helheim fudge challenge


Helheim: A Tale of Death, Discovery, and Meeting the Goddess Hel

Helheim: A Tale of Death, Discovery, and Meeting the Goddess Hel Introduction In Norse mythology, Helheim is the underworld ruled by the goddess Hel. It is a place where those who die of old age or illness go after death. The realm is said to be located beneath one of the roots of Yggdrasil, the world tree. Helheim is also known as Niflhel or Niflheim, which means “mist world” in Old Norse. The Arrival The story begins with a young woman named Freya who dies of an illness and finds herself in Helheim. She is greeted by the goddess Hel, who welcomes her to her realm. Freya is initially frightened but soon realizes that Helheim is not as terrifying as she had imagined. Hel tells Freya that she can stay in Helheim as long as she wants and explore its many regions. Freya accepts this offer and begins her journey

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