Birbal and His Guest
Birbal and His Guest Birbal was said to be the wisest man alive in his time. He sometimes tricked people into getting his work done. One day, Birbal went to the market to buy some groceries his wife had asked for. ‘Women are troublesome, sometimes!’ thought Birbal as he walked on. ‘I have so many things to do, but my wife won’t listen to me!’ Suddenly, a milkman called out to Birbal, “Sire, please can you help me? I am not well. Every morning I wake up feeling drunk!” Birbal asked, “What do you drink before sleeping?” The milkman replied, “Milk, Sir. I don’t enjoy it, but my wife insists I drink one large glassful.” Birbal guessed, “Aha! That is causing you problems! You drink milk; then you lie in bed and toss in your sleep. The milk gets churned into butter. The butter turns into fat and soon, there