How to Draw Toilet in Simple steps for kids

How to Draw Toilet in Simple steps for kids

How to Draw Toilet in Simple steps for kids


Restrooms were not available in most homes for a long time. Instead, they relied on outhouses or outdoor latrines.
Nonetheless, the flush toilet has been around in some form or another for thousands of years. One site in the United Kingdom, for example, has a toilet system that is “flushed” by a flowing stream.
The settlement is estimated to be around 4,000 years old. Around the same period, flushable toilets with clay sewer lines were developed in the Mediterranean region.
Plans for the modern toilet date back to around 1596, although they were not widely used until the mid-nineteenth century. Because public toilets sometimes charged a fee to use them at the time, “to spend a cent” became a euphemism for going to the bathroom.
Toilets are now referred to as water closets, W.C.s, potties, or johns.
What if I told you that the Coriolis Effect causes the water in a flushing toilet to spin in opposite directions in the northern and southern hemispheres, according to popular belief?
According to the account, if you were abducted and taken to an unknown foreign country, you could at least figure out which hemisphere you were in by flushing the toilet.
Things required to draw toilets.
Let’s learn how to draw a toilet.

How to Draw Toilet First Step –


How to Draw Toilet Second Step-


How to Draw Toilet Third Step-


How to Draw Toilet Fourth Step-


How to Draw Toilet Fifth Step-


How to Draw Toilet Sixth Step-


How to Draw Toilet Seventh Step-


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