The Royal Jester’s Hilarious Fish Farming Prank


The Royal Jester’s Hilarious Fish Farming Prank


Once upon a time in the royal court of Sultan Farash, there was a clever jester who was known for his wit and intelligence. He was the Sultan’s favorite, which made some jealous courtiers, especially one of the chiefs, resent him.

One day, while the jester was tending to his garden, the envious chief approached him and commented on his love for gardening. The jester explained that he took care of various plants from different places, as it was his duty to nurture them. The jester expressed his fondness for plants and trees and asked the chief if he had any unique plants in his garden.

The chief, after a moment’s thought, decided to play a trick on the jester. He claimed that he had received special seeds from India and promised to send some to the jester. Gratefully, the jester accepted the offer.

The next day, the chief’s servant delivered the seeds to the jester. To his surprise, the jester discovered that the seeds were actually fish eggs. Realizing the chief’s attempt to deceive him, the jester decided to turn the tables.

After three months, the chief inquired about the seeds he had sent. The jester, with a mischievous smile, thanked the chief profusely and claimed that a unique type of plant had grown in his garden from those seeds. He invited the chief to see the “crop” in his garden.

That evening, the jester visited the market and purchased a sack of fish.

The next morning, when the chief arrived at the jester’s garden, he was astonished to see what appeared to be a fish farm. He couldn’t believe his eyes and questioned the jester’s claim. The jester continued to insist that these were indeed a different kind of plant, suppressing his laughter.

The chief, convinced by the jester’s act, rushed to the market and bought fish eggs to plant in his own fields.

Meanwhile, the jester informed the Sultan about the chief’s gullibility and the fish farming incident. The Sultan burst into laughter.

The chief, on the other hand, visited his field daily, eagerly awaiting the growth of his “fish plants.” However, despite his fertile field, nothing grew. Frustrated and embarrassed, he approached the jester for an explanation. The jester, still amused, suggested that the seeds themselves might not be productive, causing the chief to leave in anger.

The Sultan later shared the hilarious story with his court, filling it with laughter. The chief, humiliated, avoided the court for many days.

Moral of the Story:

  1. Don’t underestimate the intelligence of others, as they may outsmart you.
  2. Honesty and kindness are more admirable qualities than deceit and jealousy.

Lesson from the Story:

The story teaches us that dishonesty and jealousy can lead to embarrassment, while honesty, wit, and kindness are qualities to be admired. It also reminds us that attempting to deceive others can have unexpected consequences.

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