The Clever Farmer: A Tale of Intelligence and Problem-Solving


The Clever Farmer: A Tale of Intelligence and Problem-Solving


Once upon a time, in a small village nestled amidst rolling hills and lush green fields, there lived a kind-hearted farmer named Ram. Ram was known for his love and care for all the animals on his farm. His animals included a playful goat named Gopi, a bundle of delicious green grass, and a magnificent lion called Sheru. Together, they formed a rather unusual but harmonious family.

One sunny morning, as Ram went about his daily chores, he realized that the time had come to move his animals across the river. On the other side of the river, there were vast meadows with fresh grass, where Gopi and Sheru could graze to their heart’s content. However, a challenge lay ahead. The only boat available to Ram could carry only two beings at a time. Moreover, if the goat was left alone with the grass, Gopi would gobble it up, and if the lion was left alone with the goat, Sheru’s ferocious instincts might take over.

Ram scratched his head, deep in thought. He knew he had to devise a clever plan to safely transport all his beloved animals across the river. After much contemplation, a bright idea illuminated his mind like a ray of sunshine.

With a determined smile, Ram set his plan into motion. He approached Gopi and gently led her towards the boat. The goat, sensing an adventure, followed willingly. Ram carefully helped Gopi onto the boat and rowed across the glistening river. As they reached the other side, Gopi excitedly leaped onto the soft grass, munching away with delight.

Now it was time for Ram to go back and bring Sheru across the river. He patted Gopi’s back and said, “Dear Gopi, I will be back soon with Sheru. Please wait for us here and enjoy the tasty grass.”

Gopi nodded, her mouth still full of delicious leaves, and bleated happily in agreement.

Ram rowed the boat back to the other side of the river, where Sheru was waiting patiently. The lion, with his majestic mane and piercing eyes, had complete trust in Ram. Little did he know what a clever plan Ram had in store for them.

Ram approached Sheru and said, “Dear Sheru, I will take you across the river, but before that, I need to fetch something very important. Please wait here for me.”

Sheru nodded, his deep voice rumbling softly, and settled down near the riverbank, his powerful muscles relaxed.

Ram hopped back into the boat and rowed across the river once again, a glint of mischief in his eyes. He hurriedly reached the other side and went straight to Gopi.

“Dear Gopi,” he said, “I have come to get the bundle of grass. It’s time to surprise Sheru.”

Gopi, always curious, tilted her head and asked, “But how will you manage, Ram?”

Ram chuckled and replied, “Just wait and watch, dear Gopi.”

Ram carefully picked up the bundle of grass and placed it in the boat. With a mischievous smile, he rowed back to the first side of the river, where Sheru was waiting patiently.

As Ram reached the shore, he called out to Sheru, “Sheru, my friend, I have brought something special for you.”

Sheru, intrigued by the excitement in Ram’s voice, perked up and asked, “What is it, Ram? I am eager to know.”

With a flourish, Ram presented the bundle of fresh grass to Sheru. The lion’s eyes widened with delight, and he pounced on the bundle, tearing into it with vigor. He relished each mouthful, savoring the taste of the tender leaves.

Ram smiled

, knowing that his plan was unfolding perfectly. He had successfully diverted Sheru’s attention from the goat and the grass.

Now came the final part of Ram’s clever scheme. He had to bring Gopi safely across the river and reunite her with Sheru. Ram rowed back to the other side, where Gopi was waiting, her eyes shining with anticipation.

Ram helped Gopi onto the boat, and they sailed across the river one last time. As they approached the shore, Gopi’s hooves danced with joy. Ram gently lifted her off the boat and placed her on the soft grass beside Sheru.

The goat and the lion looked at each other, their eyes filled with surprise and happiness. They had missed each other during their time apart.

Ram patted both Gopi and Sheru, feeling a sense of accomplishment. “Dear Gopi and Sheru,” he said, “You are now together again, and we have crossed the river safely. My plan worked because I used my intelligence to solve the puzzle.”

Gopi wagged her tail, and Sheru let out a contented roar, expressing their gratitude to the clever farmer.

From that day on, Gopi and Sheru remained the best of friends, exploring the meadows and enjoying the bountiful grass together. And Ram, the clever farmer, continued to be revered for his wit and compassion.

The village children would often gather around Ram, listening intently to his tale of the clever farmer, the goat, the grass, and the lion. They learned that intelligence and quick thinking could help overcome any obstacle in life.

And so, the story of the clever farmer, Gopi, and Sheru lived on, inspiring generations with its valuable lesson of using one’s wits to find solutions and create harmony.

The moral of the story “The Clever Farmer” is that a little intelligence and clever thinking can go a long way in solving problems. By using his wit, the farmer successfully transported all his animals across the river without any harm or trouble. This teaches us that instead of getting discouraged by challenges, we should think creatively and find innovative solutions to overcome them.

The story also teaches us the importance of planning and considering different perspectives. The farmer carefully thought about the needs of each animal and devised a plan that addressed those needs. He ensured that the goat didn’t eat the grass and the lion didn’t harm the goat. This highlights the significance of understanding the situation from various angles and finding a balanced approach.

Furthermore, the story emphasizes the value of trust and communication. The farmer had earned the trust of both the goat and the lion, enabling him to execute his plan successfully. It reminds us that trust and effective communication are essential in any relationship or teamwork.

Overall, the story encourages young readers to cultivate their intelligence, think creatively, and approach challenges with a positive mindset. It teaches them to believe in their abilities to find solutions and reinforces the idea that a little cleverness can lead to great achievements.

Farmer FAQ

The farmer first took the goat across the river and left it on the other side to enjoy the fresh grass. Then, on subsequent trips, he transported the lion and the bundle of grass, making sure that the goat remained separate from the grass until the end.

The farmer left the lion on one side of the river to ensure the safety of the goat. If the lion and the goat were left alone together, the lion's natural instincts might have caused harm to the goat. So, the farmer went back to get the goat after safely leaving the lion on the first side.

The farmer cleverly left the goat on one side while he took the bundle of grass to the other side. This way, the goat couldn't reach the grass to eat it. The farmer then left the grass with the lion and returned to bring the goat to the other side, ensuring that the goat didn't have access to the grass until the end.

The moral of the story is that a little intelligence goes a long way. It teaches us the importance of using our wits and thinking creatively to overcome challenges. The story encourages children to believe in their problem-solving abilities and shows them that clever thinking can lead to successful outcomes.