How to Draw Cartoon Girl Faces | Step by Step

Cartoon girl faces are a popular artistic style that is often used in various forms of media, including comics, animation, and advertising. These illustrations depict female characters in a simplified, exaggerated, and often humorous manner, which adds a playful and lighthearted quality to the artwork.
Cartoon girl faces typically have large, expressive eyes that convey emotion and personality. The eyes are often accentuated with eyelashes and eye shadow, and the eyebrows are usually thick and highly arched. The nose is usually small and simple, with a button-like shape, and the mouth is often drawn in a smile or with a playful expression.
Step 1 :- Draw the cheek.

Step 2 :- Now draw the neck and ear.

Step 3 :- Now draw the inner ear details.

Step 4 :- Now draw the eyebrows.

Step 5 :- Now draw the eyes

Step 6 :- Now draw the pupils.

Step 7 :- Draw the nose.

Step 8 :- Now draw the mouth.

Step 9 :- Now draw the hairs.

Step 10 :- The bob cut hairs now.

Step 11 :-Now detail the hairs.

Step 12 :- More detailing.

Step 13 :- The drawing is complete.

Step 14 :- Colour the drawing as shown in picture.

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