101 Short Panchatantra and Bedtime Stories with the Moral

101-Short-Panchatantra-and-Bedtime Stories-with-the-Moral

Short Panchatantra and Moral Stories For Children

1: Panchatantra Story Name is – The Vain Stag


There was once a vain stag. “What handsome antlers I have,” he would say after looking at his reflection in a pond. But I wish I had lovely legs as well. One day, a lion advanced towards him. His antlers became entangled in the low branches of the trees as he dashed through the dense forest. He sensed his death was approaching and cursed his antlers for it.

Finally, he was able to free himself from the branches thanks to his strong legs. Thus, the stag managed to escape from the lion by running fast.

The stag realised that his unattractive legs had saved his life, whereas his antlers could have killed him. He never thought his legs were ugly again.

The Vain Stag Panchatantra Story Moral is: One should not gloat over physical beauty.

2: Panchatantra Story Name is – The Hen and the Falcon


A falcon and a hen were having a conversation. “You are an ungrateful bird,” the Falcon told the hen.

“Why do you say that?” annoyed the hen. “Yes,” said the Falcon “Your masters feed you, but if they come to catch you, you fly from one corner to the next. You are an ungrateful person. Despite the fact that I am a wild bird, I am always grateful to those who are kind to me.”

Quietly, the hen questioned, “Hundreds of hens have been roasted in front of my eyes. You would never go near your masters if you were in my shoes. You would fly from hill to hill, while I only fly from corner to corner.”

The Hen and the Falcon Panchatantra Story Moral is: Do not judge without understanding the whole story.

3: Panchatantra Story Name is – The Mouse Turned into a Lion


One day, a sage saw a mouse being chased by a cat. With his supernatural abilities, the sage transformed him into a cat in order to save his life. This cat was once chased by a dog. As a result, the sage transformed him into a dog. When a lion attacked the dog another day, the sage transformed him into a lion.

Villagers who were aware of the lion’s secret used to make fun of him. He was just a bumbling mouse posing as a lion! The lion believed that unless he killed the sage, he would never be able to stop the jokes. So he went to assassinate the sage.

“Go back to your original self,” the sage said when he saw the lion was about to attack.

You are ungrateful and unworthy of being a lion.

As a result, the bumbling lion reverted to a mouse.

Moral of The Mouse Turned into a Lion Panchatantra Story is: Ungrateful people can never be happy.

4: Panchatantra Story Name is – The Camel’s Revenge

A camel and a jackal were once best friends. One day, they went to the feast in the watermelon field. The jackal began howling after eating.

The camel pleaded, “Please don’t howl; your howling will bring the farmer here!” The jackal replied, “Singing is good for my digestion.”

The farmer arrived soon after and beat the camel, but the jackal ran away. After some days, the camel offered the jackal a ride on his back while swimming in the river. The camel began to dive under the water as soon as it entered the river.

If I’m in the water, I have to dive. “It’s good for my health,” said the camel, and he went under the water, leaving the jackal helpless.

Moral of The Camel’s Revenge Panchatantra Story is: As you sow, so shall you reap.

5: Panchatantra Story Name is – The False Friend

A crow and a deer were the best friends. The crow once saw a deer with a jackal. Because jackals were cunning animals, he warned his friend not to trust the jackal.

The deer ignored the crow’s warning and continued to a field, where they became trapped by the jackal.

“I’m going to call the farmer,” the jackal sneered, “and he’ll kill you, and I’ll get a share of your meat.”

The deer cried. When the crow heard his friend’s cries, he rushed over to assist him. He asked the deer to pretend he was dead.

As soon as the farmer heard the jackal howls, he came running. He discovered a deer dead in his trap. He opened the trap to check, but the deer ran away. The angry farmer hit the jackal and drove him away.

Moral of the False Friend Panchatantra Story is: False friends are worse than declared enemies.

6: Panchatantra Story Name is – The Swans and the Foolish Turtle

Once upon a time, two swans and a turtle were best friends. One year, there was no rain at all, and the pond dried up.

The turtle made a plan and told the swans, “Please look for a stick.” I will hang on to the centre with the two sides of the stick, and they will ferry me to another pond. ” 

“You have to keep your mouth shut all the time,” the swans said. You’ll crash to the ground if you don’t.”

The swans flew away with the turtle once everything was ready. People who saw this sight exclaimed, “Look how clever the swans are, and they are carrying a turtle.”

In trying to respond that it had been his idea, the turtle opened his mouth, fell to the ground, and died.

Moral of the Swans and the Foolish Turtle story is: A stitch in time saves nine.

7: Panchatantra Story Name is – The Hare and the Tortoise

A proud hare used to make fun of a tortoise. He’d exclaim, “You move so slowly!” When the tortoise had enough of the insults, he challenged the hare to a race.

The hare burst out laughing. “You must be joking! All right, we’ll race to the other side of the hill tomorrow morning and see who gets there first.” The race began the next day, early in the morning. The hare raced ahead at a fast pace. He decided to take a break after seeing the tortoise far behind him.

In the meantime, the tortoise kept moving slowly but steadily toward the goal. The tortoise had crossed the finish line by the time the hare woke up. The hare raced as quickly as he could, but the tortoise had already won! The hare realized his mistake. The race is won by going slowly and steadily.

Moral of The Hare and the Tortoise Panchatantra Story is: Identify your strengths and use them.

8: Panchatantra Story Name is – The Merchant and the Donkey

A merchant used to sell bags of salt from nearby towns, which he would load onto his donkey. One day, on the way to the city, the donkey fell into a pond. He was dragged out by the merchant. 

Suddenly  The donkey became cheerful. Since almost all of the salt had dissolved into the water, its load became extremely light! Now, the donkey deliberately slips into the pond every day. With time, the master realized what the donkey was up to. As a result, he made the decision to teach the donkey a lesson.

The next day, instead of salt, the merchant loaded his donkey with cotton balls.

The cotton balls became very heavy after the donkey fell into the pond! The donkey was now unable to stand due to the weight.

“You’ll never try to deceive me again,” the merchant laughed.

Moral of The Merchant and the Donkey Panchatantra Story is: The wicked often fall into their traps.

9: Panchatantra Story Name is – Two Friends and the Bear

One day, Sujal and Piyush, two young friends, decided to go to the forest. They promised to assist each other if they were ever in danger.

A bear charged at them as they walked through the forest. Sujal dashed to a tree and climbed it. Piyush, on the other hand, did not have enough time to flee. As a result, he lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead.

The bear growled loudly and approached Piyush, and it appeared to Sujal that the bear was whispering in Piyush’s car. Piyush remained motionless and held his breath.

The bear eventually left after some time. Sujal came down from the tree and asked Piyush, “What did the bear whisper in your ear?”

“The bear warned me to stay away from selfish friends who flee in times of danger,” Piyush replied.

Moral of Two Friends and the Bear Panchatantra Story is: Have faith in God’s plan.

10: Panchatantra Story Name is – The True Friend

A long time ago, a pair of parrots lived in a tree. In the same tree, an old snake lived in a hole. The snake was too weak to foray out in search of food. As a result, the parrots used to leave him food near the hole. The snake was grateful to the parrots.

One day, a vulture was hovering over the parrots. A hunter happened to pass by at that moment, and he shot one of the parrots with his arrow.

However, when the snake realized his friends were in danger, he bit the hunter’s foot to save them. The hunter’s aim was ruined by the snake’s bite, and the arrow instead hit the vulture.

By saving their lives, the snake proved that he was a true friend.

Moral of The True Friend Panchatantra Story is: A true friend is the most valuable asset.

11: Panchatantra Story Name is – The Vain Crows

A poor little mynah once got lost on her way back to her nest, just as it was getting dark, s o she came to a halt in front of a tree. “Get off our tree!” yelled a group of crows sat on this tree. “It might rain,” Mynah pleaded. Please allow me to stay for a while.

But the crows wouldn’t listen. Finally, the mynah flew to another tree, where she discovered a comfortable cavity to rest in. And then there was this massive hailstorm and heavy rain one day. Many crows were injured, and some died as a result. When the weather improved, the mynah emerged and began flying back to its home.

“How come you aren’t hurt?” one of the crows asked the mynah.

“God helps humble creatures and lets arrogant ones like you suffer,” the mynah replied before flying away.

Moral of The Vain Crows Panchatantra Story is: Arrogance is the root of all evil.

12: Panchatantra Story Name is – The Mongoose and the Brahmin’s Son

A Brahmin’s wife gave birth to a boy. A female mongoose gave birth to a baby and died on the same day. The mongoose was raised by the brahmin’s wife as if he were her son.

The wife went to the well one day to get some water. The brahmins went to the market as well.

While the baby was sleeping, a snake came and slithered towards the baby. Sensing danger, the mongoose killed the snake. Then  mongoose stood outside the house to prove his bravery. The mongoose was covered in blood, when the brahmin’s wife arrived she assumed the mongoose was responsible for her son’s death. Angry, she threw the pot of water on the mongoose and killed him.

She dashed into the house, and discovered that her child was unharmed and that the snake’s dead body was nearby. She felt so bad about killing the loyal mongoose.

Moral of The Mongoose and the Brahmin’s Son Short Story is: Do not judge a book by its cover.

13: Panchatantra Story Name is – The Peach and the Apple

In an orchard, a peach and an apple were arguing one day. Each was attempting to outshine the other in terms of beauty. None of them appeared to be victorious. As a result, they decided to settle the matter through a public debate. A loud exchange of words began again between the two fruits while others listened. A blackberry in the nearby bush thrust its head out and cried. “Your dispute has lasted long enough and does not appear to be resolved. You will not benefit from it in any way. So put aside your differences, shake hands, and rekindle your friendship. The only way to live in peace is to do so.

Moral of The Peach and the Apple short story is: Intelligent people tend to avoid conflict.

14: Panchatantra Story Name is – A Precious Life

Once upon a time, the Bodhisattva was a deer. Every animal in the forest admired his beauty. A prince came to hunt in the forest one day.

The prince remarked, “This forest is a good hunting ground.” The prince’s gaze was drawn to the deer, which he pursued. He mounted his horse and began riding quickly in an attempt to catch the deer, but the deer was faster. The prince’s horse suddenly fell, and he was thrown into a nearby river. Because the prince could not swim, he cried out for assistance. Deer heard his cry and saved him from water.

The prince felt ashamed and vowed never to hunt animals again after seeing that he was saved by the very deer he had wanted to hunt and kill.

Moral of A Precious Life Panchatantra Story is: A simple act of kindness can change a person’s life.

15: Panchatantra Story Name is – How a Sparrow Came to Grief

A sparrow built a lovely nest beneath a large tree. It rained heavily one day. A monkey who was nearly drenched in the rain began to shiver and cling to the tree for protection. “You seem to be an able animal,” the sparrow said, feeling sorry for the monkey’s condition. Why didn’t you construct a shelter to protect yourself from the rain and cold?

“Why don’t you shut up and mind your own business?” the monkey said, irritated. “If she doesn’t stop advising me,” the monkey reasoned, “I must teach her a lesson.” “Haven’t you heard this saying that you should only give advice to those who seek it?” the monkey asked the female sparrow.

But the sparrow persisted with her advice; the monkey climbed up the tree and destroyed her nest.

Moral of the How a Sparrow Came to Grief Panchatantra Story is: Give your advice only to those who deserve it.

16: Short Panchatantra Moral Story Name is – The Foolish Cats

A cat once noticed a piece of bread lying on the road, and another cat noticed it as well. They both pounced upon it simultaneously, and both cats began fighting. After a while, the first cat suggested that the bread be divided into two equal pieces. Meanwhile, a monkey passed by, and the cats asked the monkey to splitting the bread in half.

The monkey was very cunning. He cut the bread into two pieces and measured each one. But one piece was bigger than the other, so he took a significant bite from the piece. Then he noticed that the other piece was larger, so he bit into it as well.

He went on like this for a while, eventually ate up the entire loaf and leaving the cats with nothing.

Moral of The Foolish Cats Panchatantra story is: A fool is someone who trusts another fool.

17: Short Panchatantra Moral Story Name is – The Clever Farmer

Once, a farmer had a goat, a bundle of grass, and a lion. He needed to cross a river in a small boat that could only hold two people. The farmer was in a difficult situation. If he took the lion first, the goat would eat up the grass while he was away, and the grass would cause the lion to eat the goat. Finally, he discovered the ideal solution.

He first took the goat and crossed the river to the other side. On his second round, he took the lion, then left the lion and returned with the goat. He took the bundle of grass while leaving the goat on this side, then left the grass with the lion and returned to take the goat at the end. As a result, he was able to cross the river without sustaining any damage.

Moral of The Clever Farmer short story is: A little intelligence goes a long way.

18: Short Panchatantra Moral Story Name is – The Dog in a Manger

There was a dog that used to lived in a farmhouse. He’d always sleep in the manger, on the soft hay where the horses ate their grass.

The dog’s food used to be kept outside the the farmyard. Even then, the self-centered dog would remain in the manger. When the horses came in to eat their hay, the dog would start barking at them.

The poor horses were unable to consume their food. They asked the dog to leave the manger several times, but he always refused.

Even after being told that the farmer had left bones for him in the farmyard, he refused to leave the manger.

The horses exclaimed, “What a selfish dog!” “He knows he can’t eat hay, but he also won’t let us eat our food. He wants us to go hungry.”

Lesson from The Dog in a Manger Moral Story is: Selfishness is a fool’s trait.

19: Short Panchatantra Moral Story Name is – The Dove and the Bee 

One day, a bee came across a spring while searching for water. However, in order to get to the spring and drink water, the bee had to climb onto a blade of grass. Unfortunately, while climbing the edge of the grass, she fell into the water.

A dove perched on a nearby tree. The dove, seeing the bee in pain, dropped a leaf near the struggling bee, which the bee climbed over, a nd the leaf took her to the shore safely.

However, just as the bee was about to reach the ground, she noticed a hunter nearing. He was about to shoot the dove when the bee rushed up to the hunter and stung him in the hand. The hunter screamed in pain and threw his weapon. In the meantime, the dove had enough time to fly to safety.

Always keep in mind that a simple act of kindness can go a long way.

Lesson from The Dove and the Bee Moral Story is: Kindness begets kindness.

20: Short Panchatantra Moral Story Name is – The Greedy Crane and the Crafty Crab

Once, an old crane found it challenging to find pray because of his old age. So, he made a plan. He stood on the edge of a lake and said, “Astrologers forecast that it will not rain for twelve years.” Everyone from the lake came to the crane, alarmed and worried, and asked for his assistance.

“Says the crane,” “A large lake is nearby. I can take you all to the lake on my back.” Everyone agreed. Every day, the crane would take them one by one to a deserted location and consume them. After a few days, a crab was given the opportunity to fly with a crane. The crab noticed a heap of fish bones when the crane flew over the spot where he had eaten all the fish and asked the crane, “I can’t find a lake anywhere. What happened to it?” “There is no lake to be found. I’m going to kill and eat you, “The crane expressed himself. The brave crab caught the crane’s neck and crushed it to death, saving his own life. The evil crane got his due punishment.

Lesson from The Greedy Crane and the Crafty Crab Short Moral Story is: Good always triumphs over evil.

21: Short Panchatantra Moral Story Name is – The Wolf and the Crane

One day, a wolf found some of the bull’s meat in the jungle. He began stuffing a slice of beef into his mouth. A piece of bone got stuck in his throat, and it became difficult for him to breathe, and he began to choke.

The wolf suddenly remembered that there was a crane nearby. The wolf approached the crane and begged for assistance, promising a reward in exchange.

The crane felt sorry for the wolf and agreed to assist him. The wolf opened his jaws wide, and the crane quickly took out the bone. After that, the crane reminded the wolf of the promised reward. The wolf commented, “What reward?” “I could have bit you with your beak was in my mouth! Simply be grateful that I allowed you to live.”

Before the crane could react, the selfish wolf ran away.

Lesson from The Wolf and the Crane Short Story for The Kids is: Gratitude and greed do not go together.

22: Short Panchatantra Moral Story Name is – The Clever Fox

A crow sat on the branch of a tree with a piece of bread in his beak. A fox passed by and made a plan to steal the bread from the crow.

He said hello to the crow and wished him a pleasant day. The crow, however, did not open his mouth because the piece of bread would have fallen to the ground.

“You’re looking very charming,” the fox added. It would be beneficial if you were crowned King of All Birds. Please sing a song for me in your lovely voice.”

“Thanks!” the flattered crow couldn’t help himself and replied.

The piece of bread, however, fell to the ground as soon as he opened his mouth to speak. The clever fox quickly grabbed the bread and ran away.

Lesson from The Clever Fox Moral Story for the Kids is: Do not trust people’s words; trust their actions.

23: Short Panchatantra Moral Story Name is – The Crow and the Pitcher

It was a hot summer day, and a crow was feeling the heat. He noticed the pitcher while looking around the water, so he flew up and peeped inside. The pitcher, however, was empty except for a small amount of water at the bottom. The crow knew he needed to overturn or break the pitcher, but he lacked the strength to do either. He did not give up hope, however, and searched the area for something that could help him solve the problem.

He got an idea when he came across a pile of pebbles near the pitcher. One by one, the stones were carried by the crow and dropped into the pitcher. The water level rose as the pebbles piled up inside, eventually reaching the brim. The crow drank to his satisfaction. Necessity is the mother of invention.

Lesson from The Crow and the Pitcher short story for kids is: Desperate times call for desperate measures.

24: Short Panchatantra Moral Story Name is – The Ugly Tree

A long time ago, a forest had straight and beautiful trees. However, in this forest, there was a lone tree with a hunched and bent trunk. The tree’s branches were also twisted.

The other trees teased and mocked this tree, referring to it as a “hunchback.”

This made the tree very sad. “I wish I was like other beautiful trees,” it sighed whenever it looked at the other trees. “God has treated me unfairly.”

One day, a woodcutter came to the forest. “This twisted tree is useless to me,” he grumbled when he saw the hunchback tree. He then proceeded to cut down all of the straight and smooth trees.

The hunchback tree realized that God had saved his life by making him different.

Moral lesson from The Ugly Tree Short Panchatantra Story is: Looks can be deceptive.

25: Short Panchatantra Moral Story Name is – The Donkey and the Dog

Once, a washerman had a donkey and a dog. The donkey used to carry stacks of clothes on his back and the dog used to guard his master’s house. One night   thief broke into the house. The dog didn’t bark to alert the washerman even after seeing the thief.

When the donkey asked the dog a question, he replied, “The master is unconcerned about my well-being. He doesn’t even properly feed me. I’m not going to wake him up.”

The donkey requested that the dog bark, but the dog didn’t agree.

As a result, the donkey brayed loudly, waking up the washerman. While hearing this t he thief ran away from the washerman’s house. Because the washerman couldn’t find anyone, he became angered and thrashed the poor donkey with a stick.

One must concentrate on one’s responsibilities while allowing others to do theirs.

Lesson from The Donkey and the Dog Moral story is: If it does not involve you, it should not concern you.

26: Short Panchatantra Moral Story Name is – The Dolphins and the Sprat

There was a battle between the dolphins and the whales. When the battle was at its most intense, a sprat intervened and attempted to mediate a peace.  The dolphins, on the other hand, refused to accept any assistance from the sprat. Surprised, the sprat wanted to know the reason to this, one of the dolphins cried out, “Stay away! We’d rather die in battle than be reconciled by you small fish, who are so much inferior to us!” The sprat was disgusted and flew away. The dolphins continued to fight, and each of them was killed. Their pride could be seen on their faces even as they were dying.

People who are stubborn, like dolphins, accept damage rather than seek assistance from those they consider inferior.

Lesson from The Dolphins and the Sprat Moral story is: Too much ego will only ruin your life.

27: Short Panchatantra Moral Story Name is – The Snake and the Farmer

On a cold winter night, a farmer was returning home. He came across a snake on his way. The snake was almost dead from the cold. He took pity on the creature and brought him home. He kept him close to the fire for a while, and the warmth gradually helped the snake feel better.

When the snake regained his health, he used his fangs to attack the farmer’s wife and children. The farmer heard their cries. He rushed into the room and saw the horrifying scene. His wife and kids had fainted with fright while the snake was sitting there, ready to bite! The farmer picked up an axe and split the snake in half. The snake died.

It is true that kindness shown to the ungrateful is frequently wasted.

Lesson from The Snake and the Farmer Moral story is: Too much of kindness is bad for you.

28: Short Panchatantra Moral Story Name is – The Elephant and the Sparrow

One day, a wild elephant snapped the branch of a tree and thoughtlessly destroyed a sparrow’s eggs in the nest that lay on the branch. When a woodpecker heard the sparrow crying, he inquired about it, and she told him everything.

“Let us consult the fly,” the woodpecker said. They went to the fly and told him about the sparrow’s plight, and the fly suggested taking the frog’s help. The sparrow, woodpecker, and fly asked for advice from the frog.

The frog said, “What is an elephant before a united crowd? Follow my instructions. At noon, the fly will visit the elephant and hum a sweet tune in his ear. When he closes his eyes to enjoy the tune, the woodpecker will poke his eyes. He will become blind and thirsty and will look for water. I will go to the quicksand and croak there. Following the sound of my croaking, the elephant will believe there is water nearby and proceed to the quicksand, where he will become trapped and die.”

The four carried out the frog’s plan, killing the oblivious elephant.

Lesson from The Elephant and the Sparrow short story is: Mental strength overweighs physical strength.

29: Short Panchatantra Moral Story Name is – Suchimukha and the Monkeys

A troop of monkeys lived on a mountain. When winter arrived, the monkeys piled some red berries and began to blow at them as if they were glowing embers of coal.

Suchimukha, a bird watching the monkeys’ activities, called out to them, “The red objects you are blowing on are not embers of coal, but just wild red berries.” Please do not waste your energy on them. Why don’t you look for shelter in a cave instead? 

A monkey retorted, “Why are you meddling in our affairs?” Go away and leave us! But Suchimukha kept prattling.

Finally, the monkeys became upset and caught and beat the bird.

It’s preferable not to advise a fool or give unwelcome advice.

Lesson from Suchimukha and the Monkeys Moral story is: Silence is the best revenge.

30: Short Panchatantra Moral Story Name is – The Quarrel of the Bees

During the spring, female bees are busy building their hive, while male bees are rarely active. Male bees take over after the female bees finish building the hive. Once, there was a massive quarrel over this problem. Finally, they made the decision to seek retribution from the wise hornet.

The hornet said, “The male and female bees each have to build another hive, and the swarm that does it first will be the true owners of the hive.” Because they didn’t know how to build a hive, the male bees disagreed with the decision. The females, on the other hand, found it simple to start a new hive.

The judge hornet said, “It is now clear that the female bees have built the hive. So, the hive belongs to them!”

Lesson from The Quarrel of the Bees Short Moral story is: Wisdom is the fruit of experience.

31: Short Panchatantra Story Name is – The Frogs and the Donkey

A donkey was once grazing in a muddy meadow when he accidentally stepped on a hedge and killed two or three frogs. “Mother, it was a big beast that killed the frogs,” a baby frog told his mother.

The mother had inquired. “What was the size of it? Was it the same size as me?” “Says the baby frog,” he says “No, it’s not true. Much, much larger”

“This big?” the mother inquired, puffing herself up. The baby frog said, “No. much bigger than you.”

The mother puffed with all her might and said, “Now? He had to be this big, don’t you think?”

“I’m worried,” the baby frog expressed his concern “You’re going to burst, Mother! Now is not the time to try to be bigger.”

Taking his challenge as a challenge, the mother continued to puff herself up until she burst with a bang!

No creature can become more significant than they think.

Lesson from The Frogs and the Donkey Bedtime story is: Do not compete with others; compete with yourself.

32: Short Panchatantra Story Name is – The Hungry Dogs

Three dogs used to be best friends. The three dogs were hungry one day, and despite searching for a long time, they were unable to find any food. They came across some bones unexpectedly. They were floating in the stream, and they tried hard to reach the bones but could not.

To get to the bones, they decided to drink all of the water in the stream. The three of them began to drink the water from the stream.

They felt full after a while, and their stomachs were bloated with water. But the dogs didn’t stop drinking; their stomachs grew bigger and bigger until they burst, and all three dogs died.

If you attempt the impossible using foolish methods, you will almost certainly fail.

Lesson from The Hungry Dogs Bedtime story is: Big mouthfuls often choke.

33: Short Panchatantra Story Name is – The Jackal and the Sage

Every night, a wicked jackal went to a neighbouring village to steal food. The villagers searched for the thief but were unsuccessful. One day when the jackal returned to the village, he discovered the villagers were still looking for him. After a while, he noticed a sage approaching him. The jackal cried out in a pitiful tone, “I’m sorry, but I’m hurt. Please place me in your bag and transport me to my destination.”

The holy man was kind enough and agree to transport the jackal. “Here comes the thief, the man with the bag!” exclaimed the jackal as he approached his den. The villagers mistakenly identified the sage as the thief and punished him.

Never put your trust in someone you don’t know.

Lesson from The Jackal and the Sage moral story is: Do not trust a stranger blindly.

34: Short Panchatantra Story Name is – The Birth of a Banyan Tree

A crow, a monkey, and an elephant were once three friends. They frequently disagreed on a variety of topics but were unable to reach an agreement. “What was the size of the banyan tree when you first saw it?” the monkey inquired as they sat under a large banyan tree.

“As a baby, I used to rub my belly against its tender shoots,” the elephant explained.

“I used to eat berries and then throw a few seeds here when I was a kid. These seeds grew into this tree “Solitude,” the crow said solemnly. “

The monkey, upon hearing him, said, “Friend, this tree was a seedling the first time I saw it. As you are the oldest among us, we will listen to your opinions from now on.

Lesson from The Birth of a Banyan Tree short story is: The guidance of a wise man will lead you to heaven.

35: Short Panchatantra Story Name is – The Curious Monkey and the Wedge

Once upon a time, a merchant began construction a temple and hired workers. When the workers left for lunch, the monkeys arrived at the temple site.

They toyed with everything they saw. One of the monkeys saw a partly sawed log of the word lying in a corner, and it had a wedge fixed in its centre so that it did not close up. The monkey began desperately tugging on the wedge, curious as to what it was for.

He heaved and tugged at it with all his might.

The wedge eventually came loose, but not before trapping the monkey’s legs in the rift in the log. The monkey’s legs were stuck in the closed wood, and he couldn’t get them out. The workers eventually caught and beaten the trapped monkey.

It’s not a good idea to stick our noses into things that aren’t our business.

Lesson from The Curious Monkey and the Wedge bedtime story is: Do not poke your nose into others’ affairs.

36: Short Panchatantra Story Name is – The Hawk and His Friends

On a tree near a lake, a young hawk lived.

He told a female hawk one day, “Greetings. I’m interested in marrying you.” The female hawk requested that he first make friends with the lion.

A lion agreed to be his friend after the hawk approached him. The two hawks eventually married and had children. Once, two hunters came intending to catch the birds living on that tree. The parent hawks were concerned about their children’s safety. The female hawk dispatched her husband to seek assistance from a Lion friend. The hawk called for the lion, who roared loudly. The hunters ran away when they saw a massive lion approaching him.

Now the hawk understood the value of a friend.

Lesson of The Hawk and His Friends Moral story is: A friend in need is a friend indeed.

37: Short Panchatantra Moral Story Name is – The Frogs and the Snake

A snake once devised a scheme to consume all of the frogs in a lake. “I am here to serve you under a brahmin’s curse,” the snake said to the frogs.

The frog king was overjoyed and informed all of the other frogs about the snake. All of the frogs followed their king and hopped onto the snake’s back for a ride.

“I’ve had nothing to eat; I’m too weak to crawl quickly,” the snake said the next day.

“You can eat the small frog at the end of your tail,” the frog king said, and the snake did.

The snake ate all the frogs over the next few days, leaving only the frog king.

The snake gulped him down the next time the frog king said, “You may eat the frog at the end of your tail.”

Lesson from The Frogs and the Snake kids story is: Think before you act.

38: Short Panchatantra Moral Story Name is – The Two Calves and the Piglet

There was a time when a family had two calves and a piglet. The piglet was well-cared for by their master, who fed him oats every day. However, the two calves who toiled tirelessly in the field were only given grass and hay to eat. The piglet made the younger calf envious.

“Why should he have all the good food when we put in all the effort?” She expressed her dissatisfaction to the elder. “Oh no,” gasped the latter, “Never envy anyone because you don’t know what price that creature may have to pay one day for all the luxury he enjoys.”

one day, a wedding was held in the house, and the fat piglet was slaughtered, cooked, and served at the wedding feast.

Lesson form The Two Calves and the Piglet kids story is: Be content with what you have.

39: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – The Monkey and the Snake Charmer

Once upon a time, there was a snake charmer. He had a monkey and some snakes. He was cruel to his animals. The monkey ran away one night after being beaten by his owner. The snake charmer noticed that his shows were not as entertaining without the monkey. As a result, he went on the hunt for him and discovered him sitting in the branches of a tree.

“Oh, dear pet, how I have missed you! “Let’s get out of here!” He sobbed.

“Liar, you came looking for me not out of love, but because you realised your earnings had dropped without me!” said the monkey.

The snake charmer had to return home empty-handed, but he had learned an important lesson: animals, too, require love and respect.

Lesson from The Monkey and the Snake Charmer kids story is: Animals should be treated like humans.

40: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – The Hunter and the Rabbit

Once upon a time, a cruel hunter would catch rabbits and eat their meat. He caught a rabbit one day, held him by the ears, and ran home. The hunter met a saint on his way home. The hunter was asked by the saint to release the rabbit and be blessed for this good deed.

The hunter refused and decided to mercilessly slit the rabbit’s throat right in front of the saint.

He took a sharp knife from his bag, but when he tried to cut the rabbit’s neck, the knife slipped from his grip and landed on his foot, injuring him severely. He screamed in agony and let go of the rabbit right away.

The hunter had to pay the price for his wrong doings. He couldn’t walk properly after his foot was severely injured, and he was no longer fit to hunt.

Lesson from The Hunter and the Rabbit bedtime story is: Be sensitive to the pain of others.

41: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – The Quails and the Hunter

Once upon a time, there was a quail hunter who killed a lot of quails.

“Tomorrow, when the hunter comes to catch us, we will all raise our heads in unison and fly away with the net to save our lives,” the king quail said at a meeting with his subjects.

The plan worked, and the hunter failed to catch a single quail the next day. The hunter reappeared after a few days. When he spread his net this time, the quails were trapped once more. However, as they all prepared to take flight, one quail accidentally stepped on the head of another. And the two began to fight, forgetting all about the escape!

They were caught by the hunter because they couldn’t hold the net up in the air for each other. They all forgot to stick together in their time of need, and the hunter was able to catch them.

Lesson from The Quails and the Hunter Moral story is: Unity is strength.

42: Short Panchatantra Story Name is – The Mischievous Monkey

Once upon a time, the Bodhisattva was a hermit. Every single day. When he went to the village to ask for donations, a monkey would break into his hut, eat all of his food, and cause all kinds of chaos. When the monkey arrived at the hermit’s hut, there was nothing to eat. As a result, he went to the village in search of the hermit. The villagers had just finished performing a puja and were about to present the hermit with the prasad.

The monkey approached the hermit, his hands folded together as if in deep meditation. The villagers were overjoyed to see a monkey with such devotion. The hermit, on the other hand, recognised the naughty monkey and told the villagers about how the monkey bothered him every day. The monkey was chased away by the angry villagers.

Lesson Form The Mischievous Monkey bedtime story is: Greed is a curse.

43: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – The Snake and the Hermit

Once upon a time, in a forest, there lived a poisonous snake. Nobody dared to approach him because he lived in a lonely corner. However, a hermit came to meditate there one day.

The hermit had noticed the snake. He pleaded with the snake to give up his malicious ways and stop biting. Using supernatural abilities, he then destroyed the snake’s poison. The snake followed the hermit’s instructions. The hermit eventually left the forest. When he returned, he found the snake half-dead. Worried, the hermit asked him the reason.

The snake said, “Once I stopped attacking people. They had lost their fear and began throwing stones at me. I’m also weak because I haven’t been able to get food.”

“Says the hermit,” “You must defend yourself against those who would harm you. Also, eat only natural foods.” The snake lived a better life after following the hermit’s advice.

Moral Lesson from The Snake and the Hermit Short Story is: No act of kindness ever goes to waste.

44: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – How the Monkey Saved His Troop

Monkeys used to eat the ripe mangoes that grew on a riverbank tree. The king was fishing in the river one day when he came across a tree full of ripe mangoes. But as he got closer, he discovered that the monkeys were eating the mangoes. The king ordered his archers to kill the monkeys. When the monkey leader heard the order, he immediately considered how he could save his troop.

He climbed up to a branch that hung over the water, walked to the tip of the branch, and had each member of his troop jump off his back to the hill across the river, one by one. That’s how the monkey was able to save his troop.

Moral lesson from How the Monkey Saved His Troop Panchatantra Story is: The brain is better than brawn.

45: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – The Roosters and the Eagle

Two roosters were once having a fight over a dunghill.

Both of them fought with all of their might, knowing that the winner would be the dunghill’s ruler.

After the other rooster was severely injured, one of the roosters eventually won. The battered one snuck into a henhouse. To announce his victory, the winner flew up to a loft and screamed at the top of his lungs. The boastful rooster was noticed by an eagle flying by.

He swooped down and flew away with the rooster. The other rooster, who was watching from the hen’s house, came out and took his place. He made it clear that he was the ruler. Pride goes before a fall.

Lesson from The Roosters and the Eagle Moral story is: Too much pride is dangerous for health.

46: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – The Shepherd and the Wild Goats

Once upon a time, a shepherd and his flock lived together.

He was leading his flock through a severe snowstorm one day. Through the darkness, he could barely see anything. As a result, he entered a cave where some wild goats were already present. They took refuge there as well. The goatherd saw the big, stout wild goats and liked them. He felt disgusted with the skinny domestic goats that he was guarding. Instead of feeding the leaves to his goats, he gave them to the wild ones. He discovered his goats starving the next day.

Whoever neglects old friends in favor of the new ones will suffer the consequences of loses both.

Learning from The Shepherd and the Wild Goats Moral story is: One’s actions will have consequences.

47: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – The Magic Hen

One day, a poor man approached a farmer and exchanged a hen for a sack of rice.

When the farmer’s wife learned that her husband had patted down an entire sack of rice for an ordinary hen, she became furious.

But the following day, the farmer’s wife found a golden egg at the place where the hen had roosted during the night.

Every day, the magical hen laid one golden egg. For several weeks, this went on. The farmer soon became the village’s wealthiest man. The farmer’s wife, on the other hand, was not satisfied. She brought a big knife one day when the farmer wasn’t at home and cut the hen’s belly in the hopes of getting all the golden eggs at once. She found that there was not even a single egg inside the hen! Much to her chagrin! And because the foolish, greedy woman had killed the magical hen, there would never be any more eggs.

Learning from The Magic Hen Short Moral Story is: One who desires more loses all.

48: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – The Horse

Once upon a time, there was a horse who was the owner of an entire meadow. When the horse was away, a stag rushed into the meadow and completely destroyed it. When the horse returned, he discovered everything had been destroyed and was furious.

He went to a man in order to teach the stag a lesson.

“Could you please assist me in punishing the wild stag?” the horse inquired.

The man said, “Yes. But tell me one thing: will you allow me to ride on your back? Then I’ll be able to punish the stag.”

The horse said, “Why not? I’m all set.” Since then, instead of seeking revenge on the stag, the horse has been working for the man.

Learning from The Horse Short Bedtime Story is: Revenge is a dish best served cold.

49: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – The Turtle Who Saved Himself

A king once built a pool for his young sons to play in. He also told his men to fill it with fish. However, these gentlemen also threw a turtle into the pool. When the princes saw the turtle, they fled in terror. The king ordered his men to kill the turtle. But they did not know how to. After much discussion, a guard said, “Throw it into the lake where it flows out over the rocks into the river. Then it will almost certainly be killed.”

“You can throw me into the river to kill me!” the turtle said, popping his head out of his shell. Instead, the guards threw it into the water. The turtle laughed as he swam back home.

Learning from The Turtle Who Saved Himself Moral story is: Intelligence is the best capital.

50: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – The Donkey and Its Driver

One day, a man was riding his donkey cart. The donkey suddenly broke free from the cart and ran eagerly away from the worn track, with no obvious direction. He ended up reaching a steep cliff, and there was a deep valley below the cliff.

He was about to step forward when the man grabbed his tail and pulled him back. The foolish donkey struggled to free himself, and the man tried with all his might to drag him back. The man wished to save the donkey, but the donkey was unaware.

Finally, the man gave up and let him go. “I quit. I must release you if you want to be your own master. A furious beast must follow his own path.” As a result, the foolish donkey died by jumping to his death.

Learning from The Foolish Donkey and Its Driver short Moral story is: Look before you leap.

51: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – The Wolf and the Horse

A wolf was roaming near a meadow. He walked into an oat field. But, despite his best efforts, he was unable to consume a single oat.

As he went out of the field, he came across a horse. “Friend, I found many oats there in the field,” he told him. They’re of excellent quality, and I’ve saved everything for you. Please join us. “All of them are yours.”

“My dear fellow, if you could eat oats, I believe you would have been concerned only about yourself and given no thought to me,” the horse said with a smile. Do you think I’ll say thank you? You only gave away oats because they were useless to you. As a result, I don’t feel the need to thank anyone.

Learning from The Wolf and the Horse short Panchatantra Story is: One who uses his wits cannot be fooled.

52: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – The Arab and the Camel

Once upon a time, a man was about to start a long journey across the Arabian Desert. He spent a long time preparing his luggage before leaving.

After that, he loaded all of his belongings onto the back of the camel. When the journey’s preparations were complete, he asked the camel whether he preferred to travel uphill or downhill. The camel paid close attention to him and calculated the amount of weight he was carrying. “Sir, is there a third option of undertaking a journey straight across the plain?” the camel asked his master after a while. If that is possible, I will gladly take that route. Given the weight of the luggage I am carrying, I think the easiest route should be preferred.”

Learning from The Arab and the Camel Moral Story is: A genius knows his limitations.

53: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – The Elephant

Once upon a time, a gentle king had a shy elephant. He was known as Lajjalu, which means “a shy being.”

One night, He overheard some robbers conversation.  “A thief must beat everyone, and he should never be merciful,” one of them said.

When Lajjalu heard this, he thought to himself, “These gentlemen have arrived to instruct me. I’m going to have to take their advice.” He caught an elephant-keeper with his trunk and threw him up in the air the next day. Lajjalu’s personality had shifted.

The king was apprehensive. The king instructed the priests to teach Lajjalu proper behavior. “We should never hurt anyone,” the holy men told Lajjalu.

Lajjalu changed his behaviour because he believed he had to follow the teachers’ instructions.

Learning from The Elephant Short Moral Story is: Be cautious of whom you follow.

54: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – The Antelope and the Hunter

A hunter once discovered that, while other animals ate fruits from all of the forest trees, an antelope only ate from one. He made a strategy to capture the antelope and set some fruits as bait beneath the tree. He then hid behind the tree’s branches, keeping the noose trap open.

“How come there are so many fruits lying here!” he wondered when the antelope arrived. Then he saw the hunter hiding behind the branches! Pretending not to have noticed him, the antelope said aloud, “Since my favourite tree is behaving in a strange way, I will get fruits from another tree!” and ran away, while the hunter cursed his luck.

Lesson from The Antelope and the Hunter Panchatantra Story is: Take a detour if needed.

55: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – The Cure and the Crows

Once upon a time, a king summoned his royal doctor to treat his sick elephants. On the way to the palace, the doctor lay down in the shadow of a tree. Suddenly, a crow’s droppings fell on his forehead’ He became furious and vowed to kill all crows.

“Rubbing the crows’ fat on the elephants’ wounds will heal them,” he told the king when he arrived.

To make the medicine, the king ordered that all of the crows be slaughtered. The crows’ leader rushed up to the king and pleaded, “Please don’t put us to death. The fact is that crows don’t have any fat.”

The king realized his mistake and sentenced the evil royal doctor to severe punishment.

Learning from The Evil Doctor and the Crows Short Moral Story is: One should not lie, no matter the circumstances.

56: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – The Lark

A lark sitting on a tree branch once asked, “Man, what are you doing here?” when he saw a bird-catcher setting a trap. “I’m attempting to establish a colony,” the bird-catcher explained. I’m preparing the ground for my future city.”

The bird-catcher went to a safe distance and hid behind a bush after finishing his work. The lark had trusted the bird-catcher and was unaware of the truth. He took the bait and flew down to the net. He immediately became entangled in a noose. He was grabbed by the bird-catcher who appeared from behind the bush.

“What a nice man you are!” the lark exclaimed. If this is the nature of your city, you’ll hardly find any settlers here.”

Learning from The Lark Bedtime Short Story is: Do not believe everything you hear.

57: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – Lord Sakka and His Dog Mahakanha

In the time of King Usinara, the people of the earth left the path of virtue and took immoral ways; Sakka, the King of Gods, decided to bring them back to the rightful path. He disguised himself as a forester, and Matali, the heavenly charioteer, transformed into Mahakanha, a vicious dog. They arrived at Usinara’s kingdom’s gates as a group.

As the fierce dog approached the palace, he roared, “Grrr…”, and all the men fled to the city, terrified.

“This dog is hungry, and it will devour all those who commit sins,” Sakka told the terrified king. Sakka then returned to heaven after revealing his true identity. From that point forward, the king and his people abandoned their wrongdoings and adopted a truthful and virtuous lifestyle.

Learning from Lord Sakka and His Dog Mahakanha Moral story is: Always lead an honest and sincere life.

58: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – The Old Hound

A hound served his master well when he was young and strong. The hound grew old and weak with the passage of time.

He caught a boar one day while hunting for a beast with his master. However, the hound’s teeth had fallen out, making it difficult for him to hold on to the boar. When the master arrived at the location, he was furious to discover that his loyal hound had failed in its mission. He began savagely beating him. The hound said, “In a feeble voice,” “Your Majesty! Please don’t make me suffer.

You know, I haven’t lost my courage or my determination. Unfortunately, I am no longer physically capable. However, it is true that I have lost my strength and teeth as a result of your service.”

Learning from The Old Hound True Moral Story is: In peace, be faithful; in war, be valiant.

59: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – The Archer and the Lion

Once a skilled archer went hunting in the forest. All of the forest’s beasts were terrified when they saw him. Only one lion stayed back and challenged him to a fight.

“See, my messenger has something to tell you,” the archer said loudly after shooting an arrow at the lion. The lion was wounded by the arrow and fled as quickly as he could.

A fox, who had witnessed everything, reached the lion and said, “Don’t try to flee. Defeat him.”

The lion said, “No. If a messenger can injure me this badly, think what the man who sent him can do! It’s dangerous to have an enemy who can easily strike from a distance.”

Learning from The Archer and the Lion Short Bedtime Story for kids is: Beware of the danger that lurks around you.

60: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – The Woman and the Fat Hen

Once upon a time, there was a hen owned by an elderly woman. Every day, the hen laid an egg, which she sold for a fair price.

One day, the woman thought, “Oh! The hen is giving me an egg a day: She must give me two eggs a day if I give her more food. I’ll be able to sell more eggs and earn more money as a result!”

She began to feed the hen more frequently after that. She stopped laying eggs because she had become too fat and content. The woman could no longer produce even one egg per day. She was regretful for what she had done. Calculations do not always produce a satisfactory result.

Learning from The Woman and the Fat Hen Bedtime Moral Story is: Greed is the devil, which should not be entertained.

61: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – The Swan and the Owl 

A swan once lived by the side of a lake. He was joined by an owl. They had a happy life together. When summer arrived, the owl decided to return to his home and invited the swan to accompany him. The swan said, “When the river goes dry, I’ll come and join you.” When the river dried up, the swan flew to the owl’s home in a banyan tree. The swan had gone to bed early.

A few tourists came to rest under the tree at that moment. The owl hooted loudly when it saw the tourists. It was taken as a bad omen by the tourists, and one of them shot an arrow at the owl. The owl escaped the arrow and flew away because he could see in the dark. Instead, the arrow pierced the swan, and the poor creature died! When visiting a new place, it is well said that one must always be alert.

Lesson from The Swan and the Owl Panchatantra Story is: Always be mindful of your surroundings.

62: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – The Selfish Swans

Once upon a time, there was a kind-hearted king. In his palace’s pond, there were many gold-coloured swans. They led a luxurious life. They used to give the king their golden feathers each month.

One day, a migratory bird visited their pond, the swans became jealous.

“See, the bird is pure gold in colour, and he is bound to get preference. They said to one another, “If we want to stay important, we have to chase the bird away,” and attacked the visitor bird. The king’s men, on the other hand, noticed the swans attacking the bird. When the king saw the violent scene, he hurried out of the palace. “It’s time to put those swans in a cage.” “They are ungrateful and envious of the visitor bird,” the king said.

The swans were forced to flee the palace. Jealousy had taken away their lavish home.

Learning from The Selfish Swans Short story for the kids is: Jealousy will get you nowhere in life.

63: Short Moral Panchatantra Story Name is – The Peacock and the Crane

Once, there lived a peacock near a lake. He had beautiful feathers that he admired.

One day, a crane came to stay near the lake.

“I am delighted to welcome you,” the peacock said.

And, the peacock spread its feathers. The colourful feathers looked beautiful in the bright sunlight. The colors were reflected in the lake’s water and looked very attractive.

The proud peacock said, “Look at my feathers. They are so beautiful and special. Far more beautiful than yours.” The crane understood the tone. He said, “Whatever I have, I can fly with it.” Your beauty is useless because your feathers don’t help you fly. ” The remark put the peacock in his place and gave him a lesson in humility.

Lesson from The Peacock and the Crane Short Story is: Outer beauty attracts the eyes, but inner beauty captures the heart.

64: Short Moral Story Name is – The Holy Man and the Rich Mouse

Once upon a time, there was a holy man. A friend came to see him one day. The friend wanted to talk, but the holy man kept making a nose with a bamboo stick.

“We haven’t seen each other in a long time,” his friend said, “but you aren’t interested in a conversation.”

“Says the holy man,” “No way, my friend! Actually, I’m trying to keep the mouse away from my food. Please assist me in locating it.”

The two men looked for the mouse’s hiding place. They dug it up when they found it and discovered the food that the mouse had saved. They took that away. When the mouse returned, there was no food, so he lost all his energy and stopped moving. This way, the holy man got rid of the mouse.

Lesson from The Holy Man and the Rich Mouse Bedtime Moral Story is: Apply your wits to overcome a challenge.

65: Short Moral Story Name is – The Wicked Crow

Once upon a time, there was a falcon who got himself into some bad company and became friends with a wicked crow. A tourist was relaxing in the cool shade of a tree one day.

The man’s face was exposed to the sunlight as the sun moved west. The heron took pity on the man and spread his wings to protect the man’s face. The crow, on the other hand, wanted to wake up the sleeping man. The crow relieved himself in the traveler’s mouth while the man was yawning and flew away quickly.

The man awoke, disgusted, and looked around. He spotted the heron, angrily threw a stone at it, and killed it. One suffers as a result of the bad company he keeps.

Learning from The Wicked Crow Short Moral Story is: A man is known by the company he keeps.

66: Short Moral Story Name is – The Monkey and the Crocodile

A monkey and a crocodile used to be friends. The crocodile’s mother, who loved and admired the monkey’s heart, requested that he collect one. “Fruits on the island are ripe,” the crocodile told the monkey. I’ll drive you there. The monkey’s mouth began to water. He leaped onto the crocodile’s back, and the two of them set off for the island. Midway, the crocodile was revealed. “My mother wants to eat your heart, and I am taking you to her.” The monkey maintained his calmness. Oh, but I forgot to take my heart with me. The quick-witted monkey said, “You’ll have to take me back to get it.”

The foolish crocodile began to return to the riverbank. The monkey jumped onto the shore and flew up the tree as soon as he arrived.

Lesson From the Monkey and the Crocodile Moral Story is: Slow and steady wins the race.

67: Short Moral Story Name is – The Sly Fox

Once, a fox saw a deer, and the sly fox called for a mouse and a tiger to help him. They planned to kill the deer together, so the mouse nibbled on the deer’s feet while the tiger pounced and killed the deer.

“The fox said,” “Before taking a bath, we should not eat anything. I have taken a bath. Now it’s your turn.”

When the tiger returned from his bath, the fox said, “The mouse boasted that it was he who killed the deer and that he should get the bigger share.” The tiger’s pride was broken, and he went away. When the mouse came, he said. “When I challenged the tiger to a fight, he backed away. It’s now your turn.” The mouse escaped from the spot. The fox ate the flesh all alone.

Leeson from The Sly Fox Bedtime Story is: Cunning surpasses strength.

68: Short Bedtime Story Name is – The Fox and the Grapes

One day, a hungry fox was roaming in the jungle. Suddenly, he came across a patch of vines with ripe, juicy grapes hanging down from them.

He thought, “These have to be delicious. I think I’ll eat them.” He couldn’t reach the grapes because they were too high. So, he jumped high, trying to get those fruits, but in vain.

He kept jumping in an effort to gain access to the juicy bunch, but each time he failed. He tried over and over, but he couldn’t get to the grapes.

When he got tired and realised that he had to give up, he said to himself, “I don’t need them.” The grapes are most likely sour, and it’s easy to dislike what one can’t have.

Moral of The Fox and the Grapes Short Bedtime Story is: One finds it easy to despise things that one can’t get.

69: Short Bedtime Story Name is – The Foolish Friend

A king once appointed a monkey as his personal bodyguard.

One day, the monkey was guarding the king while he was sleeping. Later, a fly entered the room and buzzed around the sleeping king. The monkey swatted the fly away with his hands. However, the fly reappeared. The monkey shooed the fly out once more, but it flew back into the room. The monkey decided to teach it a lesson this time. He took the king’s sword and brought it down to cut the buzzing fly in half when it landed on the king’s neck. The fly got away, but the poor king died.

A foolish friend can sometimes cause more harm than a wise foe.

Lesson from The Foolish Friend Short Moral Story is: Employing a fool is a tragic mistake.

70: Short Bedtime Story Name is – Story of Sabbadatha, the Jackal

The young Bodhisattva once learned a spell that could subdue the entire world. A jackal learned the spell one day while he was memorising it.

With its assistance, the jackal subdued all of the forest’s creatures and ascended to the throne as Sabbadatha, the forest’s king.

At his command, all of the lions roared. He sat astride a lion, who stood on the backs of two elephants in turn.

The Bodhisattva asked everyone to stuff their cars with flour so that the lion’s roars couldn’t be heard. The lion let out a roar. The elephants were terrified and dropped them all. Sabbadatha tripped and was trampled by the elephants.

He who uses knowledge for a wrong purpose brings about his ruin.

Lesson from Story of Sabbadatha, the Jackal Panchatantra Moral Story is: If you dig a grave for others, you might fall into it yourself.

71: Short Bedtime Story Name is – The Bird with Two Heads

There lived a two-headed bird named Bharunda. He came across a golden fruit one day. One of the two heads began to eat the fruit, which he enjoyed. “Let me also taste the fruit,” said the other head. “We only have one stomach,” the first head explained, “and whatever head eats, the fruit will go to the same stomach.” Later that day, the other head discovered a poisonous fruit tree. He took the poisonous fruit and reported it to the first head.

I’m going to eat this poisonous fruit and exact my revenge. The first head yelled, “Please don’t eat it. If you eat it, both of us will die.” The other head, on the other hand, was unconcerned and ate the poisonous fruit, and both of them died.

Lesson learnt from The Bird with Two Heads Bedtime Short Moral Story is: It takes two to make a quarrel, but only one to end it.

72: Short Bedtime Story Name is – The Seagull and the Hawk

A seagull used to live on the beach. He ate crabs and small fish, but he never caught a large fish that could only be found deep in the ocean.

One day, he wanted to catch a fish for lunch. So he pounced on a massive fish and gobbled it up.

However, it bloated his stomach to the point where it began to hurt. Finally, he died of pain in his stomach. “You should’ve stayed in your territory,” a hawk said regretfully to him as he lay dead. It’s too late now. Every man should be content to take care of himself.

Learning from The Seagull and the Hawk Short story is: There is a limit to everything.

73: Short Bedtime Story Name is – Familiarity Brings Courage

One day, a fox saw a lion for the first time in his life. His long mane, formidable looks, scary roars, and above all, his stature as the king of the forest frightened the weak beast. He was on the verge of passing out.

He was still afraid the next day when he met the lion, but he summoned the courage to hide his fear and flee the scene as quickly as possible.

The situation had completely changed by the third day.

“Hello, Sir,” the fox said to the lion. “I hope everything is well.”

He had lost his fear of the lion. Familiarity can sometimes inspire courage.

Lesson from Familiarity Brings Courage Short story is: Face your fears head-on.

74: Short Bedtime Story Name is – The Bear and the Fox

Once, all the animals in the jungle were discussing the human race. A bear was boasting and bragging of his excessive love and respect for human beings.

He said, “I love human beings. Many of them have become my friends, and they all adore me. Our friendship has progressed to the point where they no longer fear me.”

The other animals were paying close attention to him. He then claimed that he had never handled or mauled a human body.

The fox sat quietly and listened to the bear’s conversation. “It would have been more impressive if you said you never ate a human being alive,” he said with a smile.

We should never wait for a person to die to show respect to him.

Lesson from The Bear and the Fox Bedtime Moral Story is: The love you give is the love you shall receive.

75: Short Bedtime Story Name is – The Eagle and the Arrow

Once upon a time, there lived a contented and happy eagle. He had the habit of profoundly analysing situations and events taking place around him. As a result, he learned a lot.

One day, he was perched on a high branch in a tree. A hunter was perched on the ground. He took aim at the eagle and fired. The eagle, which had been mortally wounded, noticed that the arrow was adorned with eagle feathers. He finally grasped the simple truth of life. The eagle said, “How painful are the wounds made by the weapons we have supplied to them. The bows that take our lives are made from our own feathers.

Lesson from The Eagle and the Arrow Moral story is: Always keep an eye on your enemies.

76: Short Bedtime Story Name is – The Lion and the Mouse

It was a bright and sunny day, and a lion snoozed in his cave. A mouse accidentally ran over his nose, awakening the great beast. The lion was about to crush the mouse under his paws when the little creature started begging for his life. Consider the mouse’s plight and let it go.

A few days later, while wandering through the woods, the lion walked into a map ser set up by hunters and was caught in the nets. He couldn’t move because he was so tangled up in ropes.

The lion lay helpless on the ground, roaring, and his cries echoed across the forest, reaching the ears of the mouse.

He dashed to the scene and snatched the net’s threads.

Sometimes, even the small and the weak turn out to be mightier than the most powerful.

Lesson learnt from The Lion and the Mouse Moral Story is: Everything has its own value.

77: Short Bedtime Story Name is – The Thirsty Pigeon

Once upon a time, there was a happy pigeon. During the summer, all lakes and ponds dried up due to the extreme heat. The pigeon was thirsty and desperate for water. But there was no water to be found anywhere. He came across a painting of a glass of water on a wall.

In desperation, the pigeon mistook the painting for real and swooped down with all his might on it. His wings were broken when he collided with the wall. A wounded pigeon fell to the ground and lay helpless; after some time, a passing man captured the injured pigeon.

Even when we’re desperate, we shouldn’t let our zeal get the best of us.

Lesson from The Thirsty Pigeon Bedtime Moral Story is: Overenthusiasm may prove to be harmful to you.

78: Short Bedtime Story Name is – The Boy and the Nettle

Once upon a time, there was a young boy. He was a happy and fun-loving child, and he was an obedient child whose mother loved him.

One day, while the boy was playing in a field, He suddenly got stung by a nettle. Hurt, he ran home. On meeting his mother, he said he had been stung by a nasty little weed.

His mother said, “I suggest that you grab the nettle firmly in your hand the next time you see it. If you grab it hard enough, it will not harm you ever. ” Whatever you do, do it boldly.

Lesson Learnt from The Boy and the Nettle Kids Story is: Self-confidence is the key to success.

79: Short Bedtime Story Name is – The Creaking Wheels

Once, there was an oxen pair who toiled day and night. They were tied to a wagon that they had to pull. One day, the oxen were pulling the wagon along a bumpy road. They had to use all their strength to pull the wagon, but they did not complain. The wheels of the wagon were of a different sort. Though the task they had to do was very light compared with that of the oxen, they creaked and groaned at every turn. The driver of the wagon became furious.

He said to the wagon, “Why do you make so much noise? Can’t you see the oxen are quietly doing their job?”

Those who cry the loudest may not be the ones who are hurt the most.

Moral of The Creaking Wheels Kids Story is: Sometimes, those who suffer the most complain the least.

80: Short Bedtime Story Name is – A Lion in Love

A lion fell in love with a woodcutter’s daughter. He went to the woodcutter to ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage. The woodcutter was shocked to hear the lion’s proposal. The woodcutter came up with a clever plan to get out of trouble and save his little girl.

He said, “We are happy that a great creature like you wants to marry my daughter. But she is afraid of your claws and teeth. So, please get rid of them, and my daughter will be all yours. ” Smitten with the girl, the foolish lion got rid of his teeth and claws. The lion then went to the woodcutter’s house. The woodcutter was no longer afraid of the beast and kicked the lion away.

Moral of A Lion in Love Kids Story is: Love has the power to turn your life around completely.

81: Short Bedtime Story Name is – The Disobedient Son

A merchant had a disobedient, irreligious son.

Intending to rouse interest in religion, his mother sent him to listen to a saint’s sermon in the temple; she promised to give him a thousand rupees if he attended the whole session. The greedy son agreed at once. But instead of listening to the saint’s teachings, he slept during the entire session.

The following day, the son came home, took a thousand rupees from his mother, and started making plans to trade overseas. His mother pleaded with him not to go, but the man refused to listen to her. He packed his things and left for the voyage. But alas! His ship met with a terrible storm on the way, sinking all passengers on board.

Thus, the son paid the price of disobedience.

Moral of The Disobedient Son Short Kids Story is: Obedience is a form of worship.

82: Short Bedtime Story Name is – The Travellers and the Hatchet

Two friends were walking along a road when they suddenly found a hatchet lying under a bush. “Oh! Look what I have found! “One of them exclaimed. His friend replied, “Don’t say ‘I’, say ‘we.’ We have found the hatchet.”

As they argued, the man to whom the hatchet belonged came looking for it in their direction.

The moment he saw them holding his hatchet, he cried, Thieves! So, you are the ones who took my hatchet. The one who had first found the hatchet said to the other, “Alas, we are now done for.” This time his friend said, “Don’t say ‘we’, say ‘I am done for.”

Those who do not share their fortunes have no right to share their troubles either.

Moral of The Travellers and the Hatchet Kids Story is: Tough times do not build character; they reveal it.

83: Short Bedtime Story Name is – The Old Man and Death

Once upon a time, an older man was walking a long distance with a heavy bundle of sticks; he was tired and soon collapsed on the ground. He threw his bundle of sticks away, saying, “O Death, please come and take me away. I am old and tired and cannot carry on anymore.”

Death heard his prayers and appeared before him in the form of a dark, saying, “I am Death.” Were you calling me? Do you want me to take you along with me?”

The older man was awe-struck. He started stammering in fear and said, “No-no, sir! I do not want you to take my life, and I just called you to help me pick up the bundle of sticks that are lying on the ground.”

It is one thing to call it “death” and another to actually die.

Moral of The Old Man and Death Kids Story is: Do not be afraid of dying.

84: Short Bedtime Story Name is – The Nymph and the Ascetic

The Bodhisattva was born into a wealthy family. When he grew up, he became an ascetic. One morning, when he was meditating near a river, a water nymph saw him and fell in love.

The water nymph said to herself, “A handsome man like him doesn’t deserve to lead a life of hardship.”

She started singing a beautiful song, hoping to attract the Bodhisattva’s attention. But the Bodhisattva did not respond. Surprised, the nymph went up to him and said, “My lord! Why not keep your meditations for your old age? You are too young for such hardship.”

The ascetic opened his eyes, smiled, and said, “My dear lady, I do not know whether I will live that long.” The nymph realized that she would never win him and went back into the water.

Moral of The Nymph and the Ascetic Short Kids Bedtime Story is: Distraction is the enemy of greatness.

85: Short Bedtime Story Name is – The Shepherd and the Sea

Once, there lived a shepherd who wanted to spend his life sailing. One day, he sold his flock, purchased a cargo of dates, and set out on his voyage. He had just started his journey when a big storm came and made the calm ocean violent. The cargo could not take the force of the stormy waves and fell into the water. The shepherd, however, managed to survive the storm and swam back to the shore.

When he reached land, the sea was calm again. A friend came and joined him as he stood gazing miserably at sea.

As they started walking together, the friend said that the calmness and beauty of the waters were inviting. The shepherd, by now wiser, said, “Look carefully, my friend. The calmness is only meant for us to find the lost dates.”

Moral of The Shepherd and the Sea Bedtime Kids Story is: Smooth seas do not make skilful sailors.

86: Short Bedtime Story Name is – The Big Fish

Fish of all sizes inhabited a small pond; all the fish, big and small, lived together in perfect peace and harmony.

One day, a fisherman cast his net into the pond. When he drew it up, he was amazed to see the variety of his catch. As he was taking out the massive haul from the net, most of the small fish managed to escape through the holes in the net and jumped back into the deep water.

One of the big fish had no option, and it was trapped and could not move, so it was thrown into the boat and soon died.

It is not wise or safe for a big fish to stay in a small pond.

Moral of The Big Fish Short Story for Kids is: Do not be confined to closed spaces.

87: Short Bedtime Story Name is – The Flies

A big jar full of honey fell from a high shelf onto the kitchen floor and broke into pieces one day. The honey, which spilled out, attracted a swarm of flies, and they sat and licked it.

Having had their fill, they attempted to fly away but failed because their feet were stuck in the honey. They made several attempts to fly away, but all their efforts failed.

They realized they were now in grave danger. Eventually, the humans would notice and kill them. One of them sighed in utter hopelessness, “Alas! How foolish we are! We risked our lives because of our greed. Now, we are about to die.

Moral of The Flies Panchatantra Story is: A moment of pleasure is not worth a lifetime of regret.

88: Short Bedtime Story Name is – Demon in the Desert

Two friends, Sridhar and Shanidhar, were wealthy merchants. They decided to go to a distant land to expand their trade one day. On the way, they had to cross a desert that was the territory of a giant demon, a fact unknown to the two friends. 

The more adventurous of the two, Sridhar opted to go first, thinking he would enjoy the journey better. Shridhar agreed and let Sridhar go first. On the way, Sridhar and his men lost their way in the dreary, waterless land. The demon, disguised as a traveler, misled them and ate them. Some months later, Shanidhar started his journey. But he was wise enough to see through the demon’s disguise and alerted his men against his evil tricks. They reached their destination, finished their business, and returned home safely.

Moral of Demon in the Desert Horror story for kids is: Your brain is a powerful thing; use it wisely.

89: Short Moral Story Name is – The Happy Man

One day, a sage and his chief disciple were busy discussing some religious issues when the land king arrived there to pay homage to the sage. The chief disciple was so absorbed in his conversation with the sage that he failed to notice the king approaching.

The king heard him say, “O, what a pleasure! What a pleasure!” He felt contempt for the disciple and loathed his fawning attitude. But the sage read the king’s mind and told him about the disciple’s true identity. He explained that the disciple once used to be a monarch but had renounced everything to become a sage. The “pleasure” the king had heard him talk about was his happiness in being a sage.

The king realized his mistake and apologized.

Moral of The Happy Man Short Story is: The less attached you are, the more peaceful you are.

90: Short Moral Story Name is – The Astronomer

Once, an astronomer lived who would watch the stars with such keen interest that he would often forget everything. He used to roam the city and watch the stars from various spots.

One day, he overlooked an open well and fell into it. He was scared and helpless and began to cry. An acquaintance stopped and saw the astronomer struggling to get out.

He laughed and said, “My dear friend! You are always trying to solve the mysteries of the heavens above. But it is not right to ignore the common objects near your feet. “Indifference to ordinary things can be dangerous.

Moral of The Astronomer Short Story is: Indifference to ordinary things can be dangerous.

91: Short Moral Story Name is – The Boastful Traveller

A globetrotter lived in a village and spent most of his time boasting about the many heroic things he had done in the different places that he had visited. The villagers listened but hardly believed all that he said.

One day, he claimed that when he was in a place called Rhodes, he had taken a giant leap that no man could ever take.

One of his listeners said, “That sounds great, friend.” Let’s suppose this is Rhodes. Now leap and prove that you can accomplish the feat. We are all watching. ” The globetrotter was left shamefaced. The best way to cure a boaster is to put his words to the test.

Moral of The Boastful Traveller Girl Kids Story is: Boasting begins where wisdom ends.

92: Short Moral Story Name is – The Eagle, the Cat, and the Wild Sow

An eagle made its nest at the top of a tall tree. A cat came to live in the hollow of the trunk, and a sow lived at the foot of the tree. The cat was very cunning and wanted to drive away from the eagle and pig families. She said to the eagle, “The sow is going to dig up the roots of this tree! When we fall down with our families, she will eat us up.”

The eagle was scared and stopped flying out to look for food. Next, the cat went to the sow and said, “The eagle wants to eat your little ones. Don’t leave them alone!”

Now, the sow was scared and stopped going out for food. Soon, the eagle and the pig families died of hunger, and the cat and its family got the whole tree to themselves.

Moral of The Eagle, the Cat, and the Wild Sow Story for 3 to 4 Years Kid is: Even a single traitor can cause huge trouble.

93: Short Moral Story Name is – Wolf in Disguise

Once, a greedy wolf lived in a forest, and he was also very lazy and wanted easy ways to get food.

One day, he decided to blend into the flock of sheep. So, he took a sheep’s hide he found, disguised himself as a sheep, and joined the flock. He then pretended to graze with the sheep. When the flock was back in the barn at night, the wolf went with them. The shepherd could not recognize the wolf. But, that night, the farmer decided to kill and cook one of the sheep for dinner, and the wolf in sheep’s clothing was chosen. That was the end of the lazy wolf.

Sometimes, the easy way serves more harm than profit.

Moral of Wolf in Disguise Story for 3 to 4 Years Kid is: You may find the worst enemy or best friend in yourself.

94: Short Moral Story Name is – The Foolish Goat

One day, a fox fell in a deep well. Soon a goat came to the son well to take a drink. He was amazed to see a fox swimming in the water. The fox thought he must use the goat to rescue himself.

He cried, “Hey, goat! Do you know why Lam is here? It’s easier to get all the good water inside the well. Look, I am drinking and enjoying to my heart’s content.

The fox’s words tempted the goat, and he soon jumped into the well. The fox immediately caught hold of the goat, climbed onto his back, and managed to leap out of the well with a little effort. The poor goat was almost drowning, and he cried out for help. The fox said, “You are a fool. Always look before you leap. Now that you have broken the golden rule, you deserve to suffer. 

Moral of The Foolish Goat Story for 3 to 4 Years Kid is: Rely on your judgments to make difficult decisions in life.

95: Short Moral Story Name is – The Vain Jackdaw

Lord Indra once decided to choose a king among the birds. He asked all the birds to come to him on a particular day so that he could crown the most beautiful one. To win, the jackdaw went around the forest collecting feathers of other beautiful birds. He stuck these onto his body and felt like he was the most beautiful of all birds. On the appointed day, the birds assembled before Lord Indra. The jackdaw also came out looking beautiful and colorful. Lord Indra liked his bright appearance and decided to make him the king. But all the birds protested and plucked their feathers from the jackdaw, who once again looked like his old self. You can never hide who you are, so it is best to be yourself.

Moral of The Vain Jackdaw Story for 3 to 4 Years Kid is: True beauty comes from within.

96: Short Moral Story Name is – The Prince and the Hermit

There was a cruel king called Kroor Singh. One day, he was stuck in a storm and took shelter with a hermit. A parrot. a rat, and a snake took refuge in the hermit’s cottage. At night, the hermit served food to his animals first and then the king. This made the king very angry, but he chose to remain quiet.

The storm subsided, and the king left with the promise that he would always help the hermit in return for the favor. One day, the hermit went to the king to ask for help. The cruel king ordered his servants to kill him.

The hermit told the soldiers all that had happened, and the soldiers were so enraged that they killed the king and declared the hermit their new ruler. The new king brought the snake, the rat, and the parrot to the palace, and they all lived together happily.

Moral of The Prince and the Hermit Story for 3 to 4 Years Kid is: With great power comes great responsibility.

97: Short Moral Story Name is – The Three Tradesmen

Once upon a time, three tradesmen lived in a city. One day, the soldiers were preparing for an impending attack on the town from a neighboring state. The three traders were worried and started planning how to defend their city. One of them, a dealer in bricks, said, “Friends, bricks are the best way to fortify a city. Even cannonballs cannot penetrate the resistance put up by a strong brick wall.” Another tradesman, a dealer of wood, suggested that timber was the best solution. The third tradesman, who sold leather, said, “Friends, all said and done, I must say there is nothing in the world to defend a city like leather.”

Every man for his trade.

Moral of The Three Tradesmen Story for the Younger Kids is: Who has a trade; may go anywhere.

98: Short Moral Story Name is – The Boy and the Bottle

There once lived a little boy who loved the hazelnuts and berries that his mother gave him every day. One day, the little boy wanted some more nuts. So, he put his hand inside a bottle containing them. He grabbed a handful and tried to pull his hand out. But the neck of the bottle was too narrow, and his hand got stuck. The little boy burst into tears. He struggled to free his hand.

A wise friend came up and offered a suggestion. “Don’t attempt to take too many of them in one go,” said the friend. “Hold a small quantity in your hand and let the others go. Once your hand comes out, you can reach back to get the rest.”

Lesson learnt from The Boy and the Bottle Story for the Baby Girl is: Greed lessens what is gathered.

 99: Short Moral Story Name is – The Thief’s Mother

One day, a boy stole a book from his schoolmate and brought it home. Instead of rebuking him, his mother encouraged him to steal expensive things. He grew up, but his habit of stealing stayed. One day, he was caught red-handed and sentenced to death. When he was being taken to the gallows, his mother was standing in the crowd, waiting for him for her son.

The sun came up to his mother and said, “Stop crying, Mother! I am suffering because of you. You did not punish me when I stole my schoolmate’s book. Instead, you encouraged me to be what I am today. If you had corrected me when I was young, I would never have had to face this day.”

It is better to nip the evil in the bud.

Lesson learnt from The Thief’s Mother Moral Story for the young Kids is: Stealing would never make you rich.

100: Short Moral Story Name is – The Boy Who Went Swimming

Once, there lived a boy who loved all kinds of sport. One day, he went swimming so far out into the river that he began struggling against the strong current. As the boy started to sink, he caught sight of a man standing near the shore, and he yelled at him for help. But instead of coming to the boy’s rescue, the man stood there and began advising the boy about how he should be more careful in the future.

The boy, who was close to drowning, said, “Sir, save your sermon for later. Please do something to save me, first!” Advice without practical help is of no use to anyone.

Lesson learnt from the Boy Who Went Swimming Panchatantra Story is: By helping others, we help ourselves.

101: Short Moral Story Name is – The Cock Who Found a Jewel

Once, a cock felt hungry and went in search of food. He started scratching the ground in the hope of finding grains for his meal. Meanwhile, he discovered a jewel deep in the mud. It was precious and prominent. The cock was surprised to see it. He lifted it and said to himself, “What a pretty jewel it is! It must be very precious. The world will run after it.” After some time, he thought. “I am hungry and I need food. What will I do with a jewel? At this time, the grain is more precious to me because I can eat it. So the jewel is meaningless to me.” He left the jewel there and started digging at another place. Actually, a thing is precious only if it is helpful to you.

Lesson learnt from The Cock Who Found a Jewel Panchatantra Story is: Let go of the things you do not need.

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