The Selfish Dog in a Manger: Kids Panchatantra Story


The Selfish Dog in a Manger: Kids Panchatantra Story

The Selfish Dog in a Manger

Once upon a time, in a peaceful countryside, there stood a charming farmhouse. The farmhouse was surrounded by lush green fields, where horses roamed freely and grazed on the sweet, tender grass. It was a place filled with warmth and happiness.

In this farmhouse, there lived a dog named Rusty. Rusty was a playful and mischievous dog, loved by everyone in the neighborhood. His favorite spot in the entire farmhouse was the manger, a cozy nook filled with soft hay. The manger was meant for the horses to enjoy their meals, but Rusty had claimed it as his own.

Now, Rusty was a little bit selfish. He had his own food bowl, filled with delicious treats, placed just outside the farmyard. But for some reason, Rusty always wanted to sleep in the manger. He believed it was the most comfortable place in the whole farmhouse.

Every morning, when the horses came trotting into the farmyard, eager to munch on their hay, they would find Rusty nestled comfortably in the manger. The moment the horses approached, Rusty would wake up, jump out of the manger, and start barking furiously.

The horses would be taken aback by Rusty’s behavior. They would plead with him, saying, “Oh, Rusty, please let us eat our hay. We are hungry and need our nourishment.”

But Rusty paid no attention to their pleas. He would bark louder and growl fiercely, warning the horses to stay away from the manger. The poor horses would retreat, feeling sad and hungry.

Days turned into weeks, and the horses grew more and more frustrated. They didn’t understand why Rusty was so possessive about the manger when he had his own food. It seemed unfair to them.

One evening, as the horses gathered near the manger, a wise old mare named Bella spoke up. “My friends,” she said, “we cannot let Rusty’s selfishness ruin our happiness. We must find a way to convince him to share the manger with us.”

The horses agreed, determined to find a solution. The next morning, as Rusty occupied the manger once again, they approached him with kindness in their hearts.

“Dear Rusty,” Bella said softly, “we understand that you love the manger. But it is meant for all of us to enjoy. We have a suggestion. Why don’t you join us in the farmyard and feast on the bones that the farmer leaves for you? They are just as delicious as the hay is to us.”

Rusty’s ears perked up at the mention of bones. He had always loved chewing on bones, and the thought of fresh bones made his mouth water.

Selfish Dog

“You mean the farmer leaves bones for me?” Rusty asked, his eyes wide with excitement.

Bella nodded with a warm smile. “Yes, dear Rusty. The bones are waiting for you in the farmyard. They are a special treat just for you.”

Rusty’s heart swelled with joy. He had been so focused on the manger that he hadn’t realized the farmer’s kindness towards him. With gratitude and a newfound understanding, he agreed to leave the manger for the horses.

The next day, when the horses gathered near the manger, Rusty was nowhere to be seen. Instead, he was happily chewing on a juicy bone in the farmyard. The horses, now free from Rusty’s selfishness, relished the hay in peace.

From that day forward, Rusty learned the importance of sharing and thinking about others’ needs. He no longer claimed the manger as his own, understanding that true happiness came from kindness and consideration for others.

The farmhouse became a place filled with harmony and joy. Rusty and the horses developed a deep bond, playing and exploring together in the fields. Rusty realized that friendship and togetherness were far more rewarding than selfishness.

And so, the tale of Rusty and the manger became a lesson for everyone. The animals in the farmhouse learned that selfishness only leads to unhappiness, while sharing and kindness create a world filled with love and laughter.

And as the years passed by, the memory of Rusty’s selfishness faded away, but the moral of the story remained etched in their hearts forever.

So, my dear little friends, remember the tale of Rusty and the manger. Be selfless, kind, and always ready to share. For in sharing, you will find true happiness that will light up your world.

The moral and lesson from the story of “The Dog in a Manger” are: Selfishness is a fool’s trait.

Lesson: Being selfish and possessive only brings unhappiness to oneself and others. It is important to be considerate, share, and think about the needs of others. True happiness and harmony come from kindness, selflessness, and a willingness to share.

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FAQ about The Dog in a Manger

The horses needed hay to eat because it was their primary food. The manger was designed for them to enjoy their meals, but the selfish dog prevented them from doing so.

The horses approached the dog with kindness and understanding. They suggested that the dog join them in the farmyard, where the farmer left bones for him to enjoy. They assured the dog that the bones were just as delicious as the hay was to them.

Yes, the dog realized his mistake and understood the value of sharing. Once he learned about the special bones waiting for him in the farmyard, he willingly left the manger for the horses and enjoyed his own treat there.

The moral of the story is that selfishness is a foolish trait. The story teaches us the importance of being selfless, considerate, and willing to share. It highlights how selfishness can cause unhappiness for oneself and others, while kindness and sharing bring joy and harmony.