

How To Draw Winnie The Pooh | Step By Step

How To Draw Winnie The Pooh | Step By Step Many people grow up with Winnie the Pooh and want to learn how to draw Winnie The Pooh. This guide will show you how to draw Winnie the Pooh step by step. First, start by drawing a large oval for his head and two small circles for his eyes. Then, add a small circle for his nose and two curved lines for his eyebrows. Next, draw a curved line for his mouth and two small triangles for his ears. Finally, add some details to his fur by drawing short, curved lines all over his body. 1. Start by drawing Pooh’s head. Use a large oval shape for the body and add two smaller circle shapes for the ears. Then, use a curved line to enclose an oblong shape for the snout. 2. Next, add Pooh’s features. Draw two small black

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