The Woman and the Fat Hen: A Tale of Greed


The Woman and the Fat Hen: A Tale of Greed


Once upon a time, in a quiet village nestled amidst green fields and blooming flowers, there lived a kind-hearted elderly woman. Her days were filled with simple joys and the warmth of her humble abode. In her cozy cottage, she had a special companion—a hen who brought her delight and a steady source of income.

This remarkable hen possessed a magical ability to lay one perfect egg every single day. The woman would collect the egg with a smile, grateful for the bountiful gift her feathery friend provided. With each passing day, she would make her way to the market, where she would sell the eggs for a fair price. The villagers loved the freshness and quality of her eggs, and the woman took pride in her small but cherished business.

One sunny morning, as the woman sat by her kitchen window, watching the birds flutter and chirp, a mischievous thought danced across her mind. She pondered, “Oh, what if I could have even more eggs? If my hen is giving me one egg every day, perhaps she can give me two eggs if I give her more food. That would mean I could sell double the eggs and earn more money!”

Excited by this idea, the woman decided to put her plan into action. She began to feed her beloved hen more frequently, spoiling her with extra helpings of the finest grains and tastiest treats. The hen delighted in the abundance of food, gobbling it up with joy. She grew plump and content, her feathers shining in vibrant hues.

However, as the days passed, the woman noticed something peculiar—the hen had stopped laying eggs altogether. Confusion and worry filled her heart. She wondered why her plan had backfired and why the hen, who was once so diligent in her egg-laying, had become silent.

Perplexed, the woman sought the advice of a wise old neighbor named Uncle Sharma. Uncle Sharma was known for his knowledge of animals and their behaviors. He listened attentively as the woman recounted her story, her voice tinged with regret.

Uncle Sharma stroked his long gray beard thoughtfully and then gently explained, “My dear friend, you have unintentionally taught your hen a different lesson. By showering her with excessive food, you have made her complacent and content. She no longer feels the need to lay eggs, for her needs are already fulfilled. Greed and overindulgence have hindered her natural instincts.”

The woman’s eyes welled up with tears as she realized the consequences of her actions. She regretted her greed and longed to rectify her mistake. Determined to make amends, she approached her dear hen with a heavy heart.

“Dear hen,” she spoke softly, her voice filled with remorse, “I am truly sorry for my greed and for overfeeding you. I wanted more eggs, but instead, I have lost even the one egg you used to give me. I have learned a valuable lesson—greed does not bring happiness, but rather disappointment and loss.”

The hen looked at the woman with understanding eyes, her feathers fluffed in a forgiving manner. She clucked gently, as if to say, “It’s alright, dear woman. Let us remember that being content with what we have is more valuable than always wanting more.”

From that day forward, the woman vowed to embrace gratitude and moderation in her life. She realized that the hen’s single egg per day was a precious gift, and she cherished it with newfound appreciation. No longer did she pursue excessive desires, for she understood that true happiness lay in recognizing and treasuring the blessings that were already present.

The woman shared her tale with the villagers, spreading the message of contentment and the perils of greed. The villagers, young and old, listened

 attentively and marveled at the wisdom hidden within the simple story.

And so, the woman and the hen continued their journey together, living in harmony and mutual understanding. They became a shining example to all, a testament to the importance of being satisfied with what one has. For in the pursuit of desires and calculations, one often loses sight of the true treasures that lie within the simplicity of life.

Years passed, and the woman grew older, but the memory of her lesson remained etched in her heart. Her days were filled with gratitude and contentment, surrounded by the loving presence of her faithful feathered friend.

The villagers, too, carried the moral of the story close to their hearts. They learned that greed can lead to regret and disappointment, while embracing gratitude and moderation brings peace and joy.

And thus, the tale of the woman and the fat hen became a cherished fable in the village—a gentle reminder for generations to come that true happiness is found in appreciating the blessings that surround us and not in endlessly craving more.

The moral of the story “The Woman and the Fat Hen” is: “Greed is like a sneaky devil that can cause trouble. It’s important to be grateful for what we have and not always want more.”

Lesson from the Story:

The story teaches us the following important lessons:

1. Gratitude and Contentment: It is essential to appreciate and be content with the blessings we already have in life. Pursuing excessive desires can lead to disappointment and loss.

2. Moderation: Excess and overindulgence can hinder natural instincts and disrupt the balance in our lives. Moderation helps us maintain a sense of harmony and allows us to appreciate things in their proper measure.

3. The Consequences of Greed: Greed can cloud our judgment and lead to unfavorable outcomes. It is important to be mindful of our desires and consider the potential consequences before pursuing them.

4. Learning from Mistakes: The story highlights the significance of acknowledging our mistakes and taking responsibility for our actions. By recognizing and learning from our errors, we can grow and make positive changes in our lives.

5. Sharing Wisdom: The woman shares her experience with others, spreading the lesson of contentment and the perils of greed. This emphasizes the importance of sharing knowledge and wisdom to inspire positive change in the community.

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Woman and the Fat Hen FAQs

The hen stopped laying eggs because the woman's excessive feeding and overindulgence made her complacent and content, leading to a loss of her natural instincts to lay eggs.

The woman learned the lesson that greed does not bring happiness but instead leads to disappointment and loss. She realized the importance of being grateful for what she already had.

The hen forgave the woman and showed understanding through gentle clucking and fluffing her feathers, indicating that she accepted the woman's apology and harbored no ill feelings.

The story conveys the message that being content with what we have is more valuable than always wanting more. It warns against the dangers of greed and emphasizes the importance of gratitude and moderation in finding true happiness.