The Birth of John | Bible Story

The Birth of John | Bible Story

<strong>The Birth of John<strong>

Elizabeth gave birth to her son soon after Mary had returned. There was great rejoicing at the house of Zacharias and Elizabeth. On the eighth day, they were to name the baby. Names were suggested. Elizabeth said their child was to be named ‘John.’

When Zacharias was asked, he too wrote the name ‘John.’ And so, John was named. Immediately, Zacharias got back his voice and could speak again!

The people who saw this were awe-struck! They wondered what kind of a child this was, for it seemed strange things were happening at his birth.

Zacharias felt the presence of the Holy Spirit and raised his voice in praise of God. He said that God had visited his people and would now redeem them, saving them from their enemies as he had promised in his covenant, if the people of the land lived righteously, following his laws and commandments.

He said this child would be called the prophet of the Highest as he would go out to prepare the people for the coming of the Lord. He would guide people towards the light, away from darkness and fear. He would show the people of Israel the path toward peace.

And it turned out to be true that the child grew strong and brave. He had the grace of the Holy Spirit and God with him always.

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