foolish monkey story for kids


Foolish Monkey | English Moral Story

Foolish Monkey | English Moral Story A long time ago, there lived two monkeys named Golu and Bholu in a faraway place. Both considered themselves very intelligent and were very proud of their intelligence. One day, they were going somewhere when they saw a well away. They peeped inside it and saw a crocodile fall into the well. Golu said, “He must be in trouble; we must save him.” Bholu also said, “An innocent creature has fallen into the well; we must help him immediately.” But I don’t understand how he fell into the well. Golu responded, “He must have fallen by mistake.” Now we should think of some way to save him. Like this, Golu and Bholu started thinking of a way out to save him. Just then, Golu came up with the idea that they should throw a piece of wood into the well so that the crocodile

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