
Selket: Egypt’s Goddess of Scorpions & Healing Uncovered



The Divine Queen of Scorpions and Healing

Egyptian mythology is replete with tales of powerful gods and goddesses, each wielding unique abilities and powers. One such figure is Selket, the goddess of scorpions and healing. Often depicted as a powerful woman with a scorpion tail, Selket was worshipped by ancient Egyptians for her ability to protect against scorpion bites and other illnesses.

As one of the most prominent goddesses in Egyptian mythology, Selket’s story has been passed down through generations. Her name is derived from the word “selk,” which means “to breathe,” a nod to her association with healing and life-giving forces.

Understanding Selket’s Role in Ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt, scorpions were both feared and revered. While their venomous stings could be deadly, they were also seen as potent symbols of protection. It was in this context that Selket emerged as a divine figure tasked with guarding against scorpion bites.

Beyond her role as protector, however, Selket was also known for her ability to heal. Her knowledge of poisons earned her great respect among the other gods, who recognized her skill at using natural remedies to cure illnesses.

As such, she became an important figure in ancient Egyptian society. People would often pray to Selket for protection against dangerous creatures like scorpions or snakes.

They would ask for her help when stricken by sickness or disease. Despite being associated with these dark forces of nature, however – venomous creatures and sickness – Selket herself was seen as a benevolent deity who offered solace and hope to those in need.

The Mythological Origins of Selket

Like many deities within Egyptian mythology, the origin story of Selket is complex and multifaceted. According to legend, she was born to the goddess Isis and the god Horus, who together created Selket in order to help protect their son from danger.

As part of her birth story, Selket was given a scorpion tail, which would become her most notable feature. This appendage symbolized both danger and protection – a potent metaphor for the complicated balance between life and death that Selket represented.

Over time, Selket grew in power and influence within Egyptian mythology. Despite being associated with darker forces like death and illness, she remained a symbol of hope and healing for those who turned to her in times of need.

The Birth of Selket

Selket, the goddess of scorpions and healing, was one of the most important deities in ancient Egyptian mythology. According to legend, she was born from the union of Isis and Horus, two powerful gods who were revered throughout Egypt.

Selket’s unique abilities and powers made her a force to be reckoned with, both in spiritual realms and in the physical world. The story of Selket’s birth began when Isis, the goddess of fertility and motherhood, fell in love with Horus, the god of the sky and protection.

Together they had a child named Selket, who was born into a world filled with magic and wonder. From a young age, Selket exhibited remarkable talents that set her apart from other gods and goddesses.

One of Selket’s primary abilities was her power over scorpions. As the goddess of scorpions and healing, she had an innate understanding of these creatures that allowed her to control them at will.

She could summon them to do her bidding or repel them from areas where they were not wanted. This made her an invaluable ally to those who sought protection against scorpion stings.

In addition to her control over scorpions, Selket also possessed incredible healing powers that could cure even the deadliest diseases. Her knowledge of herbalism and alchemy allowed her to create elixirs that could restore life to those on death’s doorstep.

Many worshippers prayed to Selket for healing when all other remedies failed. Another important aspect of Selket’s power lay in her ability to protect others from harm.

She was often called upon by warriors before battle or by mothers seeking safety for their children during childbirth. Her presence alone was enough to ward off evil spirits or malevolent entities lurking nearby.

Overall, Selket’s birth into the world of ancient Egyptian mythology marked the beginning of an era of powerful deities who could control the natural world. Her unique abilities and powers made her a vital part of Egyptian society, and her legend continues to inspire people today who seek protection and healing.

Selket’s Role in Egyptian Society

The Protector Against Scorpion Bites and Illnesses

Selket played a vital role in ancient Egyptian society as the protector against scorpion bites and other illnesses. She was worshipped by people of all social classes, from commoners to pharaohs, who regarded her as a powerful deity capable of healing even the most severe ailments.

People believed that if they called upon Selket’s name during times of sickness or danger, she would grant them protection and healing. Selket was known to have dominion over scorpions, which were prevalent in ancient Egypt and posed a significant threat to human life.

According to mythology, Selket used her powers to ward off scorpions, prevent their attacks on people, and cure those who had already been bitten. The ancient Egyptians even sought Selket’s protection during childbirth because they believed that she could ensure a safe delivery.

Depictions in Art and Literature

Selket’s importance in Egyptian society is evident through the numerous depictions of her found in art and literature from this time period. In these depictions, she is often depicted with either a scorpion or serpent on her head or holding one in her hands. These symbols are representative of her power over venomous creatures.

In addition to these physical representations, Selket was also referenced in numerous written texts such as hymns, spells, and prayers. One example is the Coffin Texts; these are funerary spells written on coffins that were designed to protect the dead from harm during their journey through the afterlife.

In some instances of these texts’ use, Selket was invoked as a critical protector against potential harm. Overall, Selket played an essential role as a protector against scorpions and other illnesses in ancient Egyptian society; this importance is evident through various artistic and literary depictions of her.

She provided comfort and protection to people during times of sickness, injury, and danger. Her continued relevance in modern times demonstrates the lasting impact of her mythological significance, particularly for those interested in alternative medicine or natural healing.

The Legend of the Scorpion King

The Pharaoh’s Plight

One of the most famous legends surrounding Selket is the story of how she helped protect a pharaoh from a deadly scorpion attack. According to ancient Egyptian texts, the pharaoh was sleeping in his palace when he was suddenly stung by a venomous scorpion. The pain was unbearable, and the pharaoh’s condition quickly worsened.

Word of the pharaoh’s condition spread quickly throughout the kingdom, and soon all of Egypt was in a state of panic. But there was one goddess who could help: Selket, the goddess of scorpions and healing.

Selket’s Intervention

As soon as she heard about the pharaoh’s plight, Selket sprang into action. She rushed to his palace and began using her incredible powers to heal him.

Using her knowledge of poisons and antidotes, Selket carefully extracted the venom from the pharaoh’s body and gave him special herbs and medicines to ease his pain. Slowly but surely, the pharaoh began to recover.

But Selket knew that simply healing him wouldn’t be enough. She had to find a way to keep him safe from future attacks by dangerous creatures like scorpions.

Protection for All

So Selket used her magic to create an amulet imbued with powerful protective properties. She gave it to the pharaoh as a gift, telling him that as long as he wore it, he would be safe from harm caused by any poisonous creature. The amulet worked wonders – not just for the pharaoh but also for everyone else in Egypt who wore it.

People everywhere swarmed to temples dedicated to Selket in order to receive their own amulets or other forms of protection blessed by this powerful goddess. And so thanks to her heroic actions, Selket became known throughout Egypt as a goddess of both healing and protection – someone who could be relied upon to save lives and prevent future harm.

The Battle Against Apophis

The Rise of Apophis and the Danger He Posed to the World

Apophis was one of the greatest threats to ancient Egypt and its gods. He was a giant serpent who wanted nothing more than to destroy the world and all those who lived in it. His mere presence caused darkness, chaos, and death.

It was said that he could swallow entire suns, leaving the world in eternal darkness. The gods knew they had to act fast before Apophis could succeed in his plan to destroy everything they held dear.

They decided to join forces in order to defeat him once and for all. Selket was among them, bringing her knowledge of poisons and healing with her.

Selket’s Role in the Fight Against Apophis

Selket knew that she had an important role to play in this epic battle. She realized that she could use her expertise with poisons against Apophis, as he too was vulnerable to their effects.

She worked tirelessly alongside other gods like Ra, Horus, and Thoth, devising a plan of attack. She brewed poisons that would weaken Apophis without killing him outright – something that would not have been possible without her extensive knowledge of natural remedies.

When it came time for battle, Selket took on a vital role as one of the primary healers on the front lines. She used her skills to tend wounds suffered by both gods and mortals alike during their fight against Apophis.

The Final Battle Against Apophis

As they engaged in battle with Apophis himself, Selket continued to use her knowledge of poisons against him. Each time he tried to attack or lash out at them with his venomous fangs, she used antidotes or countermeasures she had prepared ahead of time. It was a fierce, intense battle, one that lasted for days on end.

But in the end, Selket and the other gods emerged victorious. Apophis was weakened and defeated, his threat to the world eliminated once and for all.

Selket’s Contributions to the Battle Against Apophis

Selket’s contributions to this battle cannot be understated. Her expertise with poisons not only weakened Apophis but also helped save countless lives during the battle. Her role as a primary healer ensured that those injured during the conflict had a chance to survive.

Furthermore, Selket’s presence on the front lines served as a reminder to all of her power and importance as a goddess of scorpions and healing. Without her knowledge and skills, it is uncertain whether they would have emerged victorious against Apophis’ wrath.

The Significance of This Battle in Egyptian Mythology

The battle against Apophis remains one of the most important events in ancient Egyptian mythology. It represents not only a triumph over evil but also serves as an example of what can be accomplished when people work together toward a common goal. For Selket specifically, this battle solidified her status as one of Egypt’s most important goddesses.

She became known not just for her healing prowess but also her courage and strength in battle against one of Egypt’s greatest foes. Today, she is still revered by many people who view her as an important symbol for alternative medicine or natural healing practices.

The Legacy of Selket

An Enduring Legacy

Selket’s legacy endures to this day. She is still revered by those who follow alternative medicine and natural healing practices.

Her association with scorpions has made her particularly important to those interested in the healing powers of venom, as well as those who work with scorpions in scientific research. Her status as a goddess of healing continues to inspire people all over the world.

The Connection with Scorpions

One reason that Selket remains so important is her connection to scorpions. These creatures have played an important role in many cultures throughout history, and Selket has become one of their most famous symbols. Today, people who use scorpion venom for medicinal purposes often invoke Selket’s name as a sign of respect for the power that these creatures possess.

Alternative Medicine and Natural Healing

For many people, Selket represents an alternative to traditional Western medicine. They view her as a symbol of holistic health practices that take into account the whole person rather than just treating specific symptoms or diseases. This perspective is particularly appealing to those who are dissatisfied with conventional medical treatments or who are looking for new ways to improve their health.

Symbolism in Modern Culture

In addition to her importance in alternative medicine circles, Selket has also become a popular symbol in modern culture more broadly. Her association with healing and protection makes her a common feature on jewelry and other decorative items, while depictions of her in art and literature continue to inspire artists and writers around the world.


Selket was an important figure in Egyptian mythology, worshiped for her ability to heal and protect against scorpion bites. Today, she remains relevant for many reasons: from her association with alternative medicine practices like natural healing and the use of venom, to her importance as a symbol in modern culture. Her enduring legacy is a testament to the power of myth and legend to inspire people across generations and cultures, offering hope, guidance, and inspiration even in the face of life’s greatest challenges.

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Selket FAQ

Selket's primary role was as a protector against venomous bites and stings, particularly from scorpions and snakes. She was also considered a healer and guardian of the dead, ensuring their safe journey to the afterlife.

Selket is often associated with Isis, Nephthys, and Neith as one of the four protective goddesses who guarded the canopic jars containing the organs of the deceased. These four goddesses were also considered to be the wives of the four sons of Horus, who were the protectors of the cardinal directions.

Scorpions were both feared and revered in ancient Egypt, representing danger and protection simultaneously. The scorpion's venom was seen as a powerful force that could bring both harm and healing. Selket, as the goddess of scorpions, embodied this duality.

Selket was worshiped in the form of statues, amulets, and reliefs. Her image was often placed in tombs and on coffins to protect the deceased and ensure their safe passage to the afterlife. Prayers and offerings were also made to the goddess for protection and healing.

There are no known temples specifically dedicated to Selket, but she was often featured in other temples and burial sites as a guardian and protector, particularly those associated with the afterlife and the journey of the deceased.

While there are no specific festivals or rituals dedicated to Selket alone, she was often invoked during healing ceremonies and rituals to protect against venomous bites and stings, as well as during funeral rites to ensure the safety of the deceased in the afterlife.

The scorpion on Selket's head symbolizes her close connection to these creatures and their dual nature as both dangerous and protective. It also represents her role as a guardian and healer, particularly against venomous bites and stings.

As Egyptian society evolved and different deities gained prominence, the worship of Selket became less central. However, she continued to be invoked for protection and healing, particularly in relation to venomous creatures.

Yes, representations of Selket can still be found in museums, art collections, and books about ancient Egypt. Her image also appears in popular culture, particularly in media related to ancient Egyptian mythology and history.