mysterious duniya


The Mysterious House : A Mysterious Story

The Mysterious House : A Mysterious Story A group of friends explore a spooky old house that is said to be haunted, but they soon realize that something or someone is following them. It was a dark and stormy night, the perfect night for a group of friends to explore the abandoned house on the outskirts of town. They had heard rumors that the house was haunted, but they didn’t believe in ghosts. They were just looking for a thrill. As they approached the house, they could see that it was in a state of disrepair. The roof was caving in, the windows were broken, and the paint was peeling. The front door creaked open as they stepped inside. The interior of the house was just as creepy as the outside. Cobwebs covered the walls, and the furniture was covered in dust. The air was musty and smelled of decay.

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The Mysterious Doll : A Mysterious Story

The Mysterious Doll: A Mysterious Story It was a sunny day when Samantha’s aunt brought her a gift. Samantha was an eight-year-old girl with a bright smile and a heart full of joy. She was thrilled to receive a present from her favorite aunt. When Samantha unwrapped the gift, she saw a doll that made her feel uneasy. It was a porcelain doll with big blue eyes and curly hair. It was the kind of doll that you might see in an old horror movie. “Thank you, Auntie, but I don’t like dolls,” Samantha said, trying to hide her discomfort. “Come on, Samantha, it’s a beautiful doll. You’ll love it,” her aunt replied with a smile. Samantha didn’t want to hurt her aunt’s feelings, so she took the doll and placed it on her shelf. She tried to ignore it, but she couldn’t help feeling that the doll was watching

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