The Disappearing Cookies: A Mysterious Story
The Disappearing Cookies: A Mysterious Story It was a bright and sunny day as the students of the Maplewood Elementary School eagerly lined up for their lunch break. Among them was little Timmy, a second-grader who had been looking forward to his lunch all morning. His mother had packed him a delicious sandwich, a juice box, and his favorite chocolate chip cookies. But when Timmy opened his lunchbox, he was disappointed to find that his cookies were missing. Confused and upset, he searched through his bag and his desk, but they were nowhere to be found. His classmates, who were enjoying their own lunches, noticed Timmy’s disappointment and asked what was wrong. “My cookies are gone,” Timmy said with a frown. “Someone took them from my lunchbox.” His classmates looked at each other with concern, knowing how important Timmy’s cookies were to him. They decided to help him solve the