How to Draw Clock – Step by Step guide

How to Draw Clock in Easy Step by Step for kids

How to Draw Clock – Step by Step guide

How to Draw Clock – Step by Step guide

How to Draw Clock

Smartphones and other devices have mostly supplanted wind-up alarm clocks and even digital alarm clocks. Despite this, the famous bells of the spring-driven alarm clock remain a symbol of school days and often reluctant early risers.

The alarm clock has a long and illustrious history. Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher, is said to have employed a water clock, or clepsydra, which measures time by flowing water. Its alert could have incorporated a pebble-dropping mechanism on a gong.

Do you want to make a ringing alarm clock? With the help of this basic, step-by-step drawing instruction, you may now do so.

Things required to draw a clock.

  • 1-paper.
  • 2-Pencil.
  • 3-Marker.
  • 4-Color.

Let’s learn how to draw a clock.

Step 1 : Draw a cricle.


Step 2 :- Draw one inner circle.


Step 3 :- Make a dot.


Step 4 :- Draw the hour hand and minute hand.


Step 5 :- Put a mark on it.


Step 6 :- Draw a straight line.


Step 7 :- Make a small circle.


Step 8 :- Color the image as shown below.


Hey kids did you like this How to Draw Clock in Easy Step by Step for kids Practice it and you will see your drawing is improving in every attempt, also share your view in the comment box, and don’t forget to share this art with your friends on Social Media so they can also enjoy it. For more such drawings and stories keep visiting

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