The Dolphins and the Sprat: A Tale of Pride and Humility
Once upon a time, in the vast and beautiful ocean, there was a great battle taking place. On one side, there were the mighty dolphins, known for their agility and intelligence. On the other side, there were the powerful whales, known for their immense size and strength. The clash between these two mighty forces created waves that rocked the entire ocean and echoed through the depths. As the battle reached its peak, there was chaos and turmoil in the sea. The dolphins and whales clashed with such intensity that the water seemed to boil with their combined might. The creatures of the sea watched in awe and fear, for they had never witnessed such a fierce confrontation before. In the midst of the turmoil, a small and humble sprat observed the battle with growing concern. This little fish had always been peaceful and had never seen the need for violence.