Tit For Tat Moral Story

Tit For Tat Moral Story

Once upon a time, two friends lived in a village named Kishanpur. One of them was Hariya, a farmer by profession, and the other was Sonalal, a goldsmith.

While there was a very close friendship between the two, they thought and behaved differently. After working hard and earning a good living, Hariya donated a portion of his earnings to charity. He spent some on the family and kept what was left so that in the future, he would not have to spread his hands in front of anyone. Sonam, by contrast, did not like to work hard and earned money by giving people loans at high interest and tricking them. Read our other Moral Stories.

In the middle of time, Hariya considers taking a pilgrimage. Both he and his wife are thrilled when he tells her, but after a while, both are sad, considering to whom they will leave their life’s earnings. If they take all of the savings, and even if they leave them, the fear is that they will be stolen.

After much deliberation, Hariya suddenly decides to leave this money to Sonam. Upon hearing this, his wife becomes upset because she knows Sonaram’s reality. The wife knows that the husband is a very simple person and that Sonaram might cheat him. She explains this to her husband, who clarifies that Sonaram is his childhood friend and will not harm him. Read our Arabian Nights stories

When he reaches Sonaram, Sonaram, seeing him, says, “Come on, Hariya, you have come today after a long time, and where are you going with all this stuff?” Hariya says to him, “You are the only one I am coming to.”

As Hariya tells Sonaram, he wants to go on a pilgrimage with his wife and keep all his valuables with him.

When Sonaram hears this, he says, “Why not?” After all, we are childhood friends. Hariya is pleased to hear this.

As a result, Hariya gives Sonaram his bull and the rest of the valuable items. Finally, he gives Sonaram four gold rods and says that these are his whole life’s earnings, keeping them safe.

Seeing so much gold, Sonaram was very surprised and said to Hariya, “Hariya, I will not touch any foreign thing. You should keep your gold in my safe.”

Hariya takes the vault’s key from Sonaram, puts all his gold in the vault, gives the key to Sonaram, and rests on his pilgrimage.

After Hariya’s departure, Sonaram gets greedy after seeing so much gold, and he decides he will not give this gold to Hariya.

It takes a few years for Hariya to return from his pilgrimage and reach Sonaram directly. When Sonaram sees him, he pretends to be grieved.

Hariya asks Sonaram, “What happened, Sonaram? Why are you upset?” Sonaram replies, “You have been on your pilgrimage, and I have had a mountain of troubles.”

Hariya also gets a bit worried and asks, “What happened, Sonaram? Tell me if everything is all right?”

Sonaram informs him that giant rats caused panic in the village after he left. He lost all his wealth when they nibbled through all his vaults and destroyed all his money.

Hariya is very upset to hear this and shows sympathy for him. No matter what happens, wealth can always be earned back, you’re safe and well, and that’s a positive thing to hear.

Hariya now asks Sonaram for his gold. In tears, Sonaram tells Hariya that the rats gnawed all the gold and didn’t leave a trace, and he shows her a broken safe.

Hariya is surprised to hear Sonaram and asks how rats can eat gold? So Sonaram angrily says, “So am I lying?”

Since Hariya has understood Sonaram’s intentions, he understands that Sonaram does not wish to return his gold.

When Hariya returns from Sonaram’s house empty-handed and disappointed, he decides to teach him a lesson.

A few more years pass, and Sonaram forgets about the past incident. One day, he comes to Hariya and says, “Haria brother, my wife and I have to leave for some essential work.” Can I leave my daughter with you?

Hariya immediately answers Sonaram, yes, yes, why not Sonaram? In the end, only a friend can be helpful to a friend. Hearing his words, Sonaram calms down and leaves for work.

When Sonaram returns after a few days to take back his daughter, Hariya starts sobbing after seeing him. Sonaram asks Hariya, “What happened to you, Hariya? Why are you crying?”

After listening to him for some time, Hariya asks, “What should I tell Sonaram? You have been out, and the village was attacked by big birds. They took animals, humans, and your daughter too. Also read our Bed Time stories

Sonaram became angry on hearing this, started fighting with Hariya, and asked him to go to the king’s court. Hariya also agreed to appear in court.

Sonaram says, “My Lord, this Hariya is my childhood friend. I had left my daughter with him for a few days.” When I returned and asked for my daughter back, he said that the bird had taken her. Now you tell me, my lord, can a bird ever take a human child?

As soon as the king hears her words, he becomes furious and asks Hariya to return his daughter. Hariya politely replies that the bird has taken away Sonaram’s daughter. As he listens to him, the king is surprised and wonders how a bird can take a human child. Hariya replies, “Just like a rat can eat gold.”

The king is even more astonished after hearing that the rat ate gold… The king asks Hariya to tell him the whole story; Hariya tells him everything that has happened since the beginning, and the king starts laughing after listening to him. You taught Sonaram the right lesson and performed Tit for Tat.

The king asks Sonaram to return Hariya’s 4 gold bars and give Hariya 1 gold bar as punishment. He asks Hariya to return Sonaram’s daughter.

In this way, Hariya taught a lesson to the dishonest Sonaram with his wisdom.

This story teaches us that we should always follow the Tit for Tat rule while dealing with an evil person.

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