Ameen and the Boiled Eggs


Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a man named Ameen. He had a tiny piece of land that he used for cultivation. Unfortunately, a severe drought struck his village, forcing Ameen to leave in search of a means to survive. Before his departure, he had borrowed a dozen boiled eggs from a local businessman, hoping to repay the favor someday. With his trusty donkey in tow, Ameen set off on his journey.

Seven long years passed, and Ameen finally returned to his village. However, he was no longer the struggling farmer he once was. Now, he arrived on a horse, leading a caravan of camels loaded with sacks of gold and silver. The news of his incredible transformation from rags to riches spread through the village like wildfire.

The businessman who had lent Ameen the dozen eggs heard about his return and saw an opportunity to collect on the debt. He wasted no time and approached Ameen, demanding repayment. He said, “Ameen, you have amassed great wealth. It’s time to settle your debt. You borrowed a dozen eggs from me, and now you owe me five hundred gold coins.”

Ameen was taken aback by the businessman’s audacious claim. He exclaimed, “Are you serious? Five hundred gold coins for a dozen eggs? Isn’t that an exorbitant price?”

The businessman remained resolute and replied, “I assure you, I am not joking. After seven years, the cost of those eggs has multiplied significantly.”

Ameen, realizing the absurdity of the situation, calmly said, “I’m sorry, but I cannot agree to pay such an exorbitant sum.”

Enraged, the businessman threatened, “If you refuse to pay, I will take you to court.”

The matter eventually found its way to the local court, where a judge set a date for the hearing. Both parties were summoned to present their case.

On the appointed day, the businessman arrived promptly at the court, but Ameen was conspicuously absent. After a considerable delay, Ameen rushed into the courtroom, apologizing for his tardiness. The judge, slightly annoyed, allowed the proceedings to begin. The businessman reiterated his claim, explaining, “Your Honor, Ameen borrowed a dozen eggs from me seven years ago, and I am demanding five hundred gold coins as repayment. These eggs must have hatched into chicks, and those chicks would have laid more eggs. Had I received my due, my poultry farm would have flourished.”

The judge, nodding in agreement, said, “Your argument seems reasonable. Ameen, what do you have to say in your defense? And why were you late today?”


Ameen, with a mischievous grin, responded, “Your Honor, the reason I was late is because I was busy sowing some boiled bean seeds at home. I anticipate a bountiful harvest of beans next year.”

The judge was taken aback and retorted, “You fool! Boiled beans cannot be cultivated.”

Undeterred, Ameen calmly countered, “Why not, Your Honor? If boiled eggs can hatch into hens and roosters, why can’t boiled beans grow into plants?”

The courtroom burst into laughter, and the embarrassed businessman hung his head in shame. Realizing the absurdity of his claim, the judge delivered his verdict in favor of Ameen, acknowledging his clever wit. Ameen’s intelligence had won the day, and justice prevailed.

Moral of the Story:

Quick thinking and clever arguments can sometimes lead to unexpected victories. In this tale, Ameen’s witty defense turned an outrageous debt claim into a humorous lesson about the importance of reason and logic in resolving disputes.

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