How to draw CT Ctchrysler | Step by Step
How to draw CT Ctchrysler | Step by Step Annie Mei is a character from the popular video game Overwatch, developed by Blizzard Entertainment. She is a support hero, meaning she primarily assists her teammates rather than dealing damage to the enemy team. Annie Mei is known for her ice-themed abilities, including the ability to create walls of ice to block enemy attacks and a powerful ultimate ability that freezes all enemies in a large radius. Step 1 :- Start by drawing the chin. Step 2 :- Next draw the nose and mouth Step 3 :- Now draw the eyes. Step 4 :- Continue with eyebrows. Step 5 :- Now the front hairs. Step 6 :- Continue with hairs. Step 7 :- Detail the hairs. Step 8 :- Now draw the ear and her earrings. Step 9 :- Now draw her body. Step 10 :- Draw the necklace next. Step