  • Finally, it’s important to monitor the baby closely while they sleep and to be aware of any signs of distress or discomfort. If a baby is having difficulty sleeping on their side, it may be best to adjust their position or try a different sleep aid until a safe and comfortable sleeping position is found.

Overall, with the proper precautions and guidance from a pediatrician, it is possible to encourage safe side sleeping for newborns.


Ultimately, the most important takeaway is the importance of safe sleep practices for newborns. By following recommended guidelines and working closely with a pediatrician, parents can help to ensure that their newborn can get the rest they need while minimizing the risks associated with different sleep positions. With the right precautions and guidance, parents can rest assured that their newborn is safe, comfortable, and well-rested.

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