The Shepherds See the Light | Bible Story

The Shepherds See the Light | Bible Story

<strong>The Shepherds See the Light<strong>

On the outskirts of Jerusalem, some shepherds watched over their flocks of sheep at night. Suddenly, they were dazzled by a light that shone around them, and the voice of an angel spoke to them.

Don’t be afraid! I bring you news of great joy! A Saviour who is Christ the Lord is born in the city of David tonight! You will find him in Bethlehem. You will recognize him, for he lies in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger!

And the choir of angels sang:

Glory be to God in the highest!

And on earth, peace, and goodwill towards men!

The shepherds looked at each other in wonder as the angels vanished. They wondered what to do as they were utterly taken aback. “We should go to Bethlehem and see if what they said has really happened,” said one of the shepherds.

Forgetting all about their sheep, they ran to Bethlehem to look for the manger where the child lay. And soon, they found the stable, and the beautiful baby was lying in his swaddling clothes in a manger!

The Son of God, the angels had said was the Saviour, Christ the Lord, was really there! They spoke of the vision they had seen and of all that the angels had said. Mary treasured their words and was deeply pleased as she thought about them repeatedly. The shepherds looked their fill and then, blessing the child, returned to their sheep flocks, praising God for all they had seen and heard that day.

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