hindi poem for kids


Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed Poem

Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed Poem The origin of “Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed” is unknown, but it is believed to be an American nursery rhyme. The writer is also anonymous. The poem tells the story of five mischievous monkeys who jump on a bed despite their mother’s warning. One by one, the monkeys fall off and bump their heads, leading the doctor to advise against any more jumping on the bed. The poem has been popularized through children’s books, songs, and videos, and is a favorite among young children. It teaches the consequences of not listening to authority and not following rules, as well as the importance of safety and caution. The language of the poem is simple and easy to understand for young children, with repetitive lines that make it easy to memorize and sing along. Overall, “Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed”

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Casey at the Bat: Newer and Older Versions

Casey at the Bat: Newer and Older Versions Origin: “Casey at the Bat” is a poem written by Ernest Thayer. It was first published in the San Francisco Examiner on June 3, 1888. Writer: Ernest Thayer was an American writer and poet. He was born on August 14, 1863, in Lawrence, Massachusetts, and died on August 21, 1940. Meaning: “Casey at the Bat” is a narrative poem about a baseball team called the Mudville Nine and their star player, Casey. The poem captures the excitement and drama of a baseball game as the Mudville Nine are trailing by two runs in the bottom of the ninth inning with two outs and the bases loaded. The crowd is hopeful that Casey can deliver a game-winning hit, but he strikes out, leaving the Mudville fans devastated. Language: “Casey at the Bat” is written in English language with a meter and rhyme scheme

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