

The Garden of Gethsemane | Bible story

The Garden of Gethsemane | Bible story Peter, James, and John traveled with Jesus to a grove of olive trees in the Garden of Gethsemane. He wanted to be left alone that night so he could pray. So he told them to wait outside and keep watch while he prayed. Jesus looked up to heaven and asked God to give him the strength to go through the pain he was about to go through: “Father now is the time. You sent me to tell people that You are the only true God and sent me, Jesus Christ, to praise You. I told everyone about the words that You gave me. “Father, I’m coming back to you.” When Jesus returned, he found that three of his disciples had fallen asleep while waiting for him. Jesus asked sadly, “Could you not stay awake for an hour and wait for me?” Returning to

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