Indoor Activities and Games For Kids

Indoor Activities

Just like outdoor activities, indoor activities also provide relaxation and entertainment for children and adults. Besides, they help improve children’s hand-eye coordination, cognitive abilities, and critical thinking. It helps develop your mental health as well. 

 With indoor activities, children can explore and develop their creativity in a safe and secure environment while creating a zone where they can express their feelings, share innovative ideas, build friendships, and express their feelings.

Extracurricular activities are essential because they allow children to develop practical, social, and academic skills that will support them throughout their lives.

Here is a list of indoor activities and indoor games that can be done at home.



  • Materials required: balloons, glue, water, brushes, black markers, cardboard, watercolors, and artificial flowers.
  •  How to make a balloon flower pot( Instructions and Tips )=

Take a balloon and inflate it to its maximum size or the size you want. Now take pieces of newspaper and apply them to the balloon with the help of the glue solution. Don’t apply newspaper to the uppermost part of the balloon. Leave it for the mouth, where flowers can be arranged. Apply the glue solution again to the newspapers.

Let the newspaper get dry so that we can blast the balloon. Even after blasting the balloon, the shape of the newspaper should remain the same as before. Then color the newspaper with innovative ideas and outline it with a marker. Make a stand out of cardboard for the base of the flower pot, and lastly, fill the flower pot with artificial flowers.

     And your flower pot is ready. You can add flowers to it and use it as a showcase thing.      


  •  Materials required: thick thermal sheets, pins, cardboard sheets, markers, cutters, and watercolors.
  • How to build a house with thermal ( Instructions and tips )=

      First, take a whole thermal sheet as the base of the house. Cut the thermals to the sizes of the architecture predetermined by you. Use small pins instead of glue to attach the walls or thermal pieces.

     Color the house with bright colors to make it look attractive, and color it with a thick layer of watercolors to make it realistic. Highlight the outlets and borders with a sketch pen. You can also add diamonds, etc., to it. To take it to the next level, you can glue the sand on the base.

   And your thermal house is ready. You can play with it and use it as a showcase in your house.


  • Materials required= Ice-cream sticks, any shape cardboard box, glue, watercolors, diamonds, etc.
  • How to make pencil holder ( Instructions and tips )=

           Cut the box from the middle so we can get the mouth of the pencil holder. Stick the ice cream sticks to the box and cover it with it. Then paint the sticks with watercolors and stick some diamonds for the design. And your pencil holder is ready, and you can add pencils and a pen to it and place it where you study.


  • Material required= Cardboard, sketch pen, ice-cream sticks, small motor, battery, etc.
  • How to make a clock ( Instructions and tips )=

Cut the cardboard into a circle or square shape, and highlight the numbers clockwise. Cut the ice cream stick into three shapes: an hour stick, a minute stick, and a second stick.

Attach the motor from the middle back of the cardboard, add the three ticks and start the motor; you can decorate the clock by painting it. When your clock is ready, you can hang it on a wall or place it in a showcase.


  •  Materials required= Drawing paper, watercolors, plate, etc.
  • How to draw hand print drawing ( Instructions and tips )=

Take some water from the plate and mix the color into it. Put your hand in that mixture and place it on the plain drawing paper. Keep changing the color of the plate and painting the paper with it. Let the paint dry, and then outline it with a sketch pen for better effects.

Here is your hand print drawing ready, frame it and place it as a showcase.




  • Materials required= A balloon.
  • Skills= balancing, concentration, flexibility, etc.
  • How to play balloon balance game ( Rules and Information )=

It’s a straightforward game yet attractive, you have to fill the balloon with air, and with the upper side of the hand, you have to balance the balloon. The way the balloon moves, you should move your hand. It requires a lot of balance and flexibility. By playing this game, your time will pass quickly.


  • Materials required: chairs and balloons.
  • Skills= strength, power, etc.
  •  How to play balloon blast ( Rules and Information )=

The player will first have to fill the balloon, place it on the chair, and jump on it to blast it. The player who blasts the most balloon in a predetermined time wins the game.


  • Materials required= Ball or bottle, bat or extended rod, napkin.
  • Skills= memory, senses, target, strength.
  • How to play target smasher ( Rules and Information )=

 A target must be placed at a predetermined mark, and the player must be blind-flooded with the bat in hand. The hitter must not know the target mark. With his senses, the smasher must find the ball and hit it with the bat. The moment he hits the ball, the game is over.


  • Materials required: lemon and spoon.
  • Skills= balancing, concentration, focus, etc.
  • How to play lemon spoon ( Rules and Information )

The spoon tip must be in the mouth, the lemon must be placed in the spoon, and the player must walk to a predefined length without dropping the lemon. The player who crosses the finish line without dropping the lemon wins the race.


  • Materials required= Paper, pens.
  • Skills= intelligence, presence of mind, tricks, etc.
  • How to play tic-tac-toe ( Rules and Information )=

This is a well-known game and is played throughout the world. On plain paper, draw three lines vertically and another three lines intersecting the verticals so that they contain nine boxes.

There must be at least two players, one with the “X” and one with the “O.” The basic rule is that any symbol must be in a line 3 times, and the player who does this wins the game. On the other hand, they must also try to block others from completing their game.         

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