Chinese Mythology


Dizang Bodhisattva

Unveiling the Great Vow: The Complete Story of Dizang Bodhisattva Introduction Brief overview of Dizang Bodhisattva Dizang Bodhisattva, also known as Ksitigarbha in Sanskrit, is a revered figure in Mahayana Buddhism. He is believed to be a bodhisattva who made a vow to help all beings reach enlightenment and alleviate their suffering. Dizang Bodhisattva is often depicted as a kind, compassionate figure who roams through the six realms of existence, helping those who are suffering. According to Mahayana Buddhist texts, Dizang Bodhisattva was originally a monk named Sudhana who lived during the time of Buddha Shakyamuni. One day, while meditating, Sudhana saw the immense suffering of all sentient beings and was filled with compassion. He made a vow that he would not attain enlightenment until all sentient beings had been liberated from suffering. Importance of Dizang Bodhisattva in Buddhism The teachings and practices associated with Dizang Bodhisattva have played an

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The Legendary Race: Unveiling the Chinese Zodiac and its Animals

The Tale of the Chinese Zodiac and Its Animals The story of the Chinese zodiac and its animals begins with the powerful Jade Emperor, who ruled over all of the gods in the heavens. One day, the Jade Emperor decided that he needed a way to measure time, so he decided to hold a race among the animals. The first twelve animals to cross the finish line would each have a year named after them in the lunar calendar. The animals were excited to participate in the race and trained hard for days leading up to the event. They knew that the winner would be immortalized in the lunar calendar, so they were determined to give it their all. Each animal had their own unique skills and strengths, and they were all confident that they could win the race. On the day of the race, the animals gathered at the

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Cai Shen

Complete Story of Cai Shen – The God of Wealth Introduction Cai Shen, also known as Caishen or Ts’ai Shen, is a popular deity in Chinese mythology who is revered as the god of wealth and prosperity. He is believed to be one of the most generous and benevolent gods who blesses his worshippers with wealth, success, and good fortune. In this article, we will delve deeper into the complete story of Cai Shen and explore his significance in Chinese culture. Brief Overview of Cai Shen Cai Shen is portrayed as a bearded man wearing a traditional Chinese robe and holding a golden rod or fan. His appearance symbolizes wealth, power, longevity, and prosperity. According to legend, he was born during the Tang dynasty as Zhao Gongming – a warrior who fought against evil spirits – but was later deified due to his charitable nature. In China’s folk religion and

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Black Tortoise

The Four Symbols and the Black Tortoise Long ago, in the early days of China, the world was ruled by the Yellow Emperor. During his reign, a group of four divine creatures emerged from the heavens, each with a different color and symbol. These creatures became known as the Four Symbols, and they were said to represent different aspects of the natural world. The Four Symbols, also known as the Four Guardians, are a group of four mythological creatures in Chinese culture that have been revered and worshipped for centuries. Each of these creatures is associated with a cardinal direction, an element, and various virtues and qualities. The first of the Four Symbols is the Azure Dragon, also known as the Blue Dragon or Qinglong in Chinese. The Azure Dragon is a powerful and majestic creature that represents the element of wood and the direction of the east. It is

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Baihu: The One of the Four Symbols of Chinese Mythology Introduction The White Tiger, or Baihu in Chinese, is one of the Four Symbols of Chinese mythology. The Four Symbols are four celestial creatures that represent the cardinal directions and seasons. Each creature has its own unique attributes and cultural significance. The White Tiger represents the west and the autumn season. According to Chinese mythology, it is said that Baihu was created by the Jade Emperor himself as a guardian of the West. The White Tiger is often depicted as a fierce warrior with powerful claws and sharp teeth, ready to protect and defend. Brief history and background of Baihu Baihu’s history can be traced back to ancient China during the Han Dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE). It was during this time that Chinese astrology became popularized, with each constellation having its own unique story and symbolism. In Chinese

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